According to Gregory calendar, on May 15, the day number in a year is 135 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 136. May 15 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 15 May in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1602The English investigator Bartholomev Gosnold led the European campaign previously recorded, which traveled to Cape Cod at the current Massachusetts.
1610The Parliament of Paris appointed Louis XIII as King of France.
1701The Spanish War began for succession.
1718James Pakley, a London lawyer who built the world's first machine gun.
1730Robert Walpole was effectively made Britain's first Prime Minister.
1788Australian border wars started.
1793Inverter's 'Pitamah ' inventor Diego Marin Aguilera flew one of the first gliders of about 360 meters (1,180 ft).
1811Paraguay declared independence from Spain.
1829Patent applied for an instrument called Estrian by Damian Cyril.
1836The English astronomer Francis Bailey observed the 'belly's beads' for the first time, during a solar eclipse in which the bumpy lunar organ topography allows to shine through the beads of the sunlight.
1851The first Australian Gold Rush was announced, although the discovery was made three months earlier.
1858The Royal Italian Opera Covent Garden opened in London.
1864American Civil War-A Small Confed Power, which included Virginia from the military institute forced the Central Army outside the Shanindo Valley.
1869Susan b. Anthony and Elizabeth Caddy Stanton founded the National Woman Safrej Association, which separated from the US Equal Rights Association which they had earlier established.
1878Tokyo Stock Exchange was established.
1891Pope Leo XIII released encyclopedia raum noveram, which was the condition of the working classes and is considered to lay the foundation of modern Catholic social teaching.
1891Phillips & Company was established in Holland.
1905After 110 acres (0.45 km2) owned by Los Vegas (Salt Lake Lake Railroad), Las Vegas (reception symbol) was established as a railroad.
1916Jessie Washington, a teenage African-American Farmhend, Wako, Texas, US, was stunned, which became a famous example of racially induced lynching.
1918First air mail service launched in the US.
1919The Venypeg General Strike took place, in which almost the entire working population of the public and private sectors quit his job on 15 May 1919 to join the strike in Vinnipag, Canada.
1925First Arabic Communist Newspaper launched.
1928Cartoon character Mickey Mouse was first displayed in an American animated short-film plane crazy, which was released on 15 May 1928 by Walt Disney Studios. It was a silent film and the following year it was again released on 17 March 1929 as a sound cartoon.
1928Mikki and Minni Mouse made their film debut in the animated film Plain Crazy.
1930Alan Church, the world's first female airhostess, flew in the Auckland – Chicago flight.
1939The romantic drama film Goodbye produced by Mr Chips premiered in the UK.
1940Two brothers named Mac and Dick Macdonald started the McDonald's Restaurant in San Bernardino, California.
1940McDonald's, the world's largest range of Hamburger Fast Food Restaurant, San Bernardino, its first restaurant in California was founded on 15 May 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald. It is also the second largest private employer in the world after Walmart.
1948Australia set a world record of scoring 721 runs a day in a cricket match against Essex.
1948The Australian cricket team set a first class world record on the tour of England which still stands 721 runs in a daily Easex.
1953Don Murphy organized the first pinewood darby for Cubscouts of Boy Scouts in the US, where wooden cars manufactured by threshold are run.
1957The UK tested its first hydrogen bomb on 15 May 1957 under Operation Grapl in Malden Island in the Pacific Ocean and then became the UK thermonuclear power. Britain named the first test of H-Bal as a short granite.
1963Gordon Cooper, an American astronaut, was launched into space on 15 May 1963 in the Budh-Atalas 9 spacecraft. This was the last mission of the first manned space program called Project Mercury and Gordon became the first American sleeping in space. 34 hours mission.
1966Rejecting his attitude to deal with the Buddhist rebellion, South Korean Prime Minister Gujen Cao ordered to attack the Force General Ton Daity and removed him from the post.
1970On May 15, 1970, Anna Mee Hayes became the first woman in the US Army to be promoted as 'Brigadier General', a general officer rank by President Richard Nixon. Elizabeth P. after a few minutes. Hoisington was also promoted. For the rank of Brigadier General.
1974A unit of Golani Brigade attacked a primary school in Imalaut, Israel, where three armed members of the Democratic Front Forte Liberation of Palestine took 115 people hostage, resulting in 28 people.
1985John Anthony Walker Jr. was arrested by the FBI for passing classified naval communications to the Soviet Union.
1988The last contingent of the Soviet army began from Afghanistan on 15 May 1988 after the end of the Soviet Afghan war. This struggle is also known as TRAP Bair Trap 'and it played a very important role for the rise of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and the new era of terrorism.
1990The portrait of GASTE's Vincent van Gogh's portrait was sold in the auction at the New York office of Christie for a total US $ 82.5 million, the world's most expensive painting.
1991On 14 May 1991, Edith Cresson was appointed as the Prime Minister of France. She was the first and only woman to become the PM of France, although she had to step down within a year.
1993The United Nations decided to celebrate May 15 as International Family Day.
1997During the dedication of the Laos Memorial at the Arlington National Ceremony, the United States first publicly accepted its role in the Lotian civil war, which ended 22 years ago.
2004Arsenal Football Club became the first team in the English Premier League to become champions without losing a single match.
392The Roman Emperor Valentinian II was found hanging in his residence in Gain's residence.

Important Historical Events of 15 May in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1850Members of the 1 cavalry regiment of the United States massacred at least 135 Pomo Indians in Lake County, California.
1958The Gift Tax Act was enacted on 15 May 1958 as the Act of the Parliament of India, so that the Act of giving or receiving gifts as per specification in Schedule I of the Act could be taxed.
2008Manjula Sood of Indian origin became the first Asian woman to become mayor in Britain.

Important Days of 15 May National & International Days 🏁

World Family DayInternational Day
International Day of FamiliesInternational Day
International Family DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 15 May 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1907Sukhdev Thapar / Freedom Fighter / India
1937Madeleine Albright / Politician / United States of america
1817Debendranath Tagore / Author / India
1907Sukhdev Thapar / Activist / India
1907Sukhdev Thapar / Freedom Fighter / India
1922Nazir Hussain / Actor / India
1998Radhika Ranjan Gupta / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 15 may 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 17 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  14910
  Post Category :  History of May