History of Vietnam War Related Important Events ⚡

Date of EventEvent / Incident
02 January 1949Luis Muñoz Marín became the first democratically electedGovernor of Puerto Rico.
02 January 1963Vietnam War: The Viet Cong won its first major victory in the Battle of Ap Bac.
06 September 1963Victor Kruk was sent on a mission to assess the progression of the Vietnam war by CanadyDerection, and was against the withdrawal of South Vietnamese President Nago Din Din Din Din Dim's Buddhist crisis and the return of the XA Loi turban raids.
02 November 1965American Quker Norman Morrison set himself on fire to the Pentagon to oppose the United States participation in the Vietnam War.
09 June 1965Vietnam Kong began the war in the Battle of Dong XOAI with the Republic of Vietnam, which was one of the biggest battles of the Vietnam war.
02 March 1965Vietnam War-The American and South Vietnamese air forces beganOperation Rolling Thunder, a sustained bombing campaign against NorthVietnam that eventually became the most intense air/ground battle wagedduring the Cold War period.
15 October 1965Opposition to the Vietnam War-the Catholic Worker Movement staged an infinite war rally in Manhattan, which includes the result of arrest under amendment to the new law to prevent such acts, to prevent such acts.
08 November 1965In the Battle of Vietnam War in Gang Toi, one of the initial battles between the two sides, the Vati Kang forces repeated an Australian attack.
18 August 1966Members of the Vietnam War-Members of the 6th Battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment surrounded and attacked them all around with the Viet Congress Unit in the Long Tan battle, but they had to stop for several hours until the strength came.
05 December 1966The US suffered the biggest loss of aircraft from the time of the Vietnam war began. American warfare aircraft reacted by attacking hideouts near Hanoi and killing the enemy's aircraft.
15 July 1966Vietnam War: The United States and South Vietnam started Operation Hastings to exclude North Vietnamese from Vietnamese Vietnamese.
15 July 1966Vietnam War: The United States and South Vietnam started Operation Hastings to exclude North Vietnamese from Vietnamese Vietnamese.
29 July 1967During the Vietnam War, during the preparation of another strike in Tonkin's Gulf, the aircraft vessel USS Forestal caused several reaction explosions due to an unusual electrical discrepancy on its deck deck, causing 134 sailors to be killed and 161 others were injured Went.
03 November 1967A series of Vietnam war-rich chains that went to something the most difficult and War K in the middle of Vietnam? The toughest war of Tôin war began.
20 October 1967Around 10,000 protesters on the fifth day of demonstrations to express their protests and rejection against America's involvement in the Vietnam War set out on the streets of Okland, California.
10 March 1968Vietnam War/Laotian Civil War-North Vietnamese and Pathet Laoforces overwhelmed the American, Laotian, Thai, and Hmong defenders ofLima Site 85.
30 January 1968Vietnam War-Forces of the Viet Cong and the Vietnam People's Army launched the Tet Offensive to strike military and civilian commandand control centers throughout South Vietnam.
12 May 1968The first Australian Task Force began protecting the fire support base coral in the largest unit-tier action of the Vietnam War for the Australian Army.
15 November 1968The Vietnam War-American forces began the Operation Commando Hunt, a massive bombing campaign, to prevent the transportation of personnel and supply to the People's Army (North) Vietnam with Ho Chi Minhtrill.
21 January 1968Vietnam War-The Vietnam People's Army attacked Khe Sanh Combat Base, a U.S. Marines outpost in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam,starting the Battle of Khe Sanh.
23 April 1968Students opposing the Vietnam war at Columbia University New York City took over the administration buildings and shut down this diversity.
24 January 1968Vietnam War-The 1st Australian Task Force launched Operation Coburg against the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong during wider fighting around Luong Minh and Bien Hoa.
16 March 1968Vietnam War-American soldiers killed hundreds of unarmedcivilians in the Son M? village in the Son T?nh District of SouthVietnam.
29 April 1968The controversial musical hair, a product of the 1960 Hippic number-culture and sexual revolution, opened in Bultmore Theater on Broadway, with its songs the songs of the Theanti-Vietnam war movement.
03 November 1969US President Richard Nixon, referring to the Americans, argued the 'silent majority' who did not attend a large scale against the Vietnam war at that time.
20 March 1969US President Nixon announced the end of the Vietnam War in 1970.
29 April 1970The Vietnam War-South Vietnamese army started infiltration in Cambodia to attack the communist forest bases.
31 January 1971The Vietnam Veterans Against the War opened the Winter SoldierInvestigation, a three-day media event to publicize war crimes and otheratrocities by American forces and their allies during the Vietnam War.
13 June 1971The New York Times began publishing the history of the Pentagon Papers, a 7,000-page top-cashing United States Department of Defense Department for political and military partnership in the Vietnam War.
06 June 1971The Vietnam War-The Australian Army attacked a heavy fortified Communist Force Base Base Camp in the battle of Long Khan.
30 March 1972Vietnam War North Vietnamese forces launched the Easter Offensive in an attempt to gain as much territory as possible and possibly destroy as many units of the South Vietnamese Army.
08 June 1972The Vietnam War-Associated Press Photographer Nick Youut took a naked naked naked nine-year-old Fan to Kim Phukhering after burning a naked naked picture after the naked naked nine-year-old Kim.
23 October 1972The Vietnam War Operation Line Baiker, in response to his Easter's aggressive, an American bombing campaign in North Vietnam ended the later months.
17 March 1973Slava Veder took his Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph Burst ofJoy, which came to symbolize the end of United States involvement in theVietnam War.
29 March 1973Vietnam War—The United States ended Operation Barrel Roll, a rising tide of offensives by the People's Army of Vietnam and Pathet Lao to aid the Passionate bombing campaign in Laos.
30 April 1975Shortly after the US armies evacuated their helicopters, the citizens of South Vietnam and the citizens of the third country from the city, the soldiers of North Vietnam captured Sigon, ending the Vietnam War with a healthy surrender to South Vietnam without South Vietnam done.
30 April 1975The Vietnam War came to an end.
02 July 1976More than a year after the end of the Vietnam war, North and South Vietnam officially united under communist rule and formed the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
02 October 2014Some people in the United States have long banned Vietnam on harmful weapon sales to help it help in marine security. It is a historical step that has come 40 years after the end of the Vietnam war.

  Last update :  Tue 28 Mar 2023
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  Post Category :  World Important Events