Information about the US Navy Related Important Events ⚡

Date of EventEvent / Incident
28 November 1775The Second Continental Congress formally announced the establishment of the US Navy.
09 October 1812During the War of 1812, US naval forces under Lieutenant Jesse Duncan Elliott captured two British warships, HMS Detroit and HMS Caledonia.
19 August 1812The USS Constitution was defeated in the 1812-American Navy War, the Nebritish Royal Navy defeated HMS Gurreyar on the coast of Nova Scotia in Canada, leading to its surname 'Old Ironusides'.
28 September 1850The punishment for whipping in the US Navy was abolished.
31 March 1854US Navy Commodore Matthew C. Perry (the Japanese deputation) and Tokugawa jointly signed the Convention of Kanagawa, which forced the opening of Japanese ports to American trade.
30 January 1862The first iron-clad warship of the US Navy was launched.
12 January 1916Four soldiers were killed in an explosion on the US Navy E-2 submarine of the US Navy at the New York Navy Yard.
16 May 1919The US Navy aircraft became the first aircraft to complete the Transallantic flight campaign on Currtis NC-4, 16 May 1919.
11 September 1919The US Navy invaded Honduras.
03 September 1925The US Navy's first rigid aerial vessel USS Shenandoa was broken into a squad line on Ohio (Picture of debris).
03 September 1925The US Navy's first rigorous aircraft separated in a squad line over USS Shanendah Ohio (Picture of debris).
25 April 1960US Navy submarine USS Triton (SSRN-586) completed the world's first submerged enclosure.
22 June 1978Working at the US Navy Observatory, American astronomer James W. Christie discovered Charon, then he was considered the only moon in Pluto.
19 August 1981Two American F -14 Tomats shot two Libya's Su -22. The US Navy conducted military exercises in Sidara's Gulf.
21 March 1991Two anti-submarine aircraft of the US Navy collided at sea. Twenty-seven people died in the accident.
27 October 1992US Navy's Petty Officer Alan R. Shindleer, Junior was killed in INSEBO, Nagasaki, Japan, who was a victim of hatred crime to be gay, who gave birth to a national debate, which did not establish the US forces. Do not tell the policy.
12 October 2000Two suicidal attackers attacked the US Navy destroyer USS. It was probably in anchor in the Aden of Yemen, killing 17 members of its crew, while 39 others were injured.
28 June 2005In Afghanistan, the war-3 US Navy Navy Seal and 16 American Special Campaign forces soldiers were killed during a failed retaliation in Kunar province of Afghanistan.
04 September 2007US Navy, Indian Navy, Royal Australian Navy, Japan Maritime Self Defense Force and Republic of Singapore Navy conducted joint exercises and training exercises in the Bay of Bengal.
20 February 2008US navy destroys a US spy satellite with missile on February 20, 2008.
02 May 2011Osama bin Laden was shot dead by the US Navy's seal in a privateized complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
11 July 2011An explosion at the Evanelos Florkis Naval Base killed 12 people, including the head of the Cyprus Navy, leading to the worst military accident in the history of Cyprus.
06 April 2012Virginia Beach American city, an US Navy F -18 Super Hornet Crash at an apartment complex.

Information about the US Navy Questions and Answer ⚡

Question: By whom was the US Navy and Air Force base-'Pearl Harbour' attacked?

 ◉ Germany

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Britain

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ Japan

✅ Correct

 ◉ Italy

❌ Incorrect

Question: The military operation successfully carried out by the US Navy, in which the world's most wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden was killed, was done under what code name?

 ◉ geronimo

✅ Correct

 ◉ surgical strike

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ strike

❌ Incorrect

 ◉ none of these

❌ Incorrect

  Last update :  Tue 28 Mar 2023
  Post Views :  414
  Post Category :  World Important Events