Bulgaria has a different place in the geography of the world. There are many such things in this country that separate this country from other countries such as language, living style, dress, culture, religion, business. Let us know about some such unique facts related to the country of Bulgaria and important events related to history, knowing which your knowledge will increase.

Bulgaria Country Quick General Knowledge

National Anthem of CountryMila Rodino, (Dear Motherland)

Read Also: Name of the country, their capital and currency List

Bulgaria, located north of Greece and Istanbul, is very old in terms of human settlement. A 6800-year-old plaque has been found near Montana, with some 24 markings found in four rows - it has not been possible to read it, but it is estimated that humans must have lived here since that time. In 1972, a gold treasure was found in Varna, situated on the banks of the Black Sea, on which the royal markings were made, which suggests that there would have been a state or power here even in very old times - although the ethnic origin of this state is known.

By 1018, the Bulgar Empire came to an end with the Byzantine invasions. From 1185 to 1360, the second Bulgar Empire ruled. The Ottoman (Ottoman) Turks then took over. In 1877, Russia attacked the Ottoman Empire and defeated them. In 1878, the Third Bulgar Empire emerged. In 1980, 30,000 Turks left Bulgaria and fled to Turkey in a campaign against the Turks. A similar campaign took place in Greece two decades earlier. In 1989, a soft branch of the Communist Party ruled there.

Bulgaria occupies a part of the eastern Balkan peninsula, extending to five countries — Greece and Turkey to the south, Macedonia and Serbia to the north, and Romania to the north. The total length of the land boundaries is 1,808 km and the length of the beach is 354 km. It has a total area of 110,994 square kilometers (42,855 sq mi) as the 105th largest country in the world.
Bulgaria has an open, middle income border market economy where the private sector accounts for more than 70% of GDP. From a large agricultural country with a predominantly rural population in 1948, by the 1980s, Bulgaria had transformed into an industrial economy with scientific and technological research at the top of its budgetary spending priorities.
Bulgarian is the official status and native language for 85% of the population. It belongs to the Slavic group of languages, but has many grammatical features, the other major languages being Turkish and Romani, which according to the 2011 census were spoken by 9.1% and 4.2% respectively.
  • Bulgaria is officially called the Republic of Bulgaria. It is a country located in the south-east of the continent of Europe.
  • Bulgaria is bordered on the north by Romania, on the west by Serbia and Macedonia, on the south by Greece and Turkey.
  • Bulgaria is a parliamentary democracy, headed by the Prime Minister.
  • Bulgaria gained independence from the Ottoman Empire on 05 October 1908.
  • Bulgaria is the oldest country in Europe which has not changed its name since it was first established. It took place in 681 AD.
  • The Bulgarian army has never lost a single flag in battle.
  • The total area of ​​Bulgaria is 110,993.6 sq km (42,854.9 sq mi).
  • The official language of Bulgaria is Bulgarian.
  • The currency of Bulgaria is named Lev.
  • According to the World Bank, the total population of Bulgaria in 2016 was 71.3 lakhs.
  • The first electronic digital computer was invented by John Vincent Atanasoff, a physicist and inventor of Bulgarian descent.
  • Bulgaria has the world's largest IMAX 3D cinema.
  • In 1976, the ancient Bulgarian calendar was declared the most accurate in the world by UNESCO.
  • The first digital watch was also invented by Peter Petroff, a Bulgarian scientist.
  • The Bulgarian Orthodox Church is the oldest Slavic Orthodox Church.
  • 29 July 1014 - The forces of the Byzantin-Bulgaryian War-Bizentine forcefully attacked the imperialists in the Bulgaria's War in the Cladeian war in the Cleach, the army of mountains near Bulgaria.
  • 25 September 1396 - Ottoman War in Europe - Ottoman forces led a Christian coalition under the Bizid Idef, which was currently led by Sigismund of Hungary in the Battle of Nikopolis near Nikopol, Bulgaria.
  • 18 June 1815 - Battle of Napoleon: Waterloo's battle resulted in the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte by Duke of Wellington and Gabhard Lebrech von Blue, forced him to leave the throne of France for the second and last time. It was the attempt of German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck to remain associate with Russia after the three-emperor league of the 1885 Serbo-Bulgarian War.
  • 12 March 1870 - The Bulgarian Exarchate, the official name of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church before its autocephaly was recognized by the other Orthodox churches in the 1950s, was established by the firman of Sultan Abdülâziz of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 18 February 1873 - Vasil Levski, the national hero of Bulgaria, wasexecuted in Sofia by Ottoman authorities for his efforts to establish anindependent Bulgarian republic.
  • 23 December 1876 - The Great Powers called the Constantinopal conference with the majority of Bulgarian population in Bosnia and Ottoman regions for political reforms in both countries.
  • 03 August 1892 - The first electric light bulb in Bulgaria was used at the Plovdiv Fair.
  • 12 November 1908 - Bulgaria declared her independence.
  • 10 July 1913 - The European country Romania declared war against Bulgaria.
  • 01 June 1913 - The alliance of the Greek-Surbian Treaty is signed, paving the way for the second Balkan War. After the first Balkan War, when the two countries wanted to preserve their profit in Macedonia with Bulgarian expansionism. The treaty formed the foundation stone of Greek-Surbian relations for a decade, which remained in force through the World War.
Greece [L] , Macedonia [L] , Romania [LM] , Serbia [L] , Turkey [LM] ,
Definition of international border: L = Land Border | M = Maritime Border

Bulgaria FAQs:

The capital of Bulgaria is Sofia.

The currency of Bulgaria is lev.

Bulgaria is the part of Europe continent.

The languages spoken in Bulgaria are Bulgarian; secondary ethnic languages.

The national anthem of Bulgaria is "Mila Rodino, (Dear Motherland)".

  Last update :  Tue 28 Jun 2022
  Post Views :  12778
  Post Category :  Europe Continent