Important facts and general knowledge information about computer:

What is Computer-

The word computer is derived from the English word "compute", which means "to calculate", that is why it is also called calculator or computer, it was invented to calculate, in the old times, computers were used only for calculations. But nowadays it is used for document making, email, listening to songs, watching videos, playing games, collaboration, information storage, accounting, word processing, book publishing, content management, scientific research and development, telecommunications, education dissemination Along with computer assisted design and computer assisted design and drafting, computers are being used extensively in banks, educational institutions, offices, homes, shops, etc.

The computer only does what we tell it to do, that is, only it follows the commands that are already put inside the computer, it does not have the ability to think, the person who runs the computer He is called the user, and the person who makes the program for the computer. That is why he is called a programmer.

Important general knowledge and interesting facts about computer:

  1. Dr. Douglas Engelbart invented the mouse in 1964.
  2. Tim Berners Lee is credited with creating the first web site. He is called the founder of the World Wide Web.
  3. Bill Gates and Paul Allen together founded Microsoft Corporation in 1975.
  4. Bill Gates' famous book 'The Road Ahead' was written in 1995. Presently he is engaged in social work by "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation".
  5. Sabeer Bhatia of India gave birth to the free email service Hotmail.
  6. Bluetooth is a wireless technology by which computers and various devices are connected over short distances through mobile phones.
  7. ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) in banks is an example of a WAN.
  8. WiFi means Wireless Fidelity It is used by wireless technology to establish a connection between two devices of the computer.
  9. WAP (Wireless Access Point) is a device that connects various communication media to form a wireless network.
  10. The monitor and hard disk are turned off in the standby mode of the computer so that less energy is consumed. By pressing any button or clicking the mouse, the computer comes out of Standby Mode.
  11. In an optical mouse, a mouse pad is not needed because there is no rotating part in it.
  12. Hyper text is a document that links that web page with other documents.
  13. The word Blog is derived from Weblog. Blog is a web site created by a person where he can put his thoughts, experiences or information. Other people reading this web site can also leave their comments on this topic.
  14. Beta Release To test the usefulness of a software or technology, it is asked to release it in the market during manufacturing.
  15. Pop-up is a self-opening advertisement window during web browsing.
  16. The credit for creating the structure of the keyboard goes to Christopher Latham Sholes.
  17. The Digital Compact Disc (DCD) was invented by James Russell in 1965.
  18. Bob Noyee and Gordon Moore jointly founded a company called Intel.
  19. Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola invented the mobile phone.
  20. GSM (GSM-Global System for Mobile Communication) is a popular standard used for mobile phones.
  21. CDMA (CDMA-Code Division Multiple Access) is a system for setting up a mobile network.
  22. The difference between a calculator and a computer is that a computer can be given many instructions or a group of instructions at once and it can perform many tasks simultaneously. Conversely, only one instruction can be given to the calculator at the same time.
  23. The first commercial integrated chip was manufactured by Fair Child Semiconductor Corporation in 1961.
  24. Monitor size is measured in terms of the length of the monitor's diagonal.
  25. The floppy disk was invented by IBM scientist Alan Shugart in 1971.
  26. The biggest difference between human brain and computer is that the computer does not have the ability to think on its own.
  27. A home theater is a personal computer used for entertainment. It has many facilities like video player, audio/video recorder, television games, internet.
  28. Computer platform refers to the operating system used in a computer which forms the basis for the execution of other programs. Programs running in one platform generally do not run in another platform.
  29. Vinten Cerf of America is called the Father of the Internet.
  30. Netiquette (Netiquette-Net+etiquette) is a set of expected behaviors and rules to be followed while using the Internet.
  31. The operation of the Internet is free from the control of any institution or government or administration.
  32. GPRS (GPRS-General Pocket Radio Service) is a technology for wireless access to the Internet facility from a mobile phone.
  33. Hyper text is an arrangement under which text, diagrams and programs etc. can be linked together. It was developed by Ted Nelson in 1960.
  34. The WAP-Wireless Application Protocol is a set of rules used by mobile phones when using the Internet.
  35. Internet phone is the process of setting up telephone calls using a computer and the Internet.
  36. Illegal actions done using the Internet and computer, such as viewing and destroying secure files, changing web pages, misuse of credit cards, issuing viruses, etc. is called Cyber ​​Crime.
  37. ICON (ICANN-Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is an international organization formed in 1998 with the objective of assigning a unique address to each computer on the Internet.
  38. An emoticon (emotion+icon) is a set of one or more symbols used to express a particular emotion on the Internet. Eg :-) means smiling face. :-( means sad face.
  39. An extranet is a personal network that uses Internet technology and public communication systems for business purposes.
  40. A hacker is a person who penetrates electronic security systems on the Internet to obtain secret information out of curiosity or entertainment.
  41. Britain's Alan Turing first laid the ideology of Artificial Intelligence. But due to his contribution in this field, John McCarthy is called the father of artificial intelligence.
  42. Desktop Publishing (DTP) was developed by the Macintosh company.
  43. Wikipedia, the world's largest encyclopedia available for free on the Internet, was founded by Jimmy Wales.
  44. Infosys Technology based in Bangalore was started by N. Narayana Murthy in 1981.
  45. Currently the world's fastest supercomputer is IBM's Road Runner, which can perform 1000 trillion calculations per second.
  46. India's fastest supercomputer is Eka which has been developed by CRL (Computational Research Laboratory) of Tata Group in Pune. It can perform 117.9 trillion calculations per second.
  47. William Higgin Botham created the first computer video game in 1958.
  48. Maya II is a DNA computer in which DNA threads have been used instead of silicon chips.
  49. Maya is a powerful three-dimensional software used to create special effects in movies and video games.
  50. Alan Turing is considered the father of modern computer science.

On one side of the computer, there have been many advantages, on the contrary, there have been some disadvantages as well, let us know about the advantages and disadvantages of computers: -

Advantages of computers:

  • It is the best medium of communication.
  • This makes it easy to share any resource.
  • It is a great tool for all types of file sharing.
  • This is a cheap device.
  • This saves time.
  • It has a lot of space to keep documents.

Disadvantages of computer:

  • It is a waste of time if used incorrectly.
  • This leads to a decrease in physical activity.
  • Blood circulation is not known properly.
  • Overeating and obesity.
  • Complaints of pain in the back and head.
  • Weakness in eyes or vision.
  • Insomnia discomfort.

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Computer General Knowledge FAQs:

In computer, 'IC' means 'Integrated Circuit'. ICs are widely used in computers and electronic devices due to their small size, low power consumption and high performance capability.

Charles Babbage is called the 'Father of the Computer' because according to his plan the foundation stone of the modern computer was laid. Charles Babbage was a mathematician, philosopher, inventor, and mechanical engineer best known for the concept of computer programs.

The programs and dies used by the computer are available in the processing unit. The processing unit is the important part of the computer which is responsible for operating and processing the main functions of the computer.

A computer virus is a computer program that can replicate itself and infect a computer without the user's permission and the user is not even aware of it.

CPU is called the brain of the computer. Whose full form is Central Processing Unit (Central Processing Unit). The CPU constantly follows instructions from the computer program telling it what data to attach and how to lock. Without CPU we could not run programs on computer.

  Last update :  Sat 18 Mar 2023
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