According to Gregory calendar, on November 14, the day number in a year is 318 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 319. November 14 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 14 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1533Spanish explorers located Ecuador in the northwest of South America and incorporated it into their colony.
1732The first professional librarian in North America, Louis Timothy, was hired in Philadelphia.
1794The first recording meeting of the Franklin Literary Society was held at the Canonsburg Academy of Modern Washington and Jefferson College).
1834William Thomson entered the University of Glasgow after 10 years and 4 months.
1881Charles J. Guiteu prosecuted for the assassination of US President Garfield.
1883The Congress of Chile established the National Library.
1896Started power plant operation in Niagara Falls.
1908Albert Einstein introduced quantum theory of light.
1910Aviator Eugene Burton Ellie performed the first takeoff from shelter, flying with a Mekshift Deck at USS Birmingham, Hampton Road, USA.
1918The Republic of Czechoslovakia was established and TG Masric became President.
1920The first concert of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra began.
1921The Communist Party of Spain was established.
1922The term of German Reich Chancellor Joseph Wirth ended.
1923Kentaro Suzuki completed the ascent of Mount Lezuna.
19377 people were killed and many were injured in a bombing in Jerusalem city.
1940The Second World War-Coventry Cathedral and Coventry, Most of the cities in England, Coventry Blitz were destroyed by German Lufatafuring.
1941After World War II, after damaging Torpedo recently, British aircraft carrier HMS Arc Royal (91) drowned, as he was being taken to Gibraltar for repair.
1952Al Martino's 'here in my heart' became the first song to sing at the top of the UK singles chart.
1953US President Eisenhawar called the Canadian Parliament speech. Its purpose was to address Russia to form a US-Canadian preventive alliance as it was reported that Russia could attack with nuclear weapons.
1955Employees' State Insurance Corporation ESIC) was inaugurated.
1957Children's Day was officially announced on the occasion of the birthday of the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
1960110 people died in two rail collisions in the Czech Republic.
1968Yale University decided to allow women to enter the school.
1970Chartered by the Southern Airways Flight 932, Marshall Overcevity Football Team, crashed into a hill near Kerado in Westviurginia, US, killing all 75 people.
1972The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 1,000 (1,003.16) for the first time.
1973The London market led to a huge decrease in the price of gold due to which investors lost millions of dollars. This occurred in response to the decision of the United States and Europe to abolish the gold-tier standard of gold.
1975With the signing of the Madrid agreement, Spain accepted its presence from the Spanish Sahara.
1979After abolishing oil imports from Iran in the United States, President Jimmy Carter issued the Executive Order 12170 which prevents all Iranian properties in the United States under the retaliation of hostage crisis.
1984NASA launches NATO 3D satellite.
1984Caesar Climaco, Mayor of Zamboanga city, Philippines, was murdered by an unknown gunman.
1985A volcanic eruption in Colombia buried three villages as well as the entire city. It was reported that about 20,000 people lost their lives.
1991The US demands that Libya leader Colonel Gaddafi be handed over to the US intelligence officials on 193 charges of bombing PAN M Flight 103 lockerbi in December 1988.
1995As a result of the budget struggle between the United States Congress President Bill Clintand, led by Newton Gingrich, the federal government was forced to close non-necessary services.
2001War in Afghanistan: Afghan Northern Alliance fighters capture the capital Kabul.
2003Astronomers Michael E. Brown, Chad Truzilo and David L. Rinbovitz discovered the Trans-Neptunian Object 90377 Sedna.
2005Diplomatic sanctions for Uzbekistan have been renewed by the United Nations, which were continuously dissolved by the UK and German governments. These restrictions ban the sale of Uzbekistan or vice verses from European Union officials.
2007Denmark's Prime Minister André Fag Rasmussen took charge of the country for the third consecutive time.
2008The original impact probe landed on the surface of the moon.
2008France, the European Union and Russia together agree to avoid deploying missiles or missile defense systems by mid -2009 at a summit. A pan-european security structure is discussed between Russia, the United States and the European Union.
200915 coaches of the Mandore Superfast Express derailed near the Banskho gate in Jaipur, killing 6 passengers.
2010Sebastian Vetail of Red Bull Racing won the Drivers Compienships, who became the most Formula One champion after winning the final race for the season.
2011Two people accused of murder of Stephen Lawrence in 2003 are being prosecuted in Old Bailey, London.
2012The death of a pregnant woman with septicemia at an Irish hospital stimulates international fury, objections and determination. University College Hospital Gallway rejected several appeals for abortion from Savita Halappanwar and her family on the basis that "this is a Catholic country."
2013Benigno Aquino III, the President of the Philippines, is reviewed by people, aid agencies and international and local media for their disabled response to disasters.
2014According to the World Health Organization report, the number of deaths in three worst affected countries - Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leon in West Africa has crossed 5,000.

Important Historical Events of 14 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1889India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was born in Allahabad.

Important Days of 14 November National & International Days 🏁

Childrens DayInternational Day
World Diabetes DayInternational Day
World Diabetes DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 14 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1889Jawaharlal Nehru / Politician / India
1889Jawaharlal Nehru / Lawyer / India
1889Jawaharlal Nehru / Politician / India
1889Pandit jawaharlal nehru / Politician / India
1892Birbal Sahni / Scientist / India
1942Mamoni Raisom Goswami / Writer / India
1947Bharathan / Writer / India
1971Vikas Khanna / Author / India
1979Pushkar Lele / Singer / India

See full list of famous people born on 14 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 18 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of November