History of Sen Dynasty and List of Important Facts:

Sen Dynasty:The Sen dynasty was the name of an ancient Indian dynasty, which established its dominance over Bengal from the middle of the 12th century. The Sen dynasty ruled Bengal for 160 years. The origin of this dynasty was Karnataka. Many temples were built during this period. It is believed that Ballal Sen built the Dhakeshwari temple. The poet Jayadeva (the author of Geet-Govind) was the Pancharatna of Lakshman Sen.

History of the Sen Dynasty: The kings of this dynasty, who consider themselves to be Karnat Kshatriyas, Brahma Kshatriyas and Kshatriyas, trace their origin to mythological heroes who are considered to be the rulers of Dakshinapatha or the South. In the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries there lived some Jain preachers who belonged to the Sen dynasty in the Dharwad district of Mysore state. It cannot be said with certainty that the Bengal army had many links with the family of these Jain preachers. Nevertheless, there is sufficient evidence to believe that the original abode of the Bengal army was in the south. From the time of Devapala, the Pala emperors appointed foreign courageous heroes to officer posts. Some of them belonged to the country of Karnataka.

Later these officers, who had come from the south, became rulers and started calling themselves Rajputras. Samanta Sen, the first ruler of the Sen dynasty of Bengal, was born in this family of princes. Samantasen increased his prestige by defeating a ruler of the south, probably Rajendrachola of the Dravidian country. Samantasena's grandson Vijayasena was the one to establish the prestige of his family. He put an end to the Varman rule of Vanga, established his capital at Vikrampur, deposed Madanpala of the Pala dynasty and took control of Gaur, defeated Nanyadev and captured Mithila, attacked the Gahadavalas through the Ganges route, Invaded Assam, invaded Orissa and defeated Raghava, the son of Ananta Varman Chodaganga, the ruler of Kalinga. He built a Pradyumneshwar Shiva temple at Varendri. Vijayasena's son and successor Valal Sen was a scholar and social reformer.

Ballalsen's son and successor Lakshman Sen made successful attacks on the Gahadwals of Kashi and Assam, but around 1202 it had to surrender West and North Bengal to Muhammad Khalji. For some years it ruled in the vanga. Its successors ruled there till the middle of the 13th century, after which the Deva dynasty took sovereign control over the country. Sen was the protector of emperor learning.

List of Rulers of Sen Dynasty:

Ruler's name Reign period
Samant Sen 1070–1095 AD
Hemant Sen 1095–1096 AD
Vijay Sen 1096–1159 AD
Ballal Sen 1159-1179 AD
Laxman Sen 1179-1204 AD
Keshav Sen 1204-1225 AD
Vishwaroop Sen 1225–1230 AD
Surya Sen -
Narayan Sen -

Samanta Sen:
Samanta Sen, the first ruler of the Sen dynasty of Bengal, was born in this family of princes. Samantasen increased his prestige by defeating a ruler of the south, probably Rajendra Chola of the Dravidian country. Samantasen's grandson Vijayasena was the one to establish the prestige of his family. He put an end to the Varman rule of Vanga, established his capital at Vikrampur, deposed Madanpal of Pala dynasty and took control of Gaur, defeated Nanyadev and conquered Mithila.

Hemant Sen: Hemanta Sena was the son of Samantasena, the founder of the Hindu Sena dynasty in the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent. He ruled from 1095 to 1096 CE. His son, Vijaya Sena ruled after him.

Vijay Sen: Vijay Sena, also known as Vijay Sen in eternal literature, was the son of Hemanta Sena, and succeeded him as a dynastic ruler of the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent. This dynasty ruled for more than 200 years. He conquered Bengal fighting the kings of Gaur, Kamrup and Kalinga. They had their capital at Vijayapuri and Vikrampura. From his inscriptions it appears that he had the status of a subordinate ruler in Rar under the Palas. He was probably the same as Vijayaraja of Nidravali, one of the fourteen feudal kings who helped Rampala in the recovery of Virendra.

Ballal Sen: Ballal Sen was the chief ruler of the Sen dynasty of Bengal (1158-79 AD). Ballal Sen He conquered North Bengal and put an end to the Pala dynasty of Magadha and Vijay Sen became the successor. The mention of 'Laghubharat' and 'Vallacharita' texts proves that Valalal had authority over Mithila and northern Bihar. Apart from this, there were other four provinces of Radha, Varendra, Vagdi and Vanga Vallal Sen. Valla Sen was an accomplished administrator as well as a well-known writer of Sanskrit.

He wrote an article named Smriti Dansagar and a wonderful ocean article on astronomy. He encouraged the caste system and the nobility during his reign. By the title of Gaudeshwar and Nishankar, he has the impression of being Shaivism. His literary mentor was scholar Aniruddha. At the end of his life, Vallalasen took sanyasa. He is considered the originator of the 'elite system' among the Brahmins and Kayasthas of Bengal.

Laxman Sen: Raja Lakshman Sen was the fourth ruler of the Sen dynasty of Bengal and the last Hindu ruler of unified Bengal. After taking charge from his predecessor Ballal Sen, Lakshman Sen expanded the Sen empire to Assam, Orissa, Bihar and Varanasi, his capital was Navadvipa.

Keshav Sen: Keshav-Sena, also known as "Keshab Sen" in oral literature, was the sixth known ruler of the Sen dynasty of the Bengal region on the Indian subcontinent.

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