According to Gregory calendar, on March 03, the day number in a year is 62 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 63. March 03 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 03 March in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1575The Mughal emperor Akbar defeated the Bengal army in the battle of Tukaroi.
1707The sixth Mughal emperor Aurangzeb died and Bahadur Shah I ascended the throne.
1776American Revolutionary War: Samuel Nicholas and the Continental Marines successfully landed on New Providence and captured Nassau in the Bahamas.
1820The U.S. Congress passed the Missouri Compromise, whichbalanced the addition of Missouri as a slave state with the admittanceof Maine as a free state.
1845The United States Congress enacted a presidential veto law for the first time.
1847Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was born.
1849The United States Congress passed the Gold Coinage Act to allow the structure of gold coins.
1861The Emancipation Manifesto of Tsar Alexander II wasproclaimed, abolishing serfdom in Imperial Russia.
1863The first American wartime military recruitment bill was enacted.
1871The US Congress Civil Service System was established.
1875French composer Georges Bizet's opera Carmen, based on thenovella of the same title by Prosper Mérimée, premiered at the OpéraComique in Paris.
1875The first indoor game of ice hockey was played at the VictoriaSkating Rink in Montreal by James Creighton and McGill Universitystudents.
1875The first indoor ice hockey game was played at the Victoria Skating Rink in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
1879The first American female lawyer stepped into the US Supreme Court (Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood)
1885American Telephone & Telegraph, at onepoint the world's largest telephone company, was incorporated in NewYork.
1900A German scientist named Kotleb Diemler died at the age of 64. He succeeded in making motorcycles.
1911The us The Army built the first dental corps, with sixty dentists involved.
1913Thousands of women marched in Washington, D.C. 'in a spirit of protest' against the exclusion of women fromAmerican society.
1915The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), thepredecessor of NASA, was founded.
1915The United States established the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, NASA's predecessor.
1923Time magazine was first published.
1924The Free State of Fiume, a short-lived independent free state located in the modern city of Rijeka, Croatia, was annexed by the Kingdom of Italy.
1926Germany and Afghanistan signed a mutual friendship agreement.
1938Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia.
1943Second World War-During a German aerial attack on London, 173people were killed in a stampede while trying to enter Bethnal Greentube station, which was being used as an air raid shelter.
1943Gandhi of Mohandas ended his fast after 21 days.
1945A former Armia Krajowa unit massacred at least 150 Ukrainian civilians in Pawlokoma, Poland.
1951Jackie Brenston, with Ike Turner and his band, recorded 'Rocket 88', often cited as 'the first rock and roll record', at Sam Phillips' recording studios in Memphis, Tennessee.
1974Turkish Airlines' DC 10 plane crashed near Paris, killing all 345 people on board.
1980Pierre Tridieu was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada for the second time.
1980Pierre Trudeau takes over as Prime Minister of Canada.
1982Elizabeth II inaugurated the Barbican Center in London.
1991Motorist Rodney King was beaten by Los Angeles policemen, causing public outrage that increased tensions between the African American community and the police department over the issues of police brutality and social inequalities in the area.
1992263 killed in gas explosion in Turkish coal mine.
1996Auckland beat Wellington by 9 wickets and won Shell Trophy Final.
1997Howard Stern Radio Show premieres in Fayetteville. North Carolina is on WRCQ 103.5 FM.
1997The Sky Tower in Auckland, the tallest free-standing structurein the Southern Hemisphere at 328 m (1,076 ft), opened.
2002North of Kabul, Afghanistan is hit by Earthquake. It brought major devastation.
2005Steve Fossett flies the Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer to a world record. He has completed the first non-stop, non-refuelled, solo flight around the world.
2005Garry Kasparov has declared his retirement professionally from chess.
2007Pakistan test-fired the Hatf-2 Abdali ballistic missile.
2008Duffy debuted his debut album "Rockeroy".
2009The building housing the Historical Archive of the City ofCologne, one of the the largest communal archives in Europe, collapsed.
2009Armed people opened fire on the bus of the Sri Lankan cricket team going to play matches in Lahore, Pakistan.
2010Multiple suicide bombers in Baquoba, Iraq killed at least 33 people and more than 50 people were wounded.
2011A report is released by the United Nations stating world food prices are at the highest in 20 years.
2012Mitt Romney, the U.S. Presidential candidate wins the caucus in Washington State.
2012Two passenger trains collided head-on near the town ofSzczekociny in Poland, resulting in 16 deaths and 58 injuries.
2012In Poland, 16 people were killed and 50 were injured in two train collisions.
2013Queen Elizabeth II is admitted to the hospital for observation after experiencing symptoms of gastroenteritis. It is a precautionary measure taken.
2013The United Nations declared March 3 as World Wildlife Day.
201345 people died in a bomb blast in Karachi, Pakistan.
2014Forbes' annual ranking on the richest person in the world named Bill Gates is the world's richest person in the world. He is with a total net worth of $76 billion. He outranked last year's wealthiest person, Carlos Slim, by $4billion.

Important Historical Events of 03 March in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1971The Indo-Pak War began and India's Bangladesh Liberation Bahini declared open support.

Important Days of 03 March National & International Days 🏁

World Wildlife DayInternational Day
World Wildlife DayInternational Day
World Hearing DayInternational Day
Bulgaria Liberation DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 03 March 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1839Jamsetji Tata / Business Man / India
1910A. Ghosh / Author / India
1939M. L. Jaisimha / Cricketer / India
1955Jaspal Bhatti / Actor / India
1976Rifleman Sanjay Kumar / Soldier / India
1978Tanisha Mukherjee / Actress / India
1987Shraddha Kapoor / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 03 march 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Mon 9 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  17121
  Post Category :  History of March