According to Gregory calendar, on November 01, the day number in a year is 305 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 306. November 01 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 01 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1141Anarkey-Matida's brief reign ended as England's first female ruler when Stephen of Bliss acquired the throne.
1611The first recorded performance of William Shakespeare's play The Tempest was held at Palace of Whitehall, London, which took place just seventy years after his first known performance of his tragedy Othelovas held in the same building.
1755The earthquake in Portugal's capital, Lisbon, killed more than 50,000 people.
1755An earthquake in Lisbon killed more than 50,000 people.
1765The Stamp Act came into force in the British colonies.
1765The Stamp Act was enacted in the British colonies.
1776Mission San Juan Capitrano was founded in California.
1787The first secondary education school for girls in Södetskollen, Sweden, was established in Göteborg.
1800John Adams became the first president of America.
1800John Adams became the first US President to remain in the White House.
1876The New Zealand colony dissolved its nine provinces and turned them into 63 counties.
1897Juventus FC Turin was established as an association football club.
1913Freedom fighter Taraknath Das launched the Ghadar movement in the city of San Francisco, California.
1924New York is the first state to eliminate isolated restrictions from Turkey after the outbreak of the leg and mouth at the beginning of the year.
1927The production of better model A which will replace the previous model T "Tin Lizzie", has begun in Ford factories. Prices begin at $ 460.
1928Turkish President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk introduced the current 29-sykshak Turkish alphabet to change the Turkish Turkish alphabet official writing system.
1928The current 29-sykshak Turkish alphabet was introduced, which replaces the Turk Turkish alphabet as the official writing system of the Turkish language.
1928Romanian radio broadcasting company started.
1940Italian fascists captured a well -populated area of ​​Greece. According to further report, Italy was moving towards the border of Albania. Meanwhile, the British took an edge over Italy's Naples.
1948Ethanagorus I were selected as the 268th universal Patrion Constantinopal.
1950Two Puerto Ricun Nationalists attempted to kill the American S Harry Truman (Picture).
1952The United States successfully explodes the hydrogen bomb on Envitok Atol in the Pacific region. It has been described as the world's first thermonuclear weapon.
1954Funt Day Liberation Nationley launched the Algerian war against the French rule.
1956The state of Madhya Pradesh was formed on the basis of language.
1956The capital of the country, Delhi became a union territory.
1958The then Soviet Union conducted nuclear tests.
1962Comic book Antiro Diabolic was introduced in Italy.
1963The Arecibo Observatory, with the world's largest lapsingle-dish radio telescope, was officially opened in Erecibo, Puerto Rico.
1963LH Quang Tung, the loyal head of South Vietnam SpecialForces, was killed in an American -backed coup after a period of religious unrest against the President in an American -backed coup.
1966The state of Haryana was carved out of Punjab.
1967Problems are increasing in front of the country regarding the use of marijuana, new figures have been released, showing that American servicemen are court martial for smoking marijuana compared to any other crime and San Diego is a police in California The official said that all high school students have 1/4 smoking marijuana.
1970The Polish vice president was shot dead at Pakistan's Karachi airport.
1973Mysore was renamed Karnataka.
1974The United Nations recognized the independence of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean.
1993The Mastrich treaty that establishes the European Union (EU) officially begins today. The treaty was approved by 12 countries on the European Union, including: Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Irish Republic, Spain, Greece, Italy, Portuguel, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany.
1998The European Court was established as a Human Rights Court with full -time judges to monitor compliance by theizing parties of European convention on human rights.
2000Chhattisgarh state was formed.
2005North Korea and South Korea have decided to come together and form an Olympic team in the next Olympic Games.
2006The International Union of the World Confederation of Labor and the International Union of International Trade Association is covered to create a Sangh, the International Trade Association of Sangh. It is the largest known trade union federation.
2007A suicide bomber attacked a bus carrying Pakistani Air Force employees in Punjab. About five people died and 40 people were injured.
2010The neighboring country China announced the census for the first time in 10 years.
619Emperor Gazu allowed the killing of Western Turkic Khante Khagan by Eastern Turkic rivals, which included the first incidents in the Tang campaign against Western Turks.
996The Holy Roman Emperor Otto III released a document, using Austria's old high German name 'Ostrerochi'.

Important Historical Events of 01 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1858The rule of India went from the East India Company to the ruler of Britain, and now the Viceroy was appointed to replace the Governor General.
1950India's first steam locomotive was built at the Chittaranjan rail plant.
1960Kalyani University was established in West Bengal India.
2008India's first lunar mission, Chandrayaan -1 which was developed by ISRO, successfully moves two pictures of the Earth while going on the moon.

Important Days of 01 November National & International Days 🏁

India Water Week (1 to 5 Nov)National Day
Antigua and Barbuda Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 01 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1964Neeta Ambani / Entrepreneur / India
1927A. B. A. Ghani Khan Choudhury / Politician / India
1927Abu Barkat Ataur Ghani Khan / Politician / India
1927Dinanath Bhargava / Painter / India
1936Adarsh Sein Anand / Lawyer / India
1936Bhupinder Nath Kirpal / Lawyer / India
1936Sam Piroj Bharucha / Lawyer / India
1939Ved Prakash Malik / Soldier / India
1940Ramesh Chandra Lahoti / Lawyer / India
1945Narendra Dabholkar / Author / India
1963Nita Ambani / Business Woman / India
1963Nita Ambani / Industrialist / India
1973Aishwarya Rai Bachchan / Actress / India
1974V. V. S. Laxman / Cricketer / India
1986Kristina Akheeva / Actress / India
1987Ileana D"Cruz / Actress / India
1998Raj Gill / Model / India

See full list of famous people born on 01 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Fri 16 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of November