According to Gregory calendar, on November 15, the day number in a year is 319 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 320. November 15 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 15 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1315The 1,500-firm force from Swiss Confedersi attacked the Austrian soldiers of the Holy Roman Empire on the banks of Shgerisee in Switzerland.
1630The famous German astronomer Yuhan Kepler died at the age of 59. The Kepler law about the movement of satellites and the discovery of an orbital orbit by Mars in its orbit is the result of their study.
1688Orange's prince William landed in Devon's BRICSAM to designate England's last Catholic emperor, his uncle and father -in -law Raja James II.
1777The Confederation article was adopted by the Continental Congress.
1808Mahmud II 1808–1839) Mustafa IV 1807–1808) was chosen as the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
1830Social reformer Raja Ram Mohan Roy left for England.
1859The first Zappa Olympics were started in Greece.
1859The first modern game of the Olympic Games, sponsored by businessman Evezelos Zappa, took place in Athens, Greece.
1864American Civil War-Union Army General William T. Sharman started 'March to the Sea', which caused great damage to property and infrastructure on the way from Atlanta to Sawana, Georgia.
1884The conference began in Berlin, the capital of Germany, to distribute colonies to European countries in the continent of Africa.
1889Emperor Pedro II of Brazil was titled under the leadership of trio, headed by Dodoro da Fonseka and Brazil was declared a republic.
1902The Hanoi Exhibition was established in Hanoi City, Vietnam.
1905King Camp Gillette was patented by the US Patent Office for Safety Razor. In this way, for the first time in front of the world came a two-edged shaving blade.
1920The first meeting of the League of Nations took place in Geneva, Switzerland.
1922Working in China, the bandits kidnapped the Reverend Bord Breen, who was an American Lutharan missionary, living in Honan province. Another American was also announced to be held hostage.
1935The Commonwealth of the Philippines was officially established, with manual L.
1935The United States and Canada signed a mutual trade agreement.
1939The Battle of South Guwanxi began.
1943According to the orders passed by Henrich Himmler, all gypsy as well as mixed gypsy should be placed in concentration with Jews with blood.
1943Holocost-Henriques Himler ordered that the Romans were placed at the same level as the Jews and were placed in the concentration camp '.
1948Louis Stephen Saint Laurent became the 12th Prime Minister of Canada.
1955The trade agreement was signed between Poland and Yugoslavia.
1956Middle East Technical University was established in Ankara, Turkey.
1959A family was killed by two people in Holkam in Kansas, USA; The events served the theme of Truman Cupot's non-clarified novel in these cold blood as the right crime style.
1961The United Nations prohibits nuclear weapons.
1968Russia, which is popular for its vodka, had to turn to supply this alcohol, as this liquor supply was faced. However, the embarrassing thing was that Soviet Premier Khrushchev recently boasted how much better Russia's vodka was.
1968The Vietnam War-American forces began the Operation Commando Hunt, a massive bombing campaign, to prevent the transportation of personnel and supply to the People's Army (North) Vietnam with Ho Chi Minhtrill.
1971Intel released Intel 4004, the world's first microprocessor.
1971Intel launched the world's first single chip microprocessor 'Intel 4004'.
1971The world's first professional full central processing unit (CPU) has been unveiled by Intel of "single-chip microprocessor" on a chip.
1973The daughter of a restaurant owner in Germany was kidnapped, but did not return after paying a ransom of over a million dollars to release her.
1978A plane carrying from Mecca to Indonesia succumbed to an accident in Sri Lanka. In which 183 people died.
1983The Turkish Cypirotes located on the northeastern part of Cyprus declares a new state known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Kipris, which is currently recognized by Turkish.
1985A volcanic explosion in the Colombian city of Armro killed about 20,000 people out of a population of 50000. Military assistance to help the victims and members of the Red Cross were sent with emergency supply.
1988The Soviet Buran spacecraft, a reusable vehicle was built for the NASA's space shuttle program, was launched on unmanned, herfers and only space flight.
1988PLO leader Yasar Arafat declared the formation of the Statoff Palestine as 'the kingdom of Palestinians where they could be'.
2005At least 3 people were killed and 8 others were injured in a bomb blast outside a KFC outlet in Karachi, Pakistan.
2007Class 4, originating from the Bay of Bengal, moves towards the coastal districts of Sid Bangladesh, which makes thousands of people empty.
2009Colombia revealed his decision to release four prisoner members of the Venezuela's National Guard detained on the Colombian region.
2012After ten years, Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Communist Party of China, left the post and was replaced by Xi Jinping.
655Murcia's Peng was defeated by Osvayu of Northerblya in Vinwad's baby in modern Yorkshire, England.

Important Historical Events of 15 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1986India's top female tennis player Sania Mirza was born in Mumbai city of Maharashtra state.
1989Former veteran Indian player Sachin Tendulkar made his Test debut against Pakistan. He played the last Test on 14 November 2013 against the West Indies.
2000Jharkhand became the 28th state of India.
2006During the first peace talks between countries, India and Pakistan have decided to set up a team to fight terrorism. Nevertheless, there is no improvement in the main dispute over Kashmir.

Important Days of 15 November National & International Days 🏁

Birsa Munda JayantiNational Day
Jharkhand State Formation DayNational Day
Day of 8 BillionInternational Day
Tribal Pride DayNational Day
Palestine National DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 15 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1974Vanita Gupta / lawyer / America
1986Saniya Mirza / Player / India
1866Cornelia Sorabji / Lawyer / India
1914V. R. Krishna Iyer / Lawyer / India
1915V. R. Krishna Iyer / Judge / India
1919Sitaram Kesri / Politician / India
1936Tara Singh Hayer / Journalist / India
1950Ashok Gadgil / Scientist / India
1986Sania Mirza / Player / India
1986Sania Mirza / Tennis Player / India

See full list of famous people born on 15 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 18 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of November