Through this chapter, we will know important and interesting facts related to Aparna Kumar such as his personal information, education and career, achievements and honored awards and many more. Important facts related to Aparna Kumar given in this topic have been collected, which will help you in preparing for competitive exams.

Aparna Kumar Quick General Knowledge

NameAparna Kumar (Aparna Kumar)
Birth PlaceKerala, India
Achievement2016 - The first woman IPS to climb Mount Everest
Profession / CountryFemale / Police officer / India

Aparna Kumar - The first woman IPS to climb Mount Everest (2016)

Aparna Kumar is an IPS officer. She is also a world-class climber. Aparna Kumar has brought laurels to the country by hoisting the tricolor on the world's eighth highest peak Manaslu. Aparna has proved her success by participating in various mountaineering expeditions before that. She has hoisted the tricolor on many peaks of the world. Huh.

Aparna Kumar has achieved the distinction of becoming the first Indian civil servant by climbing Mount Vinson Massif, the highest peak of Antarctica on 17 January 2016. Aparna hoisted the tricolor on Mount Elbrus, the highest peak of the continent of Europe, on 04 August 2015. On 30 August 2014, it climbed Mount Kilmanjaro, Africa. On 07 November 2014, Australia's highest peak, Carstrange (16023 fit), won the pyramid. On 15 January 2015, he waved the tricolor on Mount Ankaragua, South America. He has now completed 6 summits out of 7 summits (the highest peaks of seven continents). In 2019, it climbed Mount Denali in Alaska and completed its seven summits.
In March 2016, he was conferred the state's highest civilian award "Yash Bharti Samman" by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. She was given The Devi Award in November 2016 by Sunday Standard and the Indian Express Group. On the eve of Republic Day in 2016, she was awarded the "DGP Commission Disc" for her valiant effort and outstanding achievement. In March 2015 she was awarded the "Rani Lakshmi Bai Puraskar" by the honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for her outstanding achievements and was a role model for many women.

Aparna Kumar FAQs:

Aparna Kumar was born in Kerala, India.

Aparna Kumar is to be known as the The first woman IPS to climb Mount Everest in 2016.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  13481
  Post Category :  Famous Women of India