Important interesting facts about animals: In this article, important interesting information related to animals from all the major parts of the world has been presented in one place. Today we are telling you important general study information related to animals such as: average life span of animals, animals and their breeds, and gestation period of animals. Just like we humans eat, drink, sleep etc., animals also do all the work, but their way of working is very different from us. Animals have strange habits. Sometimes we come to know such facts about animals, which surprise us. Let us know important interesting information about animals:

Important trivia based on interesting facts about animals:

  • An elephant can hold up to 5 liters of water in its trunk.
  • The African elephant has only four teeth in its mouth.
  • Elephant's teeth stop growing again at the age of 40 to 60
  • The lion may be called the king of the jungle, but he never wants to fight with the rhinoceros and the elephant.
  • A bee can drink the juice of 2 million flowers at a time. And after that only 45 kg makes honey.
  • Whale fish cannot swim in the opposite direction.
  • Crocodiles sometimes swallow heavy stones to dive deep into the sea.
  • The blood of grasshopper is white in colour.
  • The hearing power of a dog is 9 times faster than that of a human.
  • Hippopotamus is one of the very few animals that give birth to babies in water.
  • Blue whale's heart beats only 9 times in a minute.
  • Horses sleep standing up.
  • Monkeys always eat banana peeled. Monkey of any breed does not eat banana with peel.
  • There is absolutely no cholesterol in the blood of a kangaroo.
  • Owls can also look backwards by turning their necks. Its eyesight is a hundred times sharper than a human.
  • Male horse has 40 teeth.
  • The nest of a bird called the cross swift bird is about one and a half inches.
  • Among mammals, the shrew organism with the shortest tail is very venomous.
  • The hen of Chile lays a blue colored egg.
  • Jelly fish looks like an animal umbrella.
  • The animal with the lowest temperature in the world is Australia's Anteaters.
  • A horse can pull a load five times its own weight.
  • The house fly can cause about 30 diseases.
  • The Oothvark Goby is the smallest fish in the world.
  • The male penguins remain hungry and thirsty for two whole months till the hatching from the egg.
  • The blue whale whistle is the loudest of all animals.
  • Chimpanzee is the only creature on earth that sees its face in the mirror.
  • A cockroach can live for several weeks after a head cut.
  • The heart of a prawn is in its brain.
  • The problem with a crocodile is that it is not only difficult, but impossible, to get the tongue out.
  • The speed of multiplication of rats is so fast. That they can produce more than 2 lakh offspring in just 18 months.
  • Dolphins always sleep with only one eye closed.
  • Dogs have a clearer vision than humans. But it is difficult for them to distinguish between colors.
  • An ostrich can run faster than a horse. At the same time, male ostriches have the ability to roar faster than lions.

Average life span of animals:

Animal Name Life span
Camel 30 Years
Cat 21 Years
Cow 16 Years
Chimpanzee 37 Years
Dog 34 Years
Giraffe 33 Years
Elephant 57 Years
Goat 18 Years
Frogs 5 – 15 Years
Horse 62 Years
Monkey 25 Years
Lion 29 Years
Whale 40 Years
Sheep 18 Years
Dolphin 20 Years
Peacock 15 Years
Pigeon 10 Years

Animals and their breeds:

Cattle Breeds
Cow Sahiwal, Jersey, Haryana, Bharwahi, Red Sindhi, Holstein Freijian
Buffalo Murrah, Surti, Mehsana
lamb Merino
Goat Jamunapari, Malabari, Angora, Baluchi
Pig Tamworth, yorkshire

Gestation of major animals:

Animal name Gestation period
Giraffe 400 – 480 days
Monkey 150 – 170 days
Tiger 155 days
Lion 105 – 115 days
Pigs 114 Days
Rabbit 28 – 30 Days
Squirrel 30 – 40 Days
Vixen 51 Days
Jackal 60 Days
Donkey 365 days
Elephant 624 days
Buffalo 310 Days
Camel 400 Days
Cow 280 Days
Sheep, Goat 151 days
Cat, Dog 63 days
Kangaroo 40 days
Rat 21 days

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Animal Information FAQs:

The part that transforms into an elephant's tusk is its nose. Nerves are present in the nose of the elephant, which are called tusks. These tusk are the main identity of elephant and it is found in Indian and Asian species of elephant.

To save pastures from overgrazing, it is necessary for the lion to be in the forest because the lion is a carnivorous animal, it hunts other creatures for its food, which controls the number of other creatures and the vegetation is saved from overgrazing.

Warm blooded animals maintain high body temperature so that they can run fast. For warm blooded animals the higher temperature helps to handle the higher physical activity. This improves their body structure and exercise related processes and increases their motility.

The hybrid race of an animal born of a horse and a donkey is called a mule. It is similar to the besar which is born as a result of the union of a mare and a donkey. Horse and donkey are different species and they also have different number of chromosomes.

The "Rh" factor is named after the rhesus monkey animal. This factor is named after the Rhesus factor found in the blood of this animal. The Rhesus factor is a protein factor that determines what blood type a person is compatible with.

  Last update :  Thu 25 Aug 2022
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  Post Category :  Miscellaneous GK of World