Major religions of India, places of worship and related books:

India is a country where religious diversity and religious tolerance have been recognized by both law and society. Throughout the history of India, religion has played an important role in its culture. India is the birthplace of four major religious traditions of the world - Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Bishnoi religion A vast majority of Indians do describe themselves as belonging to some religion or the other. 76% of India's population follows Hinduism.

Islam (13.5%), Buddhism (5.5%), Christianity (2.3%) and Sikhism (1.9%) are the other major religions followed by Indians. The diversity of religious beliefs present in India today is the result of the assimilation and social integration of religions brought here by traders, travelers, immigrants, even invaders and conquerors, in addition to the presence and origin of local religions.

Let us know about the major religions, places of worship and books:

Religion Place of worship Religious book
Jewish Synagogue Torah
Parsiya Fire temple Zend avesta
Sikh Gurudwara Guru Granth Sahib
Islam Mosque Quran
Christian Church Bible
Hindu Temple Ramayana and Mahabharata

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Religion, Places of Worship and Scriptures FAQs:

Synagogue is the place of worship of the Jewish community. Judaism is one of the oldest religions in the world, having developed in Egypt about 3,700 years ago.

The Din-i-Ilahi religion was introduced by the Mughal emperor Akbar the Great. This religion was the result of Akbar's political and religious views, which sought to combine civilizational concepts, ideology, and spirituality.

The "Analects" is a book full of narrative and moral thought, which compiles the ideas of the Chinese religion of celibacy and the teacher Confucius. It has always been considered an important source of Chinese philosophical and ethical elements.

Peking is the pilgrimage center of Confucianism. Confucianism is one of the most influential religious philosophies in the history of China, and has existed for over 2,500 years. It is concerned with inner virtue, morality and respect for the community and its values.

The Buddhist monk most associated with the propagation of Buddhism in Tibet is Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche. He is revered as the "second Buddha" and played a key role in establishing Buddhism in Tibet during the 8th century.

  Last update :  Thu 11 May 2023
  Post Views :  26892
  Post Category :  Ancient Indian History