European Union History Timeline Related Important Events ⚡

Date of EventEvent / Incident
31 August 1935In an attempt to stay out of the growing European conflict, the United States passed the first of their neutrality acts.
27 May 1986The European community adopted the European flag. The flag of Europe has a cycle of 12 golden (yellow) stars on the Azure background. It is the flag and symbol of the European Council (CO) and the European Union (EU). It is often used to indicate countries in the Euro region, and, more loosely, is independent of any of these institutions to represent the continent of Europe or Europe.
01 November 1993The Mastrich treaty that establishes the European Union (EU) officially begins today. The treaty was approved by 12 countries on the European Union, including: Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Irish Republic, Spain, Greece, Italy, Portuguel, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany.
20 December 1993A cooperation agreement was signed in Brussels between India and the European Union.
16 April 1994Finland's voters decided to join the European Union in a referendum.
15 December 1995The European Court of Justice handed over to the Bosman regime, allowing footballers in the European Union to be allowed to move freely from one UEFA Federation to another at the end of their contracts.
01 January 1995Austria, Finland and Sweden joined the European Union.
03 May 1998The European Union introduced the common currency euro which was adopted by fifteen member countries. The euro is the second most secure and prevalent currency in the world after the US dollar.
13 December 2002The European Union was expanded. Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovakia were included.
08 March 2003Malta approved to join the European Union in a referendum.
12 April 2003Hungary approved joining the European Union in a referendum.
11 May 2003Lithuania approved joining the European Union in a referendum.
08 June 2003Poland approved joining the European Union in a referendum.
14 September 2003Estonia approved joining the European Union in a referendum.
01 May 2004
01 May 20042004 European Union expanded on 1 May as Cyprus, Czech Republic
28 October 20044000-year-old mausoleums were unearthed in Beijing, the capital of China. EU negotiations with Iraq on nuclear issue fail.
29 October 2004Representatives of the member states of European unions represented the European Constitution in Rome.
14 November 2005Diplomatic sanctions for Uzbekistan have been renewed by the United Nations, which were continuously dissolved by the UK and German governments. These restrictions ban the sale of Uzbekistan or vice verses from European Union officials.
24 November 2006The European Union (EU) hosts the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a conference. Poland has launched the European Union-Russia Partnership Dialogue.
24 October 2006To help Kazakhstan, the European Union announced that it would help them develop nuclear power for "peaceful objectives".
26 October 2007Russian and European Union leaders meet for their annual summit in Lisbon.
23 August 2007The European Union lifts the ban on the export of British livestock, meat and dairy products, which was recently implemented in Surrey after legs and mouth disease.
19 October 2007European Union leaders compromise on the Lisbon Treaty after the last minute concessions for Poland, Italy and Bulgaria.
14 November 2008France, the European Union and Russia together agree to avoid deploying missiles or missile defense systems by mid -2009 at a summit. A pan-european security structure is discussed between Russia, the United States and the European Union.
13 October 2008The ban on Belarusian President Alexander Luakshhenko and 6 other administrators has been temporarily lifted by the European Union in an attempt to encourage democratic development in that country.
04 June 2008A cooling leak at the Cracko nuclear power plant in Slovenia triggers the Ecurie nuclear emergency warning system of the European Union. Slovenian officials said that the situation is under control, there is no radiation leakage in the environment.
01 May 2009Beliki, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia joined EU. The region was the largest single expansion of the European Union in terms of the number of states and population.
02 October 2009The twentieth eighth amendment of the Constitution of Ireland was approved in the second attempt, allowing the state to confirm the Treaty of Lisbon of the European Union.
16 July 2009The Parliament of Iceland votes to join the European Union.
09 March 2010A Japanese insect, named Alphalara Itadori that combats invasive Japanese knotweed, is the first bio control agent approved by the European Union.
11 February 2010A European Union Summit which was held in 2010 discussed about the possibility of bailing out the Greece’s economy.
22 February 2010Planning for a 20 – 25 billion euro financial aid plan for Greece was denied by Germany and the European Union.
13 July 2010On January 2011, the European Union announced that Estonia would be a seventeenth member of the Euro. Euro members are increasing day by day.
06 October 2010A free trade agreement between South Korea and the European Union has been signed.
08 March 2010The French navy caught 35 suspected pirates in the off coast of Somalia. It was the most successful mission of European Union’s.
18 July 2012A suicide bomber attacked an Israeli tour bus at Burgasarport in Bulgaria, which later listed the European Union as a unilateral branch of Hizbullah as a terrorist organization.
31 March 2012U.K. And progress is made on the tallest building of the European Union when the Spire of Shard London Bridge is placed.
23 January 2012European Union imposes more sanctions on Iran's banking and oil industries due to Iran's nuclear program.
28 April 2012In the recognition of democratic reforms, the European Union opens an office in Burma.
13 December 2012Europe will be given more rights to the European Central Bank to administer the Euro Central Banks. This decision was taken by Finance Ministers of the European Union.
21 January 2013Countries like France, Germany and nine other countries within the EU are waiting for the approval from EU Finance Ministers to institute the Tobin tax. It is a tax on financial transaction.
13 March 2013The European Parliament rejects a European Union budget for the first time in its history.
01 July 2013Croatia became the 28th member of the European Union.
28 July 2014Russia has imposed additional sanctions by the US and the European Union. It focuses on the boundaries related to the country's marshal, power and economic sectors.
09 February 2014The country Switzerland gave votes to put forward a quota about the number of immigrants that comes to the country from the European Union and about 50 .4 % of the votes agreed to approve the measure.
24 October 2014Plans are made by the European Union (EU), to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent (compared to 1990) and to increase renewable sources of all energy sources by 27 percent. However, environmentalists claim that large targets require.
18 December 2014European Union. Oil and gas discovering, cruise ship ships restrictions and expanding sanctions against Russia by investing in Russia-Anexia Crimea, Annex is considered illegitimate by the EU.
23 March 2014The US and the European Union imposed sanctions on Russia.
05 March 2014Andrus Ansip resigned from Prime Minister of Estonia. He presided over the entry of Estonia into the Eurozone. He has served the longest date among the prime minister of the European Union.

European Union History Timeline Questions and Answer ⚡

Question: Which is the country of the European Union which has not adopted the single currency 'Euro'?

 ◉ Norwegian

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Sweden

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ UK

✅ Correct

 ◉ Germany

❌ Incorrect

Question: Which currency is the common currency of the European Union?

 ◉ Dinar

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Pound

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ euro

✅ Correct

 ◉ Dollar

❌ Incorrect

Question: Where is the Head-Quarter of European Union?

 ◉ Paris

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Tokyo

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Brussels

✅ Correct

 ◉ New York

❌ Incorrect

Question: What is the name given to the common currency of the European Union?

 ◉ Stamping

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Ottoman lira

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Pudding

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ euro

✅ Correct

Question: Which EU country has its own currency and did not adopt the Euro?

 ◉ Sweden

✅ Correct

 ◉ Spain

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Germany

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ France

❌ Incorrect

Question: Where is the headquarter of European Union located?

 ◉ Milan, Italy)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Munich (Germany)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Paris, France)

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Brussels, Belgium)

✅ Correct

Question: Which of the following EU countries did not sign the fiscal compact agreement?

 ◉ Britain and Italy 

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ France and Sweden 

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ France and Italy

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Britain and Czech Republic 

✅ Correct

Question: EU gave in-principle approval to an 82-86 billion Euro bailout package for which country at the European Union (EU) summit?

 ◉ Greece

✅ Correct

 ◉ Scotland

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Nigeria

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Australia

❌ Incorrect

Question: Austria, like other EU countries, has banned the wearing of burqas and other face-coverings in public places, how much fine is there for those who violate this rule?

 ◉ 150 Euro

✅ Correct

 ◉ 190 Euro

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 170 Euro

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ 175 Euro

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Mar 2023
  Post Views :  411
  Post Category :  World Important Events