Important Events of British Parliament Related Important Events ⚡

Date of EventEvent / Incident
26 May 1679The British Parliament passed the Habeas Corpus Act, which is considered to be the world's first human rights law for personal liberty of man.
24 May 1689The British Parliament guaranteed religious freedom to Protestant Christians.
11 May 1749The British Parliament accepted the Consolidation Act, which reorganized the Royal Navy.
09 December 1762The British Parliament accepted the Treaty of Paris.
19 January 1764English radical and politician John Wilkes was expelled from the British Parliament and declared an outlaw for seditious libel.
27 April 1773The British Parliament passed the Tea Act.
05 September 1774In response to the British Parliament implementing the intolerance Acts, representatives of the twelve of the North American colonies of Britain established the first continental Congress in the Carpillars Hall Infiladelphia.
09 February 1775The British Parliament declared the Massachusetts Colony as a rebel.
13 August 1784Pitt's India Bill was introduced in the British Parliament for administrative reforms in India.
13 August 1784The British Parliament accepted the East India Company Act 1784, which could bring the control of the East India Company into India by the British government.
25 January 1791The British Parliament passed the Constitutional Act 1791, dividing the old province of Quebec into upper and lower Canada.
29 October 1831The British Parliament's decision to reform the vote led to the Bristol riots in 1831, delaying the construction of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
22 March 1832The British Parliament, led by Charles Gray, passed the Reform Act, bringing about a sweeping change in the electoral system of England and Wales, which increased from about 500,000 voters to 813,000 voters.
29 August 1833The British Parliament called for Factory Acts to limit child labor.
26 July 1858Baron Lionel de Rothschild was the first Jewish person elected to the British Parliament.
06 July 1892Dadabhai Naoroji became the first Indian to be elected in the British Parliament. He was a Parsi intellectual who became a social reformer. He was actually one of the largest cotton traders in India. He played a major role in the Indian freedom struggle.
19 November 1910British Prime Minister Asquith campaigned for the British Parliament.
25 May 1914The British Parliament, establishing a developed government in Ireland, passed the third Home Rule Act.
04 July 1947The Indian independence bill was proposed before the British Parliament. Under which the country was divided into India and Pakistan.
20 April 1968Hanok Powell, a member of the British Parliament, gave a speech in protest against the immigration and anti-discrimination law, resulting in a speech from the Shado Cabinet.
16 December 1969The British Parliament voted in favor of abolishing the death penalty altogether.
21 November 1989Cameras were installed for the first time in the House of Commons, the lower house of the British Parliament.
01 April 2006According to the 2005 Act of the British Parliament, many British police agencies became very serious and organized together.
07 June 2006The British Parliament was temporarily closed due to anthrax warnings.

Important Events of British Parliament Questions and Answer ⚡

Question: Which of the following Indian person contested for the British Parliament?

 ◉ Pro. Ashish Dutta

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lal Mohan Ghosh

✅ Correct

 ◉ V K Krishna Menon

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Lal Mohan Roy

❌ Incorrect

Question: The British Parliament had sent the Simon Commission to review whom?

 ◉ Progress of English education

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Hindu-Muslim unity

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ functioning of diarchy

✅ Correct

 ◉ social reform

❌ Incorrect

Question: Who was the first Indian person to be elected to the British Parliament?

 ◉ Kunwar Singh

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Mahatma Gandhi

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Dadabhai Naoroji

✅ Correct

Question: Who was the first Indian to become a member of the British Parliament?

 ◉ Dadabhai Naoroji

✅ Correct

 ◉ B. R. Ambedkar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Dr. Rajendra Prasad

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

❌ Incorrect

Question: Who was the first Indian to become a member of the British Parliament?

 ◉ Dadabhai Naoroji

✅ Correct

 ◉ Gopal Krishna Gokhale

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Surendra Banerjee

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Bal Gangadhar Tilak

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Mar 2023
  Post Views :  293
  Post Category :  World Important Events