Conventions and Projects related to Biodiversity/Environmental/Wildlife Conservation: India has a history of environmental protection. Similar to the natural nature, the nature is the nature of the Indian forces. Combination of 'Surya Devo Bhava' to fix the balance of electricity. Indian change has become permanent. Banana, Peepal, Tulsi, Banyan, Mango member in culture require personal care. Pollution environment in the middle atmosphere has done the work of destroying the environment of the environment. Western influences in the person of India are included as India came into existence in the form of scattered chaos.

Environmental Policies and Laws in Independent India:

The Indian Constitution which was enacted in 1950 but was not directly related to the provisions of environmental protection. The Stockholm Conference of 1972 drew the attention of the Government of India towards environmental protection. The government amended the constitution in 1976 to add two important Articles 48A and 51A (G). Article 48A directs the state government to 'ensure the protection and improvement of the environment, and to protect the forests and wildlife of the country'. Article 51A (g) entitles citizens to a duty to 'protect and promote the natural environment and to be kind to all living beings'. After independence, due to increasing industrialization, urbanization and population growth, the quality of the environment continued to decline. In this lack of environmental quality, in the context of effective control and pollution, the government made many laws and rules from time to time. The main basis of most of these was pollution control and prevention.

Following are the environmental laws and regulations:

  • Water pollution laws
  • River Boards Act, 1956 (River Boards Act, 1956)
  • The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
  • Water Cess (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1977
  • Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  • Air pollution laws
  • Factories Act, 1948
  • Inflammables Substa Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
  • Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  • land pollution laws
  • Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951
  • Insecticides Act, 1968
  • Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976
  • Forest and Wildlife Laws
  • Forest's Conservation Act, 1960
  • Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
  • Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
  • Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1995
  • Bio-diversity Act, 2002

Important environmental agreements/conventions:

Project Year/Location
Stockholm Agreement 1972
Helsinki Conference 1974
London Conference 1975
Bertland Report 1987
Basis Agreement 1989
Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro Conference) 1992
Johannesburg Conference 2002
Vallagio Manifesto 2002
Stockholm Conference 2004
New Delhi Conference 2008
Rio Plus Twenty Conference 2012
Warsaw Conference, COP-19 2013
Lima Conference COP-20 2014

Conference on biodiversity

World heritage treaty 1972
Ramsar Pact 1975
Biodiversity Treaty 1992
Cartagena Protocol 2000
Nagoya Protocol 2010
Cop-11 2012
Coop-12 2014

Wildlife Conservation Projects

Hangul Project 1970
Musk Deer Project 1972
Tiger Project 1973
Gir Singh Project 1973
Alligator Breeding Project 1975
Rhinoceros Project 1987
Elephant Project 1992
Red Panda Project 1996
Vulture Conservation Project 2006
Turtle Conservation Project 2008

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Read also:

    Environmental Law FAQs:

    World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June all over the world for the protection and conservation of the environment. In the year 1972, the United Nations had announced to celebrate this day to bring political and social awareness towards the environment at the global level.

    This summit organized by the United Nations on environment and development is known as 'Earth Summit'. This summit was held from 3 June 1992 to 14 June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil, in which representatives of 182 countries participated.

    Ecology is a branch of biology and geography that studies the interactions of living organisms with their environment.

    Biodiversity is also called "ecosystem diversity". It refers to the diversity of life forms found on Earth, including species diversity, genetic diversity and ecosystem diversity.

    Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 was enacted as an important step for wildlife conservation in India. This act was made to preserve the wildlife protection, wildlife protection and security of wildlife bodies.

      Last update :  Fri 8 Sep 2023
      Post Views :  11165
      Post Category :  Human Geography of India