According to Gregory calendar, on May 06, the day number in a year is 126 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 127. May 06 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 06 May in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1589Mian Tansen, the great scholar of Hindustani classical music, died.
1733The first international boxing match was played.
1757The English poet Christopher Smart was admitted to St. Luke's horse for leukatics in London, which began his six -year imprisonment.
1757Battle of Prague: Prussian forces defeated Frederick II's Austrian army.
1782Construction began at the Grand Palace in Bangkok, which was the official center of the king of Thailand.
1801French Revolutionary Wars-The Manman and OutgmentedHMS Speedi captured the 32-gun Spanish Frigate L. Gamo.
1840Penny Black released the first stamp in Britain.
1853A major US rail disaster struck the 46 Norwalk, Connecticut) logo.
1882Irish Under Secretary Thomas Henry Burke and Irish Chief Secretary Lord Frederick Cavedish were killed by members of the fundamentalist group Irish National Invugel with a knife as they went through the park park in Dublin.
1882US President Chester A. Arthur signed the Chinese exclusion in the law, implementing the ban on Chinese immigration for the United States which remained in 1943 until the Magnson Act came into force.
1911The first international sanitation exhibition opened in Dresden and attracted five million visitors from the German city.
1919Third Anglo-Afghan War Begins
1937On May 6, 1937, a German aircraft crashed Hindenburg in an attempt to do a dock with Mooring Mast at Lakeharst Naval Air Station in New Jersey. 36 people, including crew members, died when the fire lit 16 hydrogen filled cells and destroyed Zepelin in just 34 seconds.
1937The German Zepelin Hindonberg caught fire and was trying to land at the Lakeharst Naval Air Station in New Jersey, killing more than 30 people.
1941American entertainer Bob Hope performed several shows for the United Service Organization.
1944American submarines USS Gurnard attacked Le Ichi convoy, three submarines submerged in water.
1954On Oxford's Efflay Road track, the English athlete Roger Banisterbeck called the first person to run a mile within four minutes.
1960President Dwight. Eisenhawar signed the Civil Rights Act 1960 on 6 May. This new United States federal law abolished the flaws abandoned by the Civil Rights Act 1957 and gave legal rights to vote under which no one would be denied the right of race or color.
1973New England Whalers inaugurated the World Hockey Association Championship for the first time, defeating Vinipag Jets on 6 May 1973.
1976The devastating earthquake in Friuli, northern Italy killed 989 people.
1984Pope John Paul II canceled 103 of the Korean martyrs, which were the subject of religious harassment against Christians in the 19th century.
1991Time magazine has published an article called 'The Thriving Cult of Grad and Power', which is very important for the scientific organization, the major factors of the legal conflict, which ended when the recognition of the Church of Scientology joint The case was rejected in the Rit 2001 for the Certificate of the Supreme Court of the nation.
1994In the general election of 1979, apart from the first post, Nelson Mandela was elected as President on May 6, 1949. This was the first election in which citizens of all castes were allowed to participate and became the first black chief executive of South Africa.
1996The leftist guerrillas of Guatemala signed a peace agreement with the government on 6 May 1996. The Government of Guatemala fought between the Government of Guatemala and various leftist groups from 1960 to 1996. Around 200,000 civilians were killed or missing during the conflict.
1997Kristin Janin of France became the first woman in the world to reach the pole.
1997The Central Bank of the United Kingdom, the bank of England, became independent after the 1997 general election, in which the Labor Government came to power for the first time since 1979. Chancellor of the Gord Brown announced the independence of Bank of England on 6 May 1997 on the official treasury.
2002Dutch politician Pim Fortuin was murdered by animal rights and environmental activist Volcart van Der Graf at Hilvermm, the first political murder on Dutch soil since 1672.
2004The finale episode of the 10th and final season of Television SCCOM friends was aired on NBC in the United States on May 6, 2004. This episode is the sixth most seen overall television series fiance in American television history.
2007Nicolas Sarkozy won the French presidential election.
2008The Chatan Jwalamukhi first entered a new explosion phase in May 2008 and exploded with significant force on 6 May 2008, which produced pyrocklastic flow and lava explosion. The explosion column was raised up to a height of about 30,000 meters.
2010Ajmal Amir Kasab, convicted for the 26/11 attack in Mumbai, was sentenced to death.
2012Fortune released a list of Fortune 500 companies in which Walmart became the largest company by revenue for the 2012 financial year on 6 May. Walmart came at number 2 in the 2012 list after Exon Mobil Corporation.
2013Amanda Berry ran away from Ohio's Cleveland, Ariel Castro, after staying there with two other women ten years.

Important Historical Events of 06 May in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1529The Battle of Ghaghra was one of the famous battles fought in 'Indian History'. The Ghaghra war was fought between the Mughal emperor Babur and the Afghans. In this war, Babur defeated the fighting Afghans under the leadership of Mahmud Lodi.
1536Inka Emperor Manko Inca UP's army started Kuzco's 10 months against Spanish winner and a garison of Indian assistant organizations led by Harkodo Pizarro.
1957Rajendra Prasad won the election again on 6 May 1957 with 459,698 votes over Chaudhary Hari Ram and Nagendra Narayan Das, who got 2,672 and 2000 votes respectively. He is the only President to win two terms of India's presidential election.
1967Dr. Zakir Hussain was the first Muslim President of India.
1967Zakir Hussain became the first Muslim President of India.
2004China considered Sikkim as part of India.

Important Days of 06 May National & International Days 🏁

Motilal Nehru JayantiNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 06 May 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1856Robert Peary / Explorer / India
1861Motilal Nehru / Freedom Fighter / India
1861Motilal Nehru / Freedom Fighter / India
1861Motilal Nehru / Lawyer / India
1861Motilal Nehru / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 06 may 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Mon 16 Jan 2023
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  Post Category :  History of May