According to Gregory calendar, on August 01, the day number in a year is 213 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 214. August 01 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 01 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1714Queen George Ludwig became King George I of England.
1715Civil in Great Britain introduced during the time of civic disturbances, the riot act came into force, authorized to declare the authorities to declare any group of twelve or more people illegally.
1729The comet of 1729, possibly the largest comet, with the most pronounced magnitude on record, was discovered by Nicholas Sarbut. Joe was a professor of mathematics in Marseille.
1732The Bank of England was inaugurated.
1770The Battle of Kagal: 150,000 Turks were eliminated by Russian commander Puert Romintsov.
1774British scientist Joseph Priestley freed the oxygen gas by confirming the discovery of this element by German-Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Shehle.
1785Caroline Herschel became Comet's first female finder.
1786Caroline Herschel discovered a comet, the first discovery by a woman.
1798The Battle of the French Revolutionary War-Nil launched a British fleet operated by rear-admiral horeshio Nelson and launched a fleet fleet under the Galliers, a sub-Admiral François-Paul Bruis de '.
1801The first Barbari War-The American scholar USS Enterprise captured the Tripolian Polakka Tripoli in a single-leebia action.
1818A separate topographical bureau of the United States Department was established.
1834Slavery Eradication Act 1833 came into force, officially slavery in the most British Empire.
1838Former slaves were freed from their partners in Jamaica.
1842A parade at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA, was attacked by a mob celebrating endoff slavery in the West Indies, increasing the possibility of riots.
1855The first ascent on Monte Rosa, the second highest summit in the Alps was held.
1883In order to give importance to the postal service, Great Britain introduced the inland postal service.
1883Inland postal services were started in Great Britain.
1902A pit explosion in Wollongong, Australia, killed 100 people.
1907Robert Baden-Powell took the first scout camp on Brownsea Island, England.
1907Robert Baden-Pavel launched the scouting camp in Dorset, England, starting the scouting movement.
1914The First World War in history was initiated by Germany and Russia.
1914The New York Stock Exchange was closed due to war in Europe.
1920National Father Mahatma Gandhi non-violently launched the Non-Cooperation Movement.
1924King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was born.
1944The Second World War-Polar Home Army launched Warsaw Rebellion Invars against the Nazi occupation of Poland, a rebellion that lasted for 63 days until it was rejected by the Germans.
1946The Atomic Energy Commission was established in the United States.
1957The National Book Institute was established.
1960The old capital of Pakistan was changed from Karachi to Islamabad.
1965Cigarette advertising banned on British television.
1971During the moon safari on astronauts James Irwin and David Scottchem 'Chandra Rover', beyond a rock called Genesis Rock. It is considered about 4,500 million years old.
1976The Seattle Seahawks played their first football game.
1981The American cable made her debut with the television network, MTV, the first dedicated-based outlet for music, the music video by Baggals with the song 'Video Killed the Radio Star'.
1984Commercial Pete-Catter discovered the preserved swamp of Aman at Lindo Moss in Cheshire, North West England, called Lindo Man.
1995Another moon of Saturn was discovered by the Hubble telescope.
1997Steve Jobs rejoined Macworld, Apple Computer and Inc. of downtown Boston.
1997According to the material published by The National Cancer Institute, nuclear tests can be the root cause of thyroid cancer during the 1950s and resulted in 10,000 to 75,000 deaths, which can develop thyroid cancer.
2000For the first time in Iran, women were also empowered to make imams in madrasas.
2000Ali Sardar Jafri is the famous poet who was awarded the Jnanpith Award.
2000Judge J. Calvit Clarke Junior ruled on his solidarity that R. M. Uuts. The Titanic company, which had claims of recovery on the Titanic, was forbidden to cut down in a sinking ship and rob artifacts. The disposal organization was clearly looking for lost diamonds worth $ 300 million, and traded the amount of coal through the famous ship disaster.
2001The ban on human cloning law does not have voting, even the United States's Representative Assembly voted for it as the Democratic -led Senate was opposed to it.
2005Saudi King Emperor Fahd bin Abdul Aziz died and the late emperor's brother Shahzada Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz was appointed the new ruler of the country.
2006The world's first earthquake early warning service was launched by Japan.
2006The United Kingdom and the California states coincide to reduce their impacts on the environment. Prime Minister Tony Blair and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger came to the agreement after the long -beach visit to California.
2007New Zealand launched it for the first time at the easily available bio-fuel counter, made from 90 percent fuel as well as ten percent bio-ethanol produced from cow's milk.
2007Bridge 9340 carrying interstate 35W in Mississipirivar in Minnesota, Minnesota, USA, 13 people killed and 145 injured in Minnesota province of America.
2008The President of Brazil, Luis Inecio Lula de Silva launched a fund targeted for the protection of Amazon Rainavan. This was done to come up with options to cut the forests and fight climate change. The fund depends on international donations.
2009At a collective security treaty organization summit, Russia signed an agreement that would allow another military service foundation to open within Kyrgyzstan.
2009Two people died as a result of a shooting attack in the Gay and Lesbian Association building builder Tel-Aviv, Israel.
2011According to the report by Reuters, its headquarters computer assembler Foxconn technology in Taiwan intends to add a million robots to its plants in the next three years.
2014Liberia and Sierra Leone announced emergency status to send soldiers in response to the disease of the Ebola virus and to close schools and markets and to calm the affected communities.
527After the death of Justin I, Justinian became a renunciation of the Great Byzantine Empire.
902Under the leadership of Ibrahim II of IFRIKIA, Egalabids captured Tormina's Bisantine stronghold, leading to a Muslim conquest.

Important Historical Events of 01 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1869Harcourt Butler, an Indian Civil Service officer, was the first Governor of Uttar Pradesh.
2007The International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, in which 6 members of the Indian team won three silver medals.
2008India's special monitoring agreement was cleared by the Board of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA.

Important Days of 01 August National & International Days 🏁

Lokmanya Tilak Memorial DayNational Day
Rajarshi Purushottam Das Tandon Birth AnniversaryNational Day
World Breastfeeding Week, 1-7 August [WHO]International Day
Muslim Women Rights DayNational Day
World Lung Cancer DayInternational Day
Benin Independence DayNational Day
Swiss National DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 01 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1919Amrita Pritam / Poet / India
1882Purushotam Das Tandon / Freedom Fighter / India
1913Bhagwan Dada / Actor / India
1932Meena Kumari / Actress / India
1987Taapsee Pannu / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 01 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 8 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of August