According to Gregory calendar, on July 02, the day number in a year is 183 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 184. July 02 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 02 July in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1644Joint forces and English -students of the Scottish Covenant defeated royalists in the battle of Marxon Moore, one of the decisive encounters of the English Citizen War near the United States.
1777Vermont became the first American region to end the slave system. Vermont is a new state of England in the northeastern part of the United States. Its area is covered with 75% of the forests. Vermont is a pioneer in the production of maple syrup in the United States.
1777Slavery was abolished in the city of Vermont, USA.
1781Sultan Hyder Ali of Mysore and Porto Novo now Parangipettai in the British Army fought.
1816The French French Muduce escaped from the Todode's Mauritania, escaped on a temporary crack with the remaining people, painting the theodore geralt in the Rough of the Memadusa.
1871Victor Emmanuel II of Italy entered Rome after winning it from the Pope states. The Pope states were ruled from 700 to 1870, under the Pope's sovereign direct rule in the Italian Peninsula. He was one of the main important states of Italy since the eighth century, until the Italian Peninsula was united by the Pidmont Empire in 1861. And Sardinia.
1881US President James A. Garfield was given Washington D.C. K Botalimore and Potomac Railroad stations were badly shot.
1890The US Congress passed the Sherman Antitrest Act, which was the first state government action to limit monopoly.
1897Italian scientist Guglilmo Marconi received a patent for radio in London. Guglilmo Marconi was an Italian inventor and electrical engineer who was known for the development of his leading work on long distance radio broadcasting and the development of the law of Marconi and a radio telegraph system.
1897Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi received a patent for radio in London.
1911The United States also closed its diplomatic relations with Colombia and closed the consulate there.
1917White residents of East Saint Louis, Illinois burnt the city's mohallas and shot black residents as they survived theft.
1937Aviation's leading Emelia Earheem and sailor Fred Nonandisis flew over the Pacific Ocean during an attempt to create ancuminous flight.
1950A mentally ill Buddhist monk set fire to the Golden Pavilion in Kinkaku-G, which is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan.
1962The first Walmart Store, which is now the world's largest retailer, opened in Rogers, Arkansas, US.
1962The first Walmart store opened for business in Roger, Arkansas.
1964US President Lindon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Actinto Act (Figure), illegal separation at workplace in schools, and other facilities serving the general public.
1972Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and President of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto signed the Simla Agreement.
1976Fall of Vietnam Republic; Communist North Vietnam announced his union to make Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam is commonly known as North Vietnam, a Marxist and Leninist government in 1945. It was claiming everyone from Vietnam which included most of the North Vietnam.
1976More than a year after the end of the Vietnam war, North and South Vietnam officially united under communist rule and formed the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
1976The Republic of Vietnam came to an end. Communist North Vietnam announced joining with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
1983The first unit of the indigenously built Nuclear Power Station started functioning at Kalpakkam near Madras.
19901,426 Haj pilgrims died in a stampede at Mecca-Meena in Saudi Arabia.
1997Mark Thai Thai rapidly lost half of his value due to the Asian financial crisis.
2000In the Mexican general election, Visant Fox was selected from an opposing party to put the first President of Mexico at stake in 71 years.
2002Steve Fossett became the first person to fly solo continuously around the world with a balloon.
2002Steve became the first to fly Solo around the world's nonstop in the Foster Balloon. James Stephen Fosate was an American businessman and a record setting flyer, adventurer and sailor. He created his prosperity in the financial services industry and was known for many world records, including the Earth's five nonstop circulation.
2002American Aviator Steve Fauset, in balloon, became the first person to blow Solo Nonsstop worldwide to complete a 14 -day journey after Australia landed in Queensland.
2002Steve Fossett became the first person to travel the world through balloons.
2010The tanker truck explosion in Congo killed 230 people.
2013The International Astronomical Union named Pluto's fourth and fifth moon, Cerberos and Stylex. The International Astronomical Union consists of professional astronomers at PhD level and beyond, active in professional research and education in astronomy. It acts as an internationally recognized authority to designate any surface characteristics on them.
2015In the Philippines, 62 people died when a boat carrying 220 passengers drowned.
626During the Zuanavu Gate Incident, Prince Lee Shimin killed his ancestors and led his rival brothers, Crown Prince Lee Jiancheng and Prince Lee Yuanji, led to a bloody palace for the throne, Tang dynasty.
706In China, Tang Emperor Zongzong intervened in the last bodies at Kianling Mousolam, which remained closed until the 1960s.

Important Historical Events of 02 July in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1757Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula was caught and murdered. At the behest of Meeran, he was stabbed by Muhammad Baig with a knife. Siraj Ud-Daula was the last independent Nawab of Bengal. The beginning of the rule of the British East India Company in Bengal and later the end of their rule throughout South Asia is worth noting.
1916Geological Survey of India Department was established.
1940Indian freedom leader Subhash Chandra Bose was arrested in Calcutta. Subhash Chandra Bose was known as an Indian nationalist and a prominent person of the Indian independence movement all over India. Bose was two -time elected president of the Indian National Congress and the founder and president of the All India Forward Block.
1972The Shimla Treaty was signed between Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Pakistani PM Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. This occurred after the war between two nations in 1971, resulting in the independence of Bangladesh. It was previously known as East Pakistan and was part of the Pakistani region. The agreement was approved by the Parliaments of both nations in the same year.
1999During the Kargil War, the Indian Army launched a joint attack on Kargil. India was stable on the fall of Pakistan from the region. The reason for the war was Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri terrorists infiltrated the positions on LoC from India, which serves as the actual border between the two states.

Important Days of 02 July National & International Days 🏁

World Sports Journalists DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 02 July 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1921Ashok Ghosh / Politician / India
1948Alok Dhanwa / Writer / India
1958Pawan Malhotra / Actor / India
1968Gautami / Actress / India
1981Anupama Verma / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 02 july 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 4 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of July