According to Gregory calendar, on March 04, the day number in a year is 63 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 64. March 04 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 04 March in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1386Grand Duke of Lithuania Jogaila was crowned Wladyslaw IIJagiello, King of Poland, beginning the Jagiellonian dynasty.
1681King Charles II of England granted Quaker William Penn acharter for the Pennsylvania Colony.
1769French astronomer Charles Messier first noted the Orion Nebula, a bright nebula situated south of Orion's Belt, later cataloguing it as Messier 42 in his list of Messier objects.
1789As per the U.S. Constitution, the bicameral U.S. Congressofficially replaced the unicameral Congress of the Confederation as thelegislative body of the federal government.
1789The first US Congress completed and declared the constitution.
1791Vermont was accepted as the 14th US state.
1793George Washington was sworn in as President of the United States for his second term in Philadelphia.
1797John Adams was sworn in as the second President of the United States.
1797John Adams became the second President of the US, before he was the Vice President.
1801Thomas Jefferson was sworn in as the third President of the United States.
1805Thomas Jefferson was sworn in for a second term as President of the United States.
1809James Madison was elected as the fourth President of the United States.
1813James Madison was sworn in as President of the United States for a second term.
1814War of 1812-An American raiding party defeated an attempt byBritish regulars, volunteers from the Canadian militia and NativeAmericans to intercept them near present-day Wardville, Ontario.
1817James Monroe was sworn in as the fifth President of the United States.
1821James Monroe began his second term as President of the United States.
1823In the war between the Osmani regime and Greece, the Greek army massacred 12 thousand Muslims in the city of Tripoliza.
1825John Quincy Adams was sworn in as the sixth President of the United States.
1829Andrew Jackson was sworn in as the seventh President of the United States.
1833Andrew Jackson was sworn in for his second term as President of the United States.
1837Martin Van Buren was sworn in as the eighth president of the United States.
1841William Henry Harrison was sworn in as the ninth President of the United States.
1877Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake debuted at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
1881James A. Garfield was sworn in as the 20th President of the United States.
1882The first electric-powered tram operated in East London.
1885Grover Cleveland was sworn in as the 22nd President of the United States.
1889Benjamin Harrison was sworn in as the 23rd President of the United States.
1890The Forth Bridge, a railway bridge connectingEdinburgh to Fife over the Firth of Forth, opened, becoming aninternationally recognised Scottish landmark.
1893Grover Cleveland sworn in as the 24th President of the United States.
1894More than 1000 houses were destroyed in the horrific fire in Shanghai.
1899Cyclone Mahina struck Bathurst Bay, Queensland, killing over400 people, the deadliest natural disaster in Australian history.
1905Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in as President of the United States.
1908Transvaal University College established the University of Pretoria.
1909William Howard Taft was sworn in as the 27th President of the United States.
1913Woodrow Wilson was sworn in as the 28th President of the United States.
1918The first known case of the so-called Spanish flu was firstobserved at Fort Riley, Kansas.
1921Popular Hindi writer Phanishwarnath Renu was born.
1930More than 700 people died in the terrible floods in France.
1931Declaration of consultation and conciliation in the British Viceroy, Governor-General Edward Frederick Lindley Wood and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) on the release of political prisoners and the exemption of public use of salt.
1933Frances Perkins was appointed United States Secretary of Labor,making her the first female member of the Cabinet.
1936For the first time in Germany, the Hindenburg airplane took official flight.
1941Second World War: British Commandos successfully executed Operation Claymore on the Lofoten Islands of Norway.
1944Murder, Inc. leader Louis Buchalter was executed, the onlymajor mob boss to receive the death penalty in the United States afterbeing convicted of murder.
1972Libya and the Soviet Union signed a cooperation treaty.
1976The Magire was convicted for possessing seven explosives which sentenced him to 14 years in prison.
1977An earthquake in Romania killed 1541 people.
1980Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union waselected to head the first government in Zimbabwe.
1987U.S. President Ronald Reagan made a nationally televised address in which he accepted full responsibility for illegal actions in the Iran–Contra affair.
19895 were killed and 94 were injured in a train accident at Purley station in London.
1991Iraq released 6 U.S., 3 British and 1 Italian POW.
1997US President Bill Clinton withheld federal funds for any research on human cloning.
1997Brazil Senate has allowed women to wear slacks.
1997Scientists have stated that Comet Hale-Bopp directly above the Sun (1.04 AU).
1997Russia has launched Zeya Start-1.
2001A bomb exploded at the BBC Television Center in London, UK.
2002Landslides in Afghanistan killed 150 people.
2007Fourteen-year-old English schoolgirl Charlotte Shaw drowned onDartmoor, becoming the first person to die in connection with the annualTen Tors challenge.
2009The new version of the BrahMos missile was tested from Pokhran in Rajasthan.
2009Gunmen attacked a bus carrying Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore, Pakistan. Eight people are killed and several people are injured.
2009The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant forPresident of Sudan Omar al-Bashir on charges of war crimes and crimesagainst humanity regarding his actions during the War in Darfur.
2010A magnitude of 6.4 earthquake hit Taiwan. Twelve people are injured. Communications and rail services are disturbed.
2012Vladimir Putin won the presidential election of Russia.
2012The People's Republic of China will increase its defence spending by 11.2 per cent in the year 2012.
2012Vladimir Putin won Russia's presidential election amid allegations.
2013An attack in Iraq killed 40 Syrian soldiers.
2013Mexican business magnate Carlos Slim tops the list of the 'Forbes' list of wealthiest people. He is having a personal fortune of $73 billion dollars.
2013The process of selecting the successor to Pope Benedict XVI has begun. More than 100 Catholic cardinals meet in Rome, Italy.
2014President Obama presented his 2015 budget to Congress. He announced that it is a roadmap for creating jobs with good wages and expanding opportunity for all Americans.
306Roman Herculian guard Adrian of Nicomedia, who had converted toChristianity after being impressed with the faith of Christians that hehad been torturing, was martyred.

Important Historical Events of 04 March in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1961India's first aircraft carrier warship INS Vikrant was deployed.

Important Days of 04 March National & International Days 🏁

National Safety DayNational Day
Shrikashi Vishwanath Shringar DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 04 March 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1856Toru Dutt / Writer / India
1921Phanishwar Nath Renu / Writer / India
1922Dina Pathak / Actress / India
1930Virendra Kumar Sakhlecha / Politician / India
1973Chandra Sekhar Yeleti / Writer / India
1980Kamalini Mukherjee / Actress / India
1980Rohan Bopanna / Tennis Player / India

See full list of famous people born on 04 march 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Mon 9 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  12634
  Post Category :  History of March