Essay on Environmental Pollution

What is called environmental pollution?

Pollution is the defect that arises in the natural balance due to the entry of contaminants into the environment. Pollutants harm the environment and animals. Pollution means - 'contamination of air, water, soil etc. with unwanted substances', which has a direct adverse effect on living organisms and other indirect effects by damage to the ecosystem. In this age of science, where humans have got some boons, there have also been some curses. 'Pollution' is such a curse, which is born from the womb of Science and today most of the people of the world are forced to bear it. Human development process and modernity have an important contribution in environmental pollution. Even those normal human activities are also called pollution, which gives negative results. For example, nitrogen oxides produced by industry are pollutants. However, its elements are not pollutants. It is the energy of sunlight that turns it into a mixture of smoke and fog.

Types of Environmental Pollution:

Following are the main types of environmental pollution:

  • Water Pollution
  • Air Pollution
  • Sound Pollution
  • Land Pollution
  • Light Pollution
  • Radioactive Pollution

1. What is called water pollution?

Water Pollution: The presence of any foreign substance in water, which changes the natural properties of water in such a way that the water becomes injurious to health or its usefulness is reduced is called water pollution. In other words, such water is injurious to public health or to public safety or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate use or to the health of animals or plants and to animals or to aquatic life, is called water pollution. 

Causes of water pollution:

Following are the various causes of water pollution:

  • Discharge of human excreta in rivers, canals etc.
  • Lack of proper sanitation and sewer management.
  • Immersion of their waste and dirty water in rivers, canals by various industrial units.
  • Dissolving of toxic chemicals and fertilizers used in agricultural activities in water.
  • Immersion of garbage, human carcasses in rivers and every household item of use in a nearby water source following traditional customs.

Effects of Water Pollution:

Following are the effects of water pollution:

  • This poses a threat to the health of humans, animals and birds. This causes diseases like typhoid, jaundice, cholera, gastric etc.
  • This causes damage to various fauna and plant species.
  • This increases the scarcity of drinking water, as rivers, canals and even underground water get polluted.

Measures to prevent water pollution:

Water pollution can be controlled by the following measures-

  • The sewage should be treated by chemical method in artificial ponds before releasing it into the rivers.
  • The use of scraps should be kept to a minimum. Using only soap is fine.
  • Waste materials from factories should not be dumped in rivers, lakes and ponds.
  • Household detergents should be placed in water bodies away from populated areas.
  • Clothes, animals etc. should not be washed in the ponds whose water is used for drinking.
  • The sewage of cities and towns consists of excreta, organic and inorganic substances and bacteria. It can be used to remove sewage in an open space away from the population or it can be used for septic tanks, oxidation pools and filter beds etc.
  • The water released from electricity or thermal houses can be cooled by spray ponds or other places and reused.

2. What is called air pollution?

Air Pollution: Air is a mixture of various gases in which nitrogen is the highest 78 percent, while 21 percent oxygen and 0.03 percent carbon dioxide is found and the remaining 0.97 percent is hydrogen, helium, argon, neon, krypton, xenon, ozone. And there is water vapor. The above amount of different gases in the air keeps it balanced. If there is a slight difference in it, it becomes unbalanced and proves to be injurious to health. Oxygen is necessary for respiration. Whenever there is an increase of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides in the air, then such air is called polluted air and this type of pollution is called air pollution.

Causes of air pollution: 

Some common causes of air pollution are:

  • Smoke from vehicles.
  • Smoke and chemicals from industrial units.
  • Gases and dust particles from nuclear plants.
  • Smoke from burning of trees and plants in forests, burning of coal and oil refining factories etc.

Effects of Air Pollution:

Air pollution has many effects on our environment and on us. Some of them are as follows:

  • Humans, animals and birds have to face serious problems due to the presence of unwanted gases in the air. Due to this, diseases like asthma, cold-cough, blindness, hearing loss, skin diseases arise. Over a long period of time it can lead to genetic malformations and can be fatal at its peak.
  • Fog remains in winter due to air pollution, due to which smoke and soil particles mix in the fog. This results in decreased natural vision, burning of the eyes and difficulty in breathing.
  • The ozone layer is a protective gas layer that surrounds our earth. Which protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. Air pollution increases the risk of gene mutations, genetics and skin cancer.
  • The temperature of the earth increases due to air pollution, because due to the heat coming from the sun, the effect of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the environment is not reduced, which are harmful.
  • Air pollution has increased the dangers of acid rain, as there is an increased possibility of toxic gases like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides etc. to dissolve in the rain water. This can cause damage to crops, trees, buildings and historic buildings.

Measures to prevent air pollution:

Following methods are adopted for prevention and control of air pollution:

  • Concrete steps should be taken to check population growth.
  • People should be made aware about the harm and diseases caused by air pollution.
  • Smoking should be controlled.
  • The height of chimneys of factories should be kept high.
  • Filters should be used in the chimneys of factories.
  • Motorcars and automatic vehicles should be tuned so that half-burnt smoke does not come out.
  • More and more trees should be planted.
  • Industries should be established away from cities and villages.
  • Automobiles that give off high smoke should be banned.
  • Strict action should be taken against the violators by making a restrictive law by the government.

3. What is called noise pollution?

Noise Pollution: When the intensity of sound becomes high, it becomes unpleasant to the ears. This undesirable or high intensity sound is called noise. Noise causes unrest and restlessness in humans. At the same time, performance is also adversely affected. In fact, noise is that unwanted sound which is unpleasant to the human being and creates restlessness and anxiety in him. The intensity of the disturbing sound may vary from person to person. The presence of undesirable noise in the atmosphere is called 'noise pollution'.

Causes of Sound Pollution: Rail engines, airplanes, generators, telephones, televisions, vehicles, loudspeakers, etc. modern machines.

Effects of Sound Pollution: Due to the effects of noise pollution for a long time, weakening of hearing power, headache, irritability, high blood pressure or neurological, psychological defects start to arise. Due to the effects of noise pollution for a long time, natural problems increase.

Measures to prevent noise pollution:

Following are the measures to reduce noise pollution-

  • They should make people aware about the diseases caused by noise pollution.
  • Emphasis should be laid on manufacturing and use of low noise machines and equipment.
  • High noise generating machines should be installed in soundproof rooms and workers should use sound absorbing elements and ear-humps.
  • Industries and factories should be established away from cities or population.
  • Horns installed in vehicles should be stopped from blowing loudly.
  • Plantation should be done in cities, industrial units and along the roads. These plants also reduce noise pollution by acting as a noise absorber.
  • Machines should be maintained properly.

4. What is called land pollution?

Land Pollution: Any such undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological properties of the land, which has an effect on humans and other organisms or which destroys the quality and use of the land, is called 'land pollution'. Under this, the dust from dusting, garbage, glass vials, polythene bags, plastic cans, half-burnt wood, stove ash, smoldering, embers etc.

Causes of land pollution:

Following are the main causes of land pollution:-

  • Excessive use of fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides in agriculture.
  • Disposal of solid waste generated by industrial units, mines and mines.
  • Discharge of solid waste in the construction of buildings, roads etc.
  • Disposal of materials from paper and sugar mills that are not absorbed by the soil.
  • More use of plastic bags, which do not get buried in the ground.
  • Disposal of waste products from households, hotels and industrial units, including plastics, fabrics, wood, metals, glass, ceramics, cement, etc.

Effects of Land Pollution:

Following are the harmful effects of land pollution:

  • Lack of cultivable land.
  • Injurious to health due to contamination of food sources.
  • Damages caused by landslides.
  • Increase in water and air pollution.

Measures to prevent land pollution:

To protect the soil from getting polluted, we should take the following measures:-

  • Dead animals, household rubbish, cow dung etc. should be covered by putting them in a far away pit.
  • We should not defecate in the fields, but make arrangements for toilets inside the house itself.
  • Houses and buildings should be built at some distance from the road.
  • To prevent soil erosion, grass and small plants should be planted nearby.
  • Vegetables in homes should be washed before use.
  • Gobar gas plants i.e. making gas from cow dung should be encouraged in the villages. This will also provide gas for fuel and manure.
  • Solid material i.e. tin, copper, iron, glass etc. should not be buried in the soil.

5. What is called Social pollution?

Social pollution includes population growth as well as loss of physical, mental and moral values etc. Social pollution arises due to physical and social causes. Therefore, there is a need that along with the government, the citizens themselves need to be aware so that this social pollution can be avoided.

Causes of social pollution:

Social pollution can be divided into the following sub-sections:-

  • Population explosion (increasing population).
  • Social pollution (such as social and educational backwardness, crime, quarrel, theft, dacoity etc.).
  • cultural pollution.
  • Economic pollution (such as poverty).

6. What is light pollution called?

Light pollution, also known as photopollution or luminous pollution, is caused by excessive artificial light. Light pollution enters our homes through doors and windows and also from electric poles and lamps installed on the streets outside. Which has become an essential and essential thing in the present life. This type of pollution is increasing continuously due to light in the environment. The way to prevent or reduce it is that electricity or light should be used only when needed. Light pollution spreads in three ways:-

  • 1. From the glowing red of the sky.
  • 2. Light coming from inside and outside the houses. Dazzling bright light.
  • 3. Persistent flashing or redness of the sky.

7. What is called Radioactive pollution?

Elements with such special properties, which are called isotopes and develop radioactivity, which are likely to cause harm to human fauna, flora and other environmental components, are called nuclear pollution or 'radioactive pollution'. Nuclear power is generated during the production and research, manufacture and deployment of nuclear weapons.

  • Natural sources of Radioactive pollution: internal rays, environment (water, air and rock) and animals (internal).
  • Man-made sources of Radioactive pollution: radio diagnosis and radiotherapeutic equipment, nuclear tests and nuclear waste.

Measures to prevent Radioactive pollution:

The following measures can be taken to control radioactive pollution:-

  • Nuclear power generating equipment should be protected.
  • Nuclear tests should be banned.
  • The walls should be painted with cow dung.
  • Radioactive pollution can be avoided by using cow's milk.
  • Public awareness should be done through government organizations and non-government organizations.
  • The effects of radioactivity can be avoided by planting trees.
  • The leakage of radioactive materials should be limited and the amount of radiation in the atmosphere should be reduced.

Important facts related to Environmental pollution:

  • The presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also a major cause of pollution, if it creates undue difference in the environment of the earth.
  • Due to the increase in the gases causing 'green house' effect, the temperature of the earth is continuously increasing, due to which the rate of melting of icebergs will increase and the coastal areas will be submerged due to rise in sea level.
  • However, these researches are not being accepted by the western countries especially America.
  • The meaning of pollution is determined from different contexts. Traditionally, pollution includes air, water, radioactivity, etc. If these are analyzed on a global scale, then pollution of noise, light etc. is also included in this.
  • The main sources that generate serious pollution are chemical industries, oil refineries, nuclear waste sites, garbage dumps, plastics industries, car industries, animal houses, crematoriums etc.
  • Nuclear plants, oil tanks, cause very serious pollution in case of accidents.
    Some of the major pollutants are chlorinated, hydrocarbons, heavy elements lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc, arsenic, benzene etc.
  • Pollution occurs even after natural calamities. When the waves return after big sea storms, they carry away garbage, garbage, broken boat-cars, waste of oil factories including beach, municipal waste etc. The study done after the 'tsunami' in the sea shows that the percentage of heavy elements in the coastal fishes was greatly increased.
  • Pollutants give rise to various types of diseases. Like cancer, allergies, asthma, immune diseases etc. In so far as some diseases have been given the name of the pollutant causing them, for example, a disease caused by a mercury compound is called 'minamata'.

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Environmental Pollution FAQs:

Hydrogen fuel causes minimal environmental pollution. When hydrogen burns, it becomes water vapour.

Pella globosa is used as a bio-filter to clean water pollution by cadmium.

Acid rain is caused by pollution of the environment by nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide. This is mainly due to the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, whose waste gases contain sulfur and nitrogen oxides that mix with atmospheric water to form acids.

If dust containing cadmium reaches the lungs, it can have a fatal effect on the liver and kidneys and not only can they be damaged but can also cause cancer. They can become weak when they reach the bones. Joint pain and even fractures can occur. Cadmium's effect on the kidneys is permanent.

Electrostatic precipitators are used to control thermal pollution.

  Last update :  Fri 10 Mar 2023
  Post Views :  25754
  Post Category :  Physical Geography of India