List of famous Indian authors and popular books:

Here is a list of famous authors of India and their popular books. Generally questions related to these popular books and authors are asked in competitive examinations and will be asked further. If you are preparing for various competitive exams like: IAS, Teachers, UPSC, PCS, SSC, Bank, MBA and other government jobs, then you must know about these books.

Let us read about the Indian author and his famous books:

Writer/Poet Books/Grant
Zindagi Nama of a Genius Prakash Manu
River of fire Qurratul Ain Haider
Heads and tails Maneka Gandhi
Jaydev Geet Govind, Chandralok
Banabhatta Harshcharit, Kadambari
Rajasekhar Epistemology
Kalhan Rajatarangini
Kautilya Economics
Bhas Dreaming, affirmation
Shudraka Mrichchatikam
Harshwardhan Nagananda, Priyadarsika Ratnavali
Veda Vyasa Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita
Chand Bardai Prithviraj Raso
Tulsidas Ramcharitmanas, Vinay Patrika, Kavitavali
Amir Khusro Tughlaknama
Babar Baburnama
Gulbadan Begum Humayunnama
Abulfazal Aina-e-Akbari, Akbarnama
Kabirdas Invoice
Guru Arjun Dev Primordial texts
Arvind Ghosh Life Divine, Savitri
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Anandamath, cranial coil, vagabond messiah
Vibhuti Bhushan Verma Pather Panchali
Vimal Mitra Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam
Jawahar Lal Nehru Discovery of India, An Autobiography
Jai Shankar Prasad Kamayani, Tears, Chandragupta, Ajatashatru
Jagjivan Ram Cast Challenge in India
Jai Prakash Narayan Prison Diary
Kaifi Azmi Awara sajde
Kamleshwar Black storm, how many pakistan
Kuldeep Nair Judgement
Kiran bedi Freedom Behind Bars
Lala Lajpat Rai Unhappy india
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad India wins freedom
Mirza ghalib Diwan-e-Ghalib
Munshi Premchand Godan, embezzlement, amphitheater, service house, soje watan, nirmala, rejuvenation
Ayodhya Singh Dear travel
Mahadevi Verma Yama, nebula
Vishnu Sharma Panchatantra
Bharatendu Harishchandra Satya Harishchandra, The plight of India, Andheri city
Vrindavan Lal Verma Mrignayani Queen of Jhansi
Devkinandan Khatri Chandrakanta, Children of Chandrakanta
Dharamveer Bharti God of crime
Dr Rajendra Prasad India divided
Phanishwarnath Renu Muddy aanchal
Harivansh Rai Bachchan Bar
Varaha Mihiro Macro code
Visakhadutt Currency monster
Patanjali Mahabhashya
Charki Charaka Samhita
Panini Ashtadhyayi
Vatsyayan Kamasutra
Nagarjuna Shatasahstrika, Prajnaparamita
Bharvik Kiratarjuniyam
Mohan Rakesh Half done
Acharya Tulsi Acid test
Qazi Nazrul Islam Fire veena
Amar Singh Amarkosh
Dr. S. radhakrishnan An idealistic view of life
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Anand Math
Kautilya Economics
Panini Ashtadhyayi
Veda Vyasa Bhagvad Gita
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Poison tree
Ashvaghosh Enlightened
Rabindranath tagore Gitanjali, Chandalika, Chitra, Gora, Visarjan
Sumitra Nandan Pant Chidambara
Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay Devdas
Manu Theology
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Durgesh Nandini
Tara Shankar Bandyopadhyay Gandevata
Jaydev Geet Govind
Vijay Tendulkar Ghasiram Kotwal
Bal Gangadhar Tilak Gita Rahasya
Firaq Gorakhpuri Gul-e-Nagma
Baan Bhatt Harsh Charit
KM Accountant Jai Somnath
Baan Bhatt Kadambari
Vatsayan Kamasutra
Kamleshwar Black rainstorm
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Cranial coil
Bharvi Scintillating
Kalidas Meghdoot, Kumar Sambhav, Malavikagnimitra, Raghuvansham, Ritusanhar, Abhigyan Shakuntalam
Taslima Nasreen Shame
Veda Vyasa Mahabharata
Bhavabhuti Malti Madhav
Shivaji Sawant Death sentence
Visakhadutt Currency monster
Malik Mohammad Jayasi Padmavat
Vishnu Sharma Panchatantra
Amrita Pritam Cage
Chand Bardai Prithviraj Raso
Kalhan Rajatarangini
Valmiki Ramayana
Harsh wardhan Ratnavali
Flower Garden Ravi par
Vijay Tendulkar Sakharam binder
Dayanand Saraswati Satyarth Prakash
Aurobindo Ghosh Savitri
Ramadhari Singh Dinkar Urvashi
Bhavabhuti Uttar Ramcharit
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay Poison tree
Maithali Sharan Gupt Yashodhara, Saket, Veerangana, Bharat Bharti
VS Khandekar Yayati

Now practice related questions and see what you learnt?

Indian Writers GK Questions and Answers 🔗

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Book and Author FAQs:

The book 'The Science of Bharatanatyam' is written by Saroja Vaidyanathan. She is a choreographer, guru and a notable exponent of Bharatanatyam. He was awarded the Padma Shri in 2002 and the Padma Bhushan in 2013 by the Government of India.

Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma is the author of the book named 'Hamari Sanskriti Dharohar'.

The book "The God of Small Things" written by Arundhati Roy has won the Booker Prize. Susanna Arundhati Roy is a writer and philanthropist from Grazie. He has also worked in some films.

Arun Shourie is the author of the book 'Worshipping False Gods'. He is a famous journalist, writer, intellectual and politician of India. He was (1968–72 and 1975–77) an economist at the World Bank. was a consultant in the Planning Commission of India; He was the editor of English papers named Indian Express and Times of India.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee is the author of the book 'Sansad Mein Teen Decade'. He was a three-time Prime Minister of India. He was the Prime Minister of India first from 16 May to 1 June 1996, and again in 1998 and again from 19 March 1999 to 22 May 2004. He was a Hindi poet, journalist and an eloquent orator.

  Last update :  Wed 7 Sep 2022
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  Post Category :  Miscellaneous GK of India