According to Gregory calendar, on December 04, the day number in a year is 338 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 339. December 04 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 04 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1639The English astronomer Jeremia Horox made the first observation of Venus.
1748French chemist Bertley was born. He did research work on different types of salts.
1783US General George Washington formally bid farewell to his officers at Frances Tavon, New York City.
1786Mission Santa Barbara was founded by Padre Fermin Lassuen as the tenth part of the Spanish mission in California.
1791The first issue of The Observer, the world's first Sunday newspaper, was published in London.
1796Bajirao II was appointed Peshwa.
1829Viceroy Lord William Bentick abolished the practice of sati.
1833American Anti-Slavery Society was formed in Philadelphia by Arthur Tappan.
1859The Maketeb-e Mulkiyya school was established in the Ottoman Empire.
1872American Brigantine Mary Celeste was clearly abandoned under circumstances that are unknown to date.
1881The first edition of the Los Angeles Times was published.
1893The first Matabele War-A patrol was ambushed by the British South Africa company soldiers and were wiped out by more than 3,000 Matabele warriors.
1899For the first time, the vaccine of typhoid was used to protect humans from the disease.
1909The first gray cup game, the Championship game of the Canadianfootball League was held.
1909The world's oldest professional ice hockey club Montreal Canadines were established as a charter member of the National Hockey Abhiyan.
1937The political drama film First Lady, starring K. Francis, was released.
1943The Works Progress Administration has ended. It was designed to provide employment during the Great Depression period in the 1930s.
1952London has caused a deadly mist for four days, killing about 4000 people. It is clearly created by soot and sulfur dioxide of smoke emanating from factories, cars and coal fire in homes.
1952Thousands of people lost their lives due to the thick layer of smog in England.
1954The global hamburger fast food chain burger king, known for whisper's item, was established in Miami, Florida, America.
1955The International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations was established in Luxembourg.
195792 people died in London in a Lewisham train accident
1961The National Health Service has provided an oral contraceptive to the contraceptive pill to the people.
1967The country's first rocket 'Rohini RH 75' was launched from Thumba.
1971The Trolls-The Ulster Volunteer Force, a ulcers laundy-pamphletary group, bombed a Catholic pub in Belfast, Northern Ireland, killing 15 people.
1979Bruce George Peter Lee set fire to a family house in England's plow; After his arrest, he revealed that he had started nine other deadly firing in the area.
1980The English rock group was officially dissolved by Zepelin.
1984Hezbollah militants hijacked a Kuwait airline plane and killed four passengers.
1984Hezbollah bombers hijack a Kuwait Airlines plane and kill 4 passengers.
1992US President George H. W. Bush ordered to help American troops to provide humanitarian aid in Somalia and helped restore the order during the Ongoeing Somali Somali war.
1996The US space agency NASA launched another spacecraft 'Mars Pathfounder' for Mars.
2004Maria Julia Mantila Garcia of Peru was voted Miss World 2004.
2005Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser called for a ban on death penalty worldwide.
2006Whatever NASA revealed his intention to make on the basis; The North Pole or Southern Pole of the Moon.
2006Six black youths attacked a white man in Jena, Louisiana, USA; Later the court case will become a reason.
2006Nearly a thousand people died in a village in the Philippines after a landfall.
2006Nearly a thousand people died after landfall in a village in the Philippines.
2007The United States has agreed to a free trade agreement with Peru by 77 to 18 votes with Peru, which is allowed to implement.
2008Russia's Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin said that Russia can be forced to reduce the supply of gas in Ukraine if it does not complete the agreement on the payment for gas "which is first consumed. Is.
2009The current President of Namibia Hifikpunne Pohamba has been again appointed with the ruling party after the next week.
2010Ecuador officials ordered people to be removed from the slopes of Tungurhua volcano after starting to leave the ash.
2012A mortar attack in Syria killed 29 people.
771Austrian King Carlman I died, leaving his brother Sharalemanken which is now a full frankish kingdom.

Important Historical Events of 04 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1829The practice of Sati, the practice of Hindu funerals of widows, in part of British India, was prohibited after years of campaigning by Mohan Roy.
1860Agustino Lawrenceo of Margao, Goa, received a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Paris. He became the first Indian to pursue a doctorate from a foreign university.
1919The twelfth Prime Minister of India, Indra Kumar Gujral was born.
1971The fight between the Indian Navy and the Pakistan Navy has reached another level. It is related to the United Nations and has called for a tragedy since he turned into a complete war.

Important Days of 04 December National & International Days 🏁

Indian Navy DayNational Day
Chemical Accidents Prevention DayNational Day
International Day of BanksInternational Day
International Bank DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 04 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1910R. Venkataraman / Politician / India
1910Ramaswamy Venkataraman / Lawyer / India
1910Ramaswamy Venkataraman / Politician / India
1919I. K. Gujral / Politician / India
1919Inder Kumar Gujral / Politician / India
1919Indra Kumar Gujral / Politician / India
1923Shripati Mishra / Politician / India
1963Javed Jafri / Actor / India
1977Ajit Agarkar / Cricketer / India

See full list of famous people born on 04 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Mon 19 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  12289
  Post Category :  History of December