According to Gregory calendar, on July 06, the day number in a year is 187 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 188. July 06 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 06 July in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1253The first well-known Grand Duke Mingugas of Lithuania was the king of Lithuania, who was the only person to hold that title.
1411The Ming dynasty Admiral Zheng He returned to Nanjing after a visit to Hiskand and presented the Sinhala king, who was caught during the Ming-Kot war to the Yingle Emperor.
1483Richard III was crowned the King of England, the last king of the House of York and the last king of the Plantgate dynasty.
1483Richard III became King of England.
1560Scotland and England formally signed Lith's siege on the Treaty of Edinburgh and replaced the Scottish-French Audialian.
1614The Ottoman Empire made a final attempt to win Islandoff Malta, but was beaten back by the Nights Hospitiler.
1770Battle of Cesme: Russian fleet defeated Turkish army.
1777American revolutionary war-American soldiers in the Fort Trickenden New York retreated in advance from the British forces, as Anupar was widely considered immense in the American public.
1785The dollar was unanimously chosen as the money for the United States.
1809The French forces of Napoleon defeated the Austronism of Arganduk Charles in the battle of Wagrams in a decisive conflict of the fifth alliance of the war of war.
1849Battle of Fredericia: The Danish army razed the Prussian army at Fredericia, Jutland, ending the Prussian / Danish War by 1864.
1854Jackson held the first convention of the American Republican Party in Michigan.
1885French chemists Louis Pasteur and Emil Rukes successfully tested their vaccines against rabies on nine -year -old Joseph MasterHotter, after which they were bitten by an infected dog.
1885Louis Pasteur successfully tested rabies vaccine. This discovery brought a revolution in the medical world.
1887Hawaii King King Kalkaua was forced to sign the Bayonate Coinst institution, which snatched the aerial monarchy of most of its authorities, as well as all Asians, most of the native Hawaiian and Thepore.
1892During a steelworkers strike at Homestad, Pennsylvania, the advertising between strikers and Pinkan agents resulted in tenders and dozens of people were injured.
1905American school teacher Katie Davit James filed for divorce from her husband, began a series of incidents that would eventually lead her unresolved murder and naming the dead woman crossing, Oklahoma.
1906The second Geneva conference was completed.
1923Soviet Socialist Republic was established.
1931Billy Burke Won Open Golf Tournament.
1936A major violation of Manchester Bolton and Bari Canal in England sent 300 feet of water springs to 300 feet (91 m) Ila river.
1940The Story Bridge in Brisbane, the longest Cantillar Bridge Inaustralia, was opened by Sir Leslie Orm Wilson, Governor of Queensland.
1941During the First World War, the aggressive forces were launched to surround Nazi Germany. The attack took place near the city of Smolansk. It is also known as a Smolnsus battle. The Smolansk's fight resulted in the German victory.
1944Mahatma Gandhi was first addressed by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose as 'Father of the Nation'.
1947The production of AK -47 rifle began in the Soviet Union. AK means Avatomat Kalashnikova. It was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is a semi -automatic or automatic light load machine gun. This gun is used by the armed forces of maximum countries of the world.
1957Althi Gibson became the first black tennis player to win the Wimbledon Championship. She was an American tennis player and also a professional golfer. It was the world's first Grand Slam that was won by any colorful player in history.
1959Vellore Hospital successfully underwent open heart surgery for the first time.
1961An explosion in a Portuguese ship near Mozambique killed 300 people.
1962The United States conducted a sedan nuclear tests as part of the operation plovesaire, to check the use of nuclearxplosians for civil purposes.
1964Malawi announced his freedom from the United Kingdom. Malawi was earlier called Nyasaland. It was a colony of Britain. It is the country of the continent which is located in the south-east of the African continent. It is one of the least developed countries.
1964Malawi, the country of the African continent, became independent from Britain and today was declared as the national day of this country.
1966Malawi became a republic country. The country adopted its new constitution. Thus the Republic of Republic joined the club. Hastings became the first President of Banda Malawi. He was one of the leaders who were demanding independence for the country.
1978A sleeping car train caught fire in Tuntan, England, killing 12 people and the British Rail had to provide state -of -the -art fire -resistant measures.
1986Davis Fineni Tour Day became the first cyclist of the USA to win the road stage of France. It is a multi-deprived annual racing of bicycles that occurred in France. The path of the tour goes through its neighboring countries. Cyclists from all over the world participate in it. This race is considered to be the most prestigious in all other bicycle races.
1989A member of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad kidnapped a bus and committed a suicide attack and dropped it into a ravine near Kirit Yarim, Israel.
1997In response to The Tributes-Dramacious dispute, a five-day journey began in the Irish Nationalist districts of Northern Ireland.
2002Afghanistan's Vice President Abdul Qadir was assassinated in Kabul.
2003A Meti message was sent to five stars in the universe, which were several light years away from the earth. This message was sent to discover additional terrestrial life in the universe. This message was recognized as a silence breaker in the universe. Message is expected to reach the destination by 2036.
2005A forty thousand year old footprint was found in Mexico.
2008The 5000-year-old imperial necropolis was discovered in southern Egypt.
2008115th Wimbledon Women's Tennis: Venus Williams defeated Serena Williams 7-5 6-4).
2009Jadranka Kosor became Croatia's first female Prime Minister.
2013In Nigeria, terrorists attacked the school and killed 42 people.

Important Historical Events of 06 July in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1892Dadabhai Naoroji was elected as the first Indian Member of Parliament in Britain.
1892Dadabhai Naoroji became the first Indian to be elected in the British Parliament. He was a Parsi intellectual who became a social reformer. He was actually one of the largest cotton traders in India. He played a major role in the Indian freedom struggle.
1975Comoros declared its freedom from France. Comoros is a small nation made up of groups of many small islands. It is located in the Indian Ocean on the Mozambique channel which is near the African continent.
2006Nathu La, a hill pass to the Himalayas connecting India and China, was sealing during the China-Indian War, re-opened to trade after more than 40 years.
200644 years later, the closed Nathula Pass since the 1962 war in India-China was opened. From here there was trade between India and China.
2013The Nathu-La Pass between China and India opened again after 44 years. The pass was sealed in 1962 due to the Indo-China war. This war was a boundary struggle resulting in Chinese victory. The pass was reopened after 44 years for the trading purpose.

Important Days of 06 July National & International Days 🏁

Syama Prasad Mukherjee Birth AnniversaryNational Day
World Zoonosis DayInternational Day
Comoros Independence DayNational Day
Malawi Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 06 July 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1837R. G. Bhandarkar / Scholar / India
1901Shyama Prasad Mukherjee / Lawyer / India
1952Dr. Nasim Zaidi / Civil Servant / India
1956Anil Madhav Dave / Politician / India
1961Vandana Chavan / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 06 july 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Mon 5 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  15532
  Post Category :  History of July