According to Gregory calendar, on May 14, the day number in a year is 134 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 135. May 14 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 14 May in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1264The Battle-Raja Henry III of the Second Baron was defeated Batalof Lewis and forced Size de Montef to sign Louis, looking as the ruler of England.
1607A campaign led by Edward Maria Wingfield, Christophenport, and John Smith founded Jamstone, Virginia in North America, the first English settlement.
1610The assassination of Henry IV in France and Louis XIII ascended the throne of France.
1702England and the Netherlands declared war against France and Spain.
1702England and Netherlands declare war with France and Spain
1719New France captured Bienville, Pensacola in a war with Spain.
1767The British government reduced the import duty of Americans on tea.
1787Thirteen American states delegations organized a Constitution Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with the aim of revising the articles of the Confederation.
1796In England, Edward Jenner first vaccinated smallpox.
1796English physician Edward Jenner began testing the cowpox as a residential against smallpox.
1800Second Alliance: French forces under General Luis-Alexander Berthier were intercepted by 400 Austro-Piedhamon troops at Fort Burd in the Osta Valley.
1804The Lewis and Clarke Abhiyan were headed under the leadership of explorers Merivarthylvis and William Clarke, who currently left the camp dubois near Hartford, Illinois, and began the coast and back campaign for the first American overland campaign.
1811Paraguay recognized the declaration of independence from the Spanish Empire on 15 May).
1811Paraguay was freed from Spain's subjugation.
1868Boshin War-Troops of Tokugawa removed Untunomia Castle's Brett and moved backwards towards Nikko and Aizu.
1868Boshin War: Tokugawa Aizu's soldiers opted out of the battle of Untunomia Castle and retreated north
1870The first rugby match was played in New Zealand between Nelson Football Club and Nelson College.
1908For the first time, someone flew in an airplane.
1912China forbids six power rail loan agreements.
1913The New York State Legislature accepted the charter for therockefeller foundation, which was the world's richest foundation at one time.
1914Woodrow Wilson signed the declaration of Mother's Day.
1921Florence Alan, an American judge, became the first woman to sentence 14 May, 1921. Gangster Frank Moto was accused of killing two men, so he was sentenced to an electric chair by Allen as a sentence. She was also the first woman to serve in the state Supreme Court.
1925Mrs. Dolai, one of the most modern English novels, was published, the latest Virginia Woolf.
1931Five people were killed in En Deen, Sweden, as soldiers firing on an unarmed trade union demonstration.
1939Leena Medina became the youngest mother at the age of five years, seven months and seventeen days when she gave birth to a boy from a Caesarean section on 14 May 1939.
1940The wholesale of the Second World War-Dutch forces surrendered to the Vaharmach, ending the Battle of the Netherlands.
194136,000 Persian Jews were arrested.
1943Second World War: Australian Hospital Ship Santor was attacked and drowned by a Japanese submarine on the coast of Queensland, killing 268 people.
1948David Ben-Gurian publicly read the Israeli announcement in the freedom hall at Tel Aviv, officially established a new Jewish state in parts of Palestine's pre-arbitrary mandate.
1948Israel declared independence from Britain.
1951The Teleelin Railway in Wales became the first railway in the world, protected by volunteers, when it was re -opened on 14 May 1951 with trains running between Wharf and Rehydrone stations.
1955The Soviet Socialist Republic and the Union of other seven countries established the Warsa Treaty on 14 May 1955. It was a collective defense treaty between eight countries in Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War period. The Czechoslovak President formally dissolved the Warsa Treaty Organization on 1 July 1991.
1961In Aniston, Alabama, America, a crowd of Ku Cluks Clanmen attacked buses from Freedom Riders, riding interstate buses in mixed racial groups to challenge local separation laws.
1963Kuwait became the 111th member of the United Nations.
1969Colonel Muammar Gaddafi reached Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
1970The Red Army Factian, West German Terrorist Group, was founded on 14 May 1970 by Andreas Budder, Gudrun Enselin, Horst Mahler and Alrike Meenhof. The group was considered as a terrorist organization that created a national crisis in late 1977 which is also known as 'German Autums'.
1973Skylab was the first space station in the United States to be launched on 14 May 1973 by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). It revolved around the Earth from 1973 to 1979.
1973NASA's space station Skylab was launched from Cape Canaveral.
1973The US Supreme Court approved equal rights for women in the military.
1984One dollar coin was introduced in Australia.
1986In 1980, after receiving all the original papers of Anne Frank's diary, the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation published the entire diary of Anne Frank on 14 May 1986. He wrote his experiences with his family during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.
1992Australia's longest running TV show Getaway Nine was shown on the network.
1995On May 14, 1995, Gedhun Chokai Nyima was nominated by the 14th Dalai Lama as the 11th Pancharen Lama of Tibetan Buddhism by the 14th Dalai Lama. The Chinese Authority recognized Gyenken Noru as the 11th Panchan Lama on 11 November 1995 and the hideout of Gedhun was never revealed by the Chinese government. The human rights organization called him the world's youngest political prisoner.
2004On May 14, 2004, the South Korean Constitutional Court reversed the allegations of impeachment on Ro-Mu-Hune as President. He was accused of illegal electrification but the incident made him and the Uri party more popular and the Uri Party became the ruling party.
2006Former Communist leader Giorgio Napolitans was elected as the new President of Italy.
2013Nigeria President Gudlaq Jonathan issued an emergency order for Borno, Yob and Adamwa states in Northeast Nigeria on 14 May 2013 due to terrorist activities of Boko Haram. Boko Haram is one of the most dangerous terrorist groups in the world.
2013Brazil became the 15th country to recognize gay marriage.

Important Historical Events of 14 May in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1992India banned the LTTE, a Sri Lankan rebel organization known as the Tamil Tigers. The United Nations and 32 countries, including India, called it a terrorist organization.

Important Days of 14 May National & International Days 🏁

World Migratory Bird DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 14 May 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1997Manushi Chhillar / Actress / India
1657Sambhaji / Emperor / India
1923Mrinal Sen / Producer / India
1948Bob Woolmer / Cricketer / India
1961Pamela Chaudry Singh / Photographer / India
1987Adah Sharma / Actress / India
1987Zarin Khan / Actress / India
1997Manushi Chhillar / Model / India
1998Taruni Sachdev / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 14 may 🔗

This day in other months 📅

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  Post Category :  History of May