Names of major insects and moths found in India and the world:

Insect-Mite: Insect is often called any small, crawling, segmented body and many-legged creature. Insects are a major class of the Arthropoda phylum. Its naming of more than 10 lakh castes has been done. More than half of the living beings found on earth are insects. It is estimated that there are 30 million species of insects that have not been identified, so the contribution of insects to the various forms of life on this planet is 90%. They are found in all environments on earth. Only in the oceans their number is less.

Important insects: Apis (bee) and Bombyx (silk moth), Lacifer (lacquer moth); vector insects, Anopheles, Culex and Aedes (mosquitoes); Youthful locust (Locusta); and living fossil Limulus (King Crab King Crab) etc.

List of major insects and moths of the world:

Worms and Insects Namess in English प्रमुख कीट-पतंगों के नाम
Adder गेहुवन सांप
Bee मधुमक्खी(मादा)
Beetle भगोबरीला
Boa अजगर
Body lice शरीर जूँ, चीलर
Bug खटमल
Butterfly तितली
Cobra flea कोबरा पिस्सू, नाग
Cocoon कोकून, रेशम का कोआ
Crab केकड़ा
Cricket झींगुर
Crocodile मगरमच्छ
Earthworm केंचुआ
Eel बाम मछली, सर्प मीन
Fangs नुकीले, जहर के दांत
Fish मछली
Fly मक्खी
Frog मेढक
Glowworm जुगनू
Gross-hopper ग्रॉस-हॉपर, टिड्डी
Hippopotamus जलहस्ती, दरियाई घोड़ा
Honey-bee मधुमक्खी
Hood हुड, फन
Leech जोंक
Lice जूँ
Lizard छिपकली
Lobster महाचिंग, (झींगा मछली)
Locust टिड्डी
Mosquito मच्छर
Nit लीख
Oyster सीप
Poison ज़हर
Rat flea चूहा पिस्सू
Scorpion बिच्छू
Shark शार्क, हुंगर
Silk-worm सिल्क कीड़ा
Snail घोंघा
Snake साँप
Spider मकड़ी
Tadpole मेढक का डिंभकीट, बच्चा
Termite दीमक
Turtle कछुए
Wasp हड्डा, ततैया,  भिड़
Web वेब, मकड़े का जाला

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