List of Important War Alliances of the World Related Important Events ⚡

Date of EventEvent / Incident
13 June 1373There was an Anglo-Portuguese alliance between England and Portugal which is the oldest alliance in the world which is still applicable. This alliance has served both countries. It was very important throughout history, affecting the participation of the United Kingdom in the Iberian peninsular war, Britain's major land contribution to the Napoleon wars and the establishment of the Anglo-American base in Portugal.
25 September 1396Ottoman War in Europe - Ottoman forces led a Christian coalition under the Bizid Idef, which was currently led by Sigismund of Hungary in the Battle of Nikopolis near Nikopol, Bulgaria.
21 May 1403King Henry III of Castile sent an embassy to the court of Timur (Tamerlane), to discuss the possibility of an alliance between Timur and Castile against the Ottoman Empire.
02 March 1444Skanderbeg organised the League of Lezhë, an alliance of Albanian principalities that is regarded as the first unified Albanian state.
10 December 1508The Papal States, France, Aragon and the Holy Roman Empire formed the League of Kambarai, which was an alliance against the Republic of Venice.
11 October 1531The Swiss Reformation Leader Halldrich Zingley was killed in the battle when Catholic Kenton attacked in response to the food blockade being implemented by his coalition.
07 October 1571A Western Christian coalition faced a significant defeat to the Ottoman Navy near the Gulf of Corinth in the Battle of Lapanto, the first major otoman loss to European powers.
09 November 1576The provinces of the Habsburg Netherlands signed the gent's passification, to make peace with rebel provinces Holland and Zealand, and also to create a coalition to draw the occupied Spanish out of the country.
05 September 1697Battle of Grand Alliance: A French warship captured the business post of Hudson's Bay Company in the current Canada's current factory Manitoba.
09 March 1701France, Cologne and Bavaria formed an alliance.
17 December 1718The Empire of the Roman Empire, Great Britain and the Dutch Republic France formally joined France in declaring Spain's war, triggering a quadruple coalition war.
17 February 1720The Treaty of The Hague signed between Spain, Britain, France, Austria and the Dutch Republic, with the Quarterral Alliance ending the war.
08 January 1745Britain, Austria, the Netherlands and anti-Saxony signed the Prussian Quadruple Alliance.
31 December 1756Russia joins Versailles's alliance.
06 February 1778France and the United States signed the Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce, establishing military and commercial ties respectively between the two nations.
16 October 1793Despite the first coalition's war-French armies being a leader for victory in the watming battle, the gene-baptist Jersedon was later forcibly discharged from the army due to the intervention of Lezare Karnot.
12 April 1796First Alliance War - Battle of Monnet: Napoleon Bonaparte won his first victory as an army commander.
28 September 1796Queen Catherine the Great signed an agreement with Great Britain, formally joining Russia in the alliance.
17 October 1797The Treaty of Campo Formio ended the first coalition war.
24 December 1798Russia and Britain signed the second anti-French alliance.
27 August 1799Second Coalition War: Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland - Britain and Russia, had sent an expedition to the Batavian Republic.
27 May 1799The Second Alliance-Austrian Army war defeated French and captured the city of Switzerland, strategically important.
14 May 1800Second Alliance: French forces under General Luis-Alexander Berthier were intercepted by 400 Austro-Piedhamon troops at Fort Burd in the Osta Valley.
03 December 1800The war of the second coalition-French armies led by General Jean More defeated Austrian and Baymen under Archduk John Inhanlenden near Munich, forced Austrian people to sign a weapon.
02 April 1801The war of the second coalition-British armies led by Vice Admiralhorio Nelson defeated the Dano-Norwegian fleet in the War of Copenhagen.
09 February 1801The Treaty of Lunville ended the Second Alliance War between France and Austria. The city of Aachen was officially annexed by France under the terms of the treaty.
02 April 1801First Battle of Copenhagen Second Coalition War): The Royal Navy of the United Kingdom under Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, the Dano-Norwegian Navy was forced to accept a ceasefire. Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson leads the main attack and deliberately instructed his commander to withdraw the army.
14 October 1805The War of the third coalition-French forces under Marshal Mitchell Ney defeated Austrian forces in Ellingen, Current Germany.
26 December 1806The war of the fourth alliance-French soldiers under Napoleon put the Russian forces in the battle of both Pultk and Golimin.
30 October 1806The fourth coalition-war believes that he went to large-scale counted, the 5,300-spiritual German gaice in Statin, Prussia (now szacine, Poland), surrendered without a very small French force.
06 August 1806The Holy Roman Empire was dissolved by his last emperor Francis II after the war of the third coalition.
19 April 1809The fifth alliance war-French won a severe victory over Austria in Lower Bavaria when their opponents withdrew from the battlefield that evening.
10 April 1809The battle of Napoleon's wars-Fifth alliance began when Astera invaded Bavaria.
06 July 1809The French forces of Napoleon defeated the Austronism of Arganduk Charles in the battle of Wagrams in a decisive conflict of the fifth alliance of the war of war.
04 September 1812The alliance of the original American tribes in the 1812 war began the siege of Fort Harrison in Terre Haute, Indiana by setting fire to the fort.
02 May 1813Napoleon won against the German alliance in the Battle of Luton.
30 May 1814The war of the sixth coalition ended with the signing of Paris the aegis, which denoted Napoleon and restored Louis the sixteenth on the throne.
11 April 1814The Treaty of Fontinctalo was signed, forcing Napoleon to abolish the war of the sixth coalition and renounce Napoleon as the French ruler and send him to exile on Elba.
18 June 1815Battle of the seventh alliance-Napoleon Bonaparte fought its final battle, the battle of Waterloo in the current Belgium.
26 September 1815Russia, Prussia and Austria signed the Holy Alliance.
20 November 1815Russia, Prussia, Austria and England allied to maintain peace in Europe.
03 February 1852The Argentine Confederation were defeated in the Palestine War byan alliance consisting of the Empire of Brazil, Uruguay and the Argentine province of Entre Ríos and Corrientes.
01 May 1865Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina signed a treaty to form a treaty against Paraguay in the war of Triple Alliance.
08 April 1866The states of Italy and Persia formed an alliance against the Austrian Empire.
23 March 1879Fighting in the War of the Pacific between Chile and Peru, the Bolivian Alliance opened with the Battle of Topper.
20 May 1882The Triple Alliance was created between the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and the Kingdom of Italy.
01 June 1913The alliance of the Greek-Surbian Treaty is signed, paving the way for the second Balkan War. After the first Balkan War, when the two countries wanted to preserve their profit in Macedonia with Bulgarian expansionism. The treaty formed the foundation stone of Greek-Surbian relations for a decade, which remained in force through the World War.
19 May 1939Winston Churchill signed British Russian anti-Nazi pact on May 19, 1939. Thus both the countries made an alliance against Germany as a part of World War II.
25 August 1939The United Kingdom and Poland entered a mutual assistance for a military alliance in terms of military invasion by 'Europeanpower'.
25 June 1940Second World War: France officially surrendered to Germany. In the Second World War, the France's Battle, also known as the France's collapse, was a successful German invasion of France and lower countries, mainly by defeating the French forces. The fight included two main operations. First, Gir Gelb (Case Yellow), German Bakhtarband units pushed through Ardanese and then to aligned with the Somme Valley and to surround the friendship units that moved forward in Belgium.

List of Important War Alliances of the World Questions and Answer ⚡

Question: Who introduced the "Subsidiary Alliance"?

 ◉ lord dalhousie

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lord Wellesley

✅ Correct

 ◉ Lord Cornwallis

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ lord curzon

❌ Incorrect

Question: The first state to sign the "Subsidiary Alliance" was-

 ◉ Tanjore

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mysore

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Awadh

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Hyderabad

✅ Correct

Question: Who was the first Indian ruler to accept the Subsidiary Alliance proposed by Lord Wellesley in 1798?

 ◉ Rani Laxmi Bai (Jhansi)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Raja Sawai Singh II (Amer)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Begum Hazrat Mahal (Lucknow)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Nizam Hyderabad

✅ Correct

Question: Who coined the term 'rainbow alliance' derived from politics and policies?

 ◉ Pitt romney

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Nehru ji

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Pratibha Patil

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Pranab mukhjee

✅ Correct

Question: When did the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India allow banks to tie up with insurance companies?

 ◉ 18 August 2015

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 13 August 2015

✅ Correct

 ◉ 15 August 2015

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 10 August 2015

❌ Incorrect

Question: Australia has become which country to join the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in the month of July?

 ◉ 32nd

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 35th

✅ Correct

 ◉ 25th

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 40th

❌ Incorrect

Question: In which Indian city the first meeting of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) General Assembly will be held on 2 October 2018?

 ◉ Bhopal

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Hyderabad

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Chennai

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Delhi

✅ Correct

  Last update :  Tue 28 Mar 2023
  Post Views :  580
  Post Category :  India Important Events