Important Events of US Supreme Court Related Important Events ⚡

Date of EventEvent / Incident
20 March 1816The US Supreme Court affirmed the authority to review the state's decision.
19 June 1862The US Congress banned slavery in the United States, expelled Drade Scott vs. Stanford. Drade Scott vs. Stanford was a decision of the US Supreme Court in which African Americans, whether slaves or independent, could not be an American citizen and therefore no one was standing to prosecute the federal court.
03 March 1879The first American female lawyer stepped into the US Supreme Court (Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood)
17 May 1954The US Supreme Court ruled the brown versus brown board of education in historical cases, which reflects racial isolation in public schools because 'separate educational facilities are naturally uneven. '
22 January 1973The US Supreme Court gave legal recognition to abortion. The court ruled that women can undergo abortions within the first 6 months of becoming pregnant.
14 May 1973The US Supreme Court approved equal rights for women in the military.
12 February 1988Anthony Kennedy was appointed to the Supreme Court of United States.
20 May 1996The US Supreme Court struck down laws in Colorado that would have prevented any jurisdiction in the state from taking any governmental action to protect homosexual citizens from discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation.
20 May 1996The US Supreme Court struck down laws in Colorado that would have prevented any jurisdiction in the state from taking any governmental action to protect homosexual citizens from discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation.
05 December 2000The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of George Bush in the presidential election.
29 June 2006US Supreme Court Hamdan V. The military commissions established by Bushdimation violated both the US and international laws to try to try prisoners at Gwantanamo Bay, deciding that Rumsfeld gave his verdict.
03 December 2012The former employees of General Motors have been allowed by the US Supreme Court to file a complaint against a unit of State Street Corp on alleged disturbances of their retirement savings.
23 July 2014The two appeal courts create an illusion as the Obamakare issuing conflicting rules about the validity of subsidies offered through the insurance exchanges run by the federal vs. state; The ruling US Supreme Court is expected to be passed.
05 March 2014The US Supreme Court rules the whistleblower protection under the Sarbanes-Oxely Act to be extended to private employees working for public companies under contract.

Important Events of US Supreme Court Questions and Answer ⚡

Question: Who among the following was sworn in as the new US Supreme Court Justice?

 ◉ Kyle Abbot

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Morne Morkel

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Neil Gorsach

✅ Correct

 ◉ John Roberts

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Mar 2023
  Post Views :  358
  Post Category :  World Important Events