Rashtrakuta Dynasty (Empire) History and Important Facts

Rashtrakuta Dynasty:Rashtrakuta dynasty started from 'Dantidurg' in about 736 AD. He made Nashik his capital. After this these rulers made Manyakhet, (modern Malkhand) their capital. Rashtrakutas ruled from 736 AD to 973 AD.

History of Rashtrakuta Dynasty:

The reign of Rashtrakuta dynasty was from about 6th to 13th century AD. During this period they ruled as mutually close but independent castes, their earliest known inscriptions are the 'Rashtrakuta' copper plate Mukya of the seventh century, in which it is mentioned that they had their kingdom in Manpur of 'Malwa province' (which is today Madhya Pradesh). Rajar), the other 'Rashtrakuta' castes of the same period included the rulers of 'Achalpur' (which is Elichpur located in modern day Maharastra), and the rulers of 'Kannauj'.

There are many misconceptions about their origin and origin. The 'Rashtrakutas' who ruled in Elichpur were established as a colony of 'Badami Chalukyas' but under the leadership of 'Dantidurga' they overthrew the Chalukya ruler 'Kirtivarman II' from there and defeated 'Gulbarga' of the modern 'Karnataka' province. made his main point.

This caste later became known as the 'Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta', who came to power in 'South India' in 753 AD, at the same time the 'Pala Empire' of Bengal and the Pratihara Kingdom of Gujarat's 'Indian subcontinent'. and were rapidly coming to power over the Northwest Territories. During the middle of the eighth to the tenth century, a three-party struggle was going on for control over the 'Kannauj State' situated on the fertile plains of the Ganges, at that time 'Kannauj' was established as the main power of 'North India'. Every empire was trying to control it.

At the highest peak of the power of the 'Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta', their empire ranged from the doab situated on the 'Ganga' and 'Yamuna River' in the north to Kanyakumari in the south. This was a period of his political expansion, architectural achievements and literary contributions. The early rulers of this dynasty were followers of Hinduism, but later this dynasty came under the influence of Jainism.

Names of the rulers of Rashtrakuta dynasty and their reign:

Names of rulers of Rashtrakuta dynasty Reign period
Dantidurga (736-756 AD)
Krishna I (756-772 AD)
Govind II (773-780 AD)
Dhruva Dharavarsha (780-793 AD)
Govind III (793-814 AD)
Amoghavarsha I (814-878 AD)
Krishna II (978-915 AD)
Indra III (915-917 AD)
Amoghavarsha II (917-918 AD)
Govind IV (918-934 AD)
Amoghavarsha III (934-939 AD)
Krishna III (939-967 AD)
Khottig Amoghavarsha (967-972 AD)
Cancer II (972-973 AD)

The Rashtrakutas had given birth to a well-organized system of governance.

The administration was monarchical. The king was the supreme power. The kingdom was hereditary. For governance, the entire state was divided into nations, subjects, bhaktis and villages. The nation, called the 'mandal', was the largest unit of administration. The smallest unit of administration was the village. The head of the nation was called 'Rashtrapati' or 'Rashtrakuta'.

A nation was equal to four or five districts. The nation was divided into several subjects and districts. There were 2000 villages in a subject. The head of the subject was called 'Vishyapati'. To help the vijayapati, the subjects were more important. The subject was divided into gramas or bhuktis. Each Bhukti consisted of about 100 to 500 villages. These were like modern tehsils. The head of Bhukti was called 'Bhogapati' or 'Bhogik'. Its designation was hereditary. They were given tax-free land in lieu of salary. Bhukti was divided into small villages, consisting of 10 to 30 villages. The official of the city was called 'Nagarpati'.

The smallest unit of administration was the village. The officers of the village were called by the names 'Gramkoot', 'Grampati', 'Gavund' etc. It also had a Gram Sabha, in which each family member of the village was there. Its main function was to settle village disputes.

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  Last update :  Wed 7 Sep 2022
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  Post Category :  Ancient Dynasties of India