According to Gregory calendar, on July 01, the day number in a year is 182 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 183. July 01 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 01 July in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1569Lubelsky's union was signed, the state of Poland and Grand Dachi of Lithuania merged into a single state, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1653The Westminster Assembly of Divine, gathered at the reorganization church of England, held his first meeting at Westminster Abe, London.
1708Tewaflos was made Emperor of Ethiopia.
1745Battleship Elizabeth was cast in Bonnie Prince Charlie's Frigate Doutal.
1747Battle at Lafell: France defeated British / Dutch army.
1770Lexel's comet passed close to the Earth compared to any other comet in the record history, close to the distance of 0.015 AU.
1782American revolutionary war-five American private ships attacked British settlement in Lunberg, Nova Scotia.
1820The first edition of Meuse's Mail newspaper was published.
1831Admiral James C. Ross reaches magnetic north pole
1839Abdul-Medzad succeeded Mahmud II as Sultan of Turkey.
1847The United States published its first postage stamps).
1852The first postage stamp named 'Sindh Dak' was released in Sindh.
1862The Calcutta High Court was inaugurated.
1866The first constitution of Romania was introduced.
1867The British North America Act came into force by united the Canadian Confederation, the province of Canada, New Breanswick and Nova Scotia.
1874Remington No.1 went on sale, it became the first commercially successful typewriter.
1875Universal Postal Union was established.
1879American Egilist Charles Tease Russell published the first publication of The Watchtower, which is the most broadcast magazine in The World.
1881The first international conversation over the phone occurred between "Calais" and "St. Stephen's".
1881The world's first international telephone calls were made between St. Stephen, New Breanswick, Canada and Kallis, Main, United States. There is a connection between a telephone call calling party and a call party on a telephone network. It was invented by Graham Bell.
1887The construction of the iron structure of the Eiffel Tower began in Paris France.
1889Frederick Douglass became ministerial nominee for Haiti.
1893US President Grover Cleveland operated in secret.
1896The International Socialist Workers and Trade Union Congress opened in London.
1907The Orange River Colony gained autonomy as the Orange Free State.
1911The German gunbott panther reached the Moroccan port of Agadir, which provoked the Agadir crisis between Great Britain and France.
1915The German fighter pilot of the First World War became the first person to kill another aircraft in aerial war using the incredible machine guns.
1916The first phase of the Battle of the First World War-Samme, the first day of the Albert battle, became the day of blood in the history of the British Army, with 57,470 people casualties, out of which 19,240 people were killed or killed by wounds.
1921The Communist Party of China was established. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the political and political party of the People's Republic of China (PRC). CPC is the only governing party in China, although it is jointly present with 8 other legal parties who formed the United Front. It was founded in 1921 by Chen Daxiu and Lee Dajhao.
1921The coal strike ended in England.
1927The first coast-to-coast radio network in Canada was commissioned to celebrate Dominion's 60th anniversary.
1932Australia's National Broadcasive, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, was formed
1935The Grant Park Music Festival, the United States' only annual freeout is a working classical music concert series that begins its tradition of freesoniconic music festivals in Grant Park in Chicago.
1943The Tokyo City was dissolved, the area of ​​which was divided into specific wards of the newly created Tokyo Metropolis.
1948The us A special investigation team of the Air Force was established.
1951A formal peace agreement was reached between Canada and Germany.
1960Ghana became a republic with Quame Nakrama as the first republic.
1961Theme park opened on Grand Island near New York.
1963The British government revealed that former MI6 agent Kimfilabi was engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union.
1963Zip code launched by USA Postal Service.
1966The first colorful television broadcast in Canada is from Toronto. There are three main analog broadcasting television systems used worldwide, PAL (Phase Alternating Line), NTSC (National Television System Committee), and Secam.
196862 countries signed the Nuclear Non -Proliferation Treaty in Washington, DC, London and Moscow. This is an international treaty to prevent the use of nuclear weapons and arms techniques. This promotes cooperation in peaceful use of nuclear power. The goal ahead is to complete disarmament.
196862 countries signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
1979Sony Walkman was launched for sale in Japan for the first time.
1991The Warsaw Treaty officially ended at a meeting in Prague. The Warsaw Treaty was a joint defense treaty of eight communist states of Eastern and Central Europe during the Cold War. The Warsaw Treaty was a military complementary for the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON), the regional economic organization of the Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe.
1991The Warsaw Pact was dissolved. The main objective of the Warsaw Pact was to combat the countries involved in NATO in Europe.
1996In 1996, Germany's reform reform agreed internationally.
1996The voluntary death statute in the northern province of Australia applies for the first time in the world.
1997The first Science City of the country was established in Kolkata.
1999The Legislative Administration of Scotland was transferred to the Scottish Parliament from the Scottish office in Westminster.
2002Bashkirian Airlines flight 2937 and DHL's flight 611 collided with the air in the cities of Germany's Owening and Germanyberlingen and killed all 71 people in both the planes.
2006The first work of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was started in the People's Republic of China.
2006The Kinhai-Tibet Railway, the world's highest railway and the only railway line in Tibet Autonomous Region were inaugurated.
2007Smoking in England is banned in all public indoor places. Prior to the ban, several businesses had voluntarily banned smoking as a result of public reaction. Pub chain vetorspons were the first major series to impose a complete ban on indoor smoking.
2007The ban on smoking in public places took effect in England.
2013Neptune's Moon S / 2004 N1 was discovered. S / 2004 N1 is a small moon of Neptune, which is about eighteen km in diameter. It only revolves around the planet under one Earth Day. Its discovery extended a group of known satellites of Neptune to fourteen. The moon is so intelligent that it was not seen when in 1989, Vazor 2 flew from nearby. Mark Sholater of SETI Institute found it by analyzing Neptune's photographs captured by the Hubble Space Telescope between 2004 and 2009.
2013Croatia became the 28th member of the European Union.
2013Discovered Neptune's Moon S / 2004 N1.
2014Martin Schulz was re-elected President of the European Parliament.

Important Historical Events of 01 July in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1822Daily newspaper 'Mumbai -concert' was published. The Bombay convention is the oldest published newspaper in India. Established by Fardunji Marzban, it was published in Gujarati and English. It was made of three small quarto sheets with a complement of half a sheet. It had fourteen pages of printed substances.
1879Postcards were introduced in India.
1882Birth of Bidhan Chandra Roy. He was born on 1 July 1882 and died on the same date in 1962 at the age of 80. , Roy was awarded India's highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna. Doctor's Day in India is celebrated in his honor.
1949The Institute of Chartered Accountants was established in India.
19491,000 years of the princely state of the Cochin royal family were completed. It was caused by the merger of two princely states, Cochin and Travancore, which was in the Tiru-Kochi state, which was re-organized as Kerala in the Indian Union.
1955Imperial Bank of India was nationalized and named as State Bank of India.
1964Establishment of Industrial Development Bank of India.

Important Days of 01 July National & International Days 🏁

National Doctor DayNational Day
International Joke DayInternational Day
Rajarshi Purushottamdas Tandon Memorial DayNational Day
State Bank Of India Foundation DayNational Day
International Cooperative DayInternational Day
GST DayNational Day
Van Mahotsav Week (1 to 7 Jul)National Day
Burundi Independence DayNational Day
Canada DayNational Day
Rwanda Independence DayNational Day
Somalia Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 01 July 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1882Bidhan Chandra Roy / Politician / India
1889Benegal Rama Rau / Economist / India
1889Sir Benegal Rama Rau / Civil Servant / India
1913Paramasiva Prabhakar Kumaramanga / Soldier / India
1913Vasantrao Naik / Politician / India
1923Brijmohan Lall Munjal / Industrialist / India
1927Abrar Alvi / Actor / India
1927Chandra Shekhar / Politician / India
1927Chandrashekhar Singh / Politician / India
1928Ramnaresh Yadav / Politician / India
1933Abdul Hameed / Soldier / India
1938Hariprasad Chaurasia / Composer / India
1949Venkaiah Naidu / Politician / India
1953Roopa Satyan / Model / India
1973Akhilesh Yadav / Politician / India
1975Antara Mali / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 01 july 🔗

This day in other months 📅

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  Post Category :  History of July