According to Gregory calendar, on July 13, the day number in a year is 194 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 195. July 13 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 13 July in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1260The Livonian order won the 13th defeat in the Durebe battle against Grand Dachi of Lithuania.
1534The Ottoman army captured Tabriz in northwestern Persia.
1645Aleksei Romanov became the ruler of Russia, replacing his father Michael.
1700The Russian-Turkish War took place after the Treaty of Constantinople established peace.
1771The famous British navigator James Cook's historic journey to Earth's southern hemisphere ended after three years.
1772Captain James Cook embarked on his second voyage to the South Sea.
1787The Congress of the United States ratified the Northwest Ordinance governing the rules for the Northwest Territory.
1793Charlotte Corde killed Jean Paul Marat, a leader in his bathtub, both the French revolution and the reign of terror.
1813Italy's National Military Police "Carbineri " was established by Victor Emmanuel I as the police force of the Kingdom of Sardinia.
1814Italy's National Military Police Carbineri was established by Victor Emmanuel as the police force of the Kingdom of Sardinia.
1814Italy's national military police Karabinery was summoned by Victor Emmanuel I as the police force of the Kingdom of the Sardinia.
1814Karabinery (modern carabinier painting), Italian National Military Police, Victor Emmanuel I was established as the police force of the state of Sardinia.
1830Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Alexander Duff started Scottish Church College with five students.
1832Henry Schoolcroft discovered the source of the Mississippi River in Minnesota.
1863A three -day riot started in New York City, the opponents of laws passed by the United States Congress continued the US civil war to draft men.
1871The world's first championship cat show at Crystal Palace London was hosted by Harrison Ware.
1878At the conclusion of Berlin's Congress, the major powers signed the Treaty of Berlin, re -prepared the map of the balcony.
1882200 people died as the train derailed in Russia.
1905The Bengali weekly Sanjeevani suggested burning Holi of British goods for the first time.
1918The Japanese warship exploded in the Gulf of Tokayam. In which 500 people died.
1923Hollywood' was written to promote land prices near Mount Hills in the California city of Los Angeles. 1929
1923The Hollywoodland sign was officially dedicated to a new housing development in the hills above California, Hollywood.
1925Walt Disney married Lillian Bounds in the city of Idaho.
1932The British and French government negotiated a settlement in Lausanne.
1941The Communist Party of Yugoslavia began a general unpopular rebellion against the Italian occupied forces in Montenegro, suppressed within six weeks.
1954The United States, Britain and France agreed to the partition of Vietnam in Geneva.
1962In an unprecedented action, British Prime Minister Herold McMillan dismissed seven members of his cabinet.
1977Public honors like Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan etc. were withdrawn during the Emergency.
1977Ethiopia and Somalia went to fight on the disputed Ogadenirgian in East Ethiopia.
1982The 53rd All Star Baseball game is over. NL won 4–1. The game was played at the Olympic Stadium, Montreal.
1987Bette Midler's $ 10 million case against Ford Motor Co has been dropped by the Federal Judge. He used the same sound for his TV advertisements.
1992Yitzhak Rabin became the Prime Minister of Israel.
2000The US and Vietnam signed large trade contracts.
2003The French DGSE personnel revoked an operation to protect the Colombian Politician Betngrid Betancourt from the Revolutionary Armed Forces offcombia, which led to a political scam when the details were leaked after six days.
2008In Afghanistan, war-taliban guerrillas attacked the village of Vanat in Yagal district in Afghan, Afghanistan, NATO.
2009She Wolf Shakira made her eighth album debut.
2010On January 2011, the European Union announced that Estonia would be a seventeenth member of the Euro. Euro members are increasing day by day.
2011The country's financial capital, Mumbai, was rocked by triple blasts. The blasts took place at Jhaveri Bazaar, Opera House and Dadar in Mumbai.
2011Two studies by researchers showed that antiretroviral drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of AIDS can also be used to prevent HIV infection.
2011Norman Moore, senior politician has requested Western Australia to consider carbon tax and minerals resource rent tax.
20127.6 percent is the lowest economic growth in three years by the People's Republic of China. It has been experienced recently.
2012A drought spread through the United States leads to more than 1000 counties. It has been declared a natural disaster natural disaster area.
2013A boat that was located in the north of the Christmas island to the shelter. 88 people were rescued by Australian authorities and 9 people were feared dead.
2014The second cargo rocket for the International Space Station has been launched by Orbital Sciences Corp. Orbital and competitive space X have been contract for space supply distribution.
2014United States President Barack Obama's call from political opponents for impeachment of U.S. The judiciary committee of the house rejected as it had no basis for impeachment.
2016Theresa May was elected Prime Minister by the United Kingdom's Conservative Party MPs.

Important Historical Events of 13 July in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1830Scottish Church College, the oldest continuously prevalent in India, came to the fore as an institution of liberal arts and science college, Mahasabha.
1830Scottish Church College, the oldest continuous Christian liberal art and science college in India, was established as the institute of the Mahasabha.
1974India played their first ODI against England at Headingley.
2011Three coordinated bomb blasts in Mumbai, India killed 26 people and injured more than 130.

Important Days of 13 July National & International Days 🏁

Martyr'S Day (Kashmir)National Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 13 July 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1939Prakash Mehra / Actor / India
1939Prakash Mehra / Producer / India
1944Pu Zoramthanga / Politician / India
1984Urvashi Sharma / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 13 july 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 6 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  12879
  Post Category :  History of July