According to Gregory calendar, on November 03, the day number in a year is 307 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 308. November 03 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 03 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1493Christopher Columbus discovered Dominica Island.
1762The Treaty of Paris was signed between Britain and Spain.
1762Britain and Spain signed the Treaty of Paris.
1796John Adams defeated Thomas Jefferson in the US presidential election.
1796John Adams was elected President of the United States.
1804The Treaty of St. Louis was signed by Quashquam and William Henry Harrison, the controversy surrounding the treaty eventually caused the Sahab people to cooperate with the British Empire during the War of 1812 and is the main cause of the Black Hawk War of 1832.
1812The French attacks on the Grand Armary of Russia-Asa Napoleon began to retreat, the guards behind it were defeated in the battle of Vyzma.
1826The Paris Stock Exchange opened on the Palais de la Bourse.
1868US presidential election 1868: Ulysses S. Grant defeated Hortio Seymour in the election.
1903Panama gained independence from Colombia.
1906SOS became an international crisis signal.
1918Poland declared its independence from Russia.
1924The number of deaths due to the pneumonic plague coming in Los Angeles has reached 25. Precautionary steps have been taken by health officials, in which the areas where deaths have occurred. This plague is considered due to mice and action will be taken to kill them.
1928The use of the Roman script instead of Arabic for the Turkish language began.
1933Economist and Nobel laureate Amartya Sen was born in Birbhum district of West Bengal.
1935About 98% of the votes in a Greek referendum supported the restoration of George II as the king of Helen.
1948Chicago Tribune has serious U.S. The subsequent morning version of the morning published the flaw title 'Devi Defates Truman'. President Harry S. Truman officially harassed the heavy favored governor of Thomas Davi of New York in the US presidential election.
1954The first film of the giant demon known as Godzila was released.
1954The first Godzilla film premiere began in Tokyo.
1956Amidst the Suez Crisis, during an invasion of Gazastrip, Israeli soldiers shot and killed hundreds of Palestinian refugees and local residents at Khan Unis.
1957In the first mission of its kind, a living animal, a dog was launched at the Russian spacecraft, Sputnik 2, to enter the Earth's orbit in space.
1957The Soviet Union launched the Sputnik 2 spacecraft, in which the Russian space dog was taken from Earth to the first orbit.
1957The Soviet Union sent a dog named Lyka into space. He was the first dog animal to reach the sky by riding in a spacecraft and circling the Earth.
1958The new UNESCO building was inaugurated in Paris.
1967A series of Vietnam war-rich chains that went to something the most difficult and War K in the middle of Vietnam? The toughest war of Tôin war began.
1969US President Richard Nixon, referring to the Americans, argued the 'silent majority' who did not attend a large scale against the Vietnam war at that time.
1975Queen Elizabeth officially inaugurated the operation of Britain's first oil pipeline and begins, which goes from Crudeen Bay to Grengmutha, who serves Fortis Olfield.
1979Five members of the American Communist Workers Party were shot dead by Ku Clox Clan and American Nazi Party members, while protesting in Greensboro, North Carolina.
1984Anti-Sikh riots broke out in the capital after the assassination of Indira Gandhi on 31 October. In which thousands of people were killed and homeless.
1994A French magazine published a photo of the secret daughter of President François Mitterrand.
1996Abdullah Atali, a drug traffic, a contract killer and ultra-nationalist Nationalist Movement Party ally, Susuraluk, Balikasir Province, Turkish in a car accident, who exposed the in-laws' scandal, which exposed the in-laws scandal, which exposed the state's complex unorganized offense Exposed the depth.
1996The brutal dictator of the Central African Republic Jan Bedel Bokassa died.
2004US President George Bush was elected President of the United States for the second time on November 3.
2005According to the revelation by measles initiative (MI), about 200 million children in Africa have been vaccinated since 1999. This was done as a protective measure against measles, reducing the infection rate by 60 percent.
2006Ted Hagird, an American Minister of America, has been accused of consuming and engaging in gay acts.
2007President Pervez Musharraf has declared an emergency in Pakistan due to rising terrorist violence.
2007Pakistani President and Chief of Army Staff Pervez Musharraf suspended the Pakistani Constitution in view of the emergency situation in Pakistan.
2009The 23rd saw the Soul Train Music Awards: Michael Jackson, Charlie Wilson and Chaka Khan.
2011An Egyptian boat along with around 1200 people set fire to the Red Sea between Akaba and Jordan port of Nuweeba
2011Pakistan's three cricketers Salman Batt, Mo, Asif and Mo. Amer was jailed for three years for spot-fixing during the Loders Test a year ago.
2012The city of Turin, Italy, is officially nominated as the 2015 European Capital of Sport, by the ACES Europe Assessment Committee.
2013A rare solar eclipse is observed in Africa, Europe and Eastern United States.
2014The One World Trade Center officially opens, thirty -thirteen years later in the bomb blasts that took place on 11 September, thus replacing its predecessor.
644Omar was the second Muslim Khalifa after the death of Muhammad, who was stolen by Persian Ghulam Piruj Nahawandi.

Important Historical Events of 03 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1838The Times of India, the world's largest circulated English-language daily broadsheet newspaper, was established as The Bombay Times Journal of Commerce.
1948The then Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru made his first speech at the United Nations General Assembly.
1962The Gold Bond Scheme was announced in India in the wake of the Chinese attack.
2000Direct to home broadcasting service launched for all by the Government of India.

Important Days of 03 November National & International Days 🏁

Food Processing Week (3 to 5 Nov)National Day
Dominica Independence DayNational Day
Micronesia Independence DayNational Day
Panama Separation DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 03 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1890Harilal Jekisundas Kania / Lawyer / India
1900Sagarmal Gopa / Freedom Fighter / India
1618Aurangzeb / Ruler / India
1890H. J. Kania / Judge / India
1890H. J. Kania / Lawyer / India
1900Sagarmal Gopa / Freedom Fighter / India
1906Prithviraj Kapoor / Actor / India
1917Annapurna Maharana / Activist / India
1933Amartya Sen / Academic / India
1933Amartya Sen / Economist / India
1933C. K. Jaffer Sharief / Politician / India
1946Pratapsingh Baghel / Politician / India
1958Swaroop Sampat / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 03 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 17 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  13370
  Post Category :  History of November