According to Gregory calendar, on October 15, the day number in a year is 288 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 289. October 15 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 15 October in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1529Vienna's siege ended as Austria killed the Turks again by the Ottoman Empire, overturning the tide against the uncontrolled period of almost a century in the entire eastern and central Europe.
1542Mughal Emperor Akbar was born. His full name was Abul Fatah Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar.
1582Spain, Portugal, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and most of the Italian state became the first country to change Julianclanders with the Gregorian calendar.
1724Cornelis Steinoven was made the first pastor of the old Catholic Church.
1764Edward Gibbon saw a group of gangsters at the ruined temple of Jupiter in Rome, encouraging him to begin work on the history of the Roman Empire and the History of the Decline and Fall of the Division.
1764The English historian Edward Gibbon saw a taunting on Vesset Capitalin Hill in Rome, inspiring him to write the history and history of the Roman Empire.
1819The devastated island was discovered in the southern Shetland Islands of the Antarctic by Captain William Smith at Willums.
1827Charles Darwin was admitted to Christ's College, Cambridge.
1839Abdelkader El Dazazairi declared a jihad against the French.
1864American Civil War-The Confederates captured Glasgow, Missouri, although it did not benefit for a long time as Missouri Expedition of Price lost a week later.
1866A massive fire broke out in 2500 Canadian houses in Quebec, a French-dominated region of Canada.
1866Violent fire destroyed 2,500 homes in Quebec.
1874A modern university was established in Zagreb.
1878Edison founded the Electric Light Company.
1894Alfred Dreffas, an officer of Jewish artillery at the french, was arrested on charges of wrongdoing.
1894Captain Alfred Dreyfus was arrested in France on charges of espionage.
1917Dutch foreign dancer Mata Hari was killed by a firing squad, a firing for Germany.
1917During World War I, the famous Dutch dancer Mata Hari was shot by French soldiers on charges of spying for Germany.
1923The fifth tropical storm of the year came north of Leeward Island.
1924US President Calvin Coolidge declared the Statue of Liberty a national monument.
1925Dongdamun Stadium opened in Seoul City, Korea.
1932Tata Airlines made their first flight today.
1938The governing Labor Party was re-elected in a New Zealand general election.
1945Pierre Laval, a two -time chief of the Vieri France government, was arrested on charges of high treason.
1953The British Nuclear Testing Totem 1 was exploded to the Emo Field of South Australia.
1954Hurricane Hezel made a landfall on the same day in Carolinas of United States before going north from Toronto, Canada, killing a total of 176 people in the two countries.
1965Opposition to the Vietnam War-the Catholic Worker Movement staged an infinite war rally in Manhattan, which includes the result of arrest under amendment to the new law to prevent such acts, to prevent such acts.
1970Thirty -five construction workers were killed as a part of the West Gate Bridge collapsed in Melbourne.
1973The Iceland Foreign Secretary has announced that Iceland is taking this case against Great Britain in the current cod war at the United Nations General Assembly in October in an attempt to settle the ongoing dispute.
1978The Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test in the eastern Kazakhstan region.
1980James Callaghan resigned as leader of the British Labor Party.
1987Fiji became a republic at the end of the 113 -year -old British Crown rule of the islands.
1988Ujwala Patil became the first Asian woman to travel the world through the sea.
1990Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize for his struggle to reduce the stress of the Cold War.
1990The Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1996Fiji became the first country to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
1997On the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, the first supersonic landslide record was set by Royal Air Force Pilot Andy Green at Jet-Propeled Car ThrustSSC when it gained 1,228 km / h (763Mph).
1997Arundhati Roy was selected for Britain's most prestigious Booker Prize for her novel, "The God of Small Things".
2001NASA's Galileo spacecraft passes through 112 miles of Jupiter's Moon IO.
2003China's Shenzhou 5 began with their first manned space flight.
2003The People's Republic of China (PRC) launched its first human controlled Space Mission "" Shenzho 5 "from the Jyukwan Satellite Launch Center located in the Gobi Desert with astronaut Yang Levei.
2003The Chinese Space Program---China's first manned spacecraft was launched, which took the astronaut Yang Levei.
2005A riot broke out by members of the National Socialist Movement, a new-Nazi group, toledo, Ohio, America, among the protesters.
2006The Israeli police advised President Moshe Katsav to be accused of sexual abuse, rape and fraud. However, the final decision on bringing the allegations depends on the Attorney General Meni Majuj.
2006The United Nations imposed a ban on North Korea.
2009North Korea accused South Korea of ​​encroaching in its regional water, increasing tension on the Korean peninsula.
2011According to the United States Department of Commerce, US retail sales increased at its fastest rate for seven months in September.
2013A magnitude 7.2 earthquake in the Philippines killed more than 215 people.

Important Historical Events of 15 October in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1931The 11th President of India, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. His full name was Abul Baqir Zainul Abedin and he was known as Abdul Kalam.
1932India's flag carrier Air India started operating Tata Airlines.
1932The Tata company launched the country's first air line called Tata Sons Limited. This company was called Air India after its acquisition by the Government of India.
1949The state of Tripura was included in India.
1998India's Fatima B was awarded the United Nations Award for the Eradication of Poverty.

Important Days of 15 October National & International Days 🏁

World Student DayInternational Day
International Day of Rural WomenInternational Day
Global Handwashing DayNational Day
International Rural Women's DayInternational Day
Global Hand Washing DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 15 October 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1931Abdul Kalam / Politician / India
1957Mira Nair / Director / India
1542Akbar / Ruler / India
1915Jayant / Actor / India
1925Heera Lal Devpura / Politician / India
1927B. S. Abdur Rahman / Business Man / India
1931A. P. J. Abdul Kalam / Engineer / India
1931A.P. J. Abdul Kalam / Scientist / India
1931Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam / Professor / India
1934N. Ramani / Flute Player / India
1946Victor Banerjee / Actor / India
1949Prannoy Roy / Journalist / India
1952Raman Singh / Politician / India
1955Kulbir Bhaura / Hockey Player / India
1957Mira Nair / Director / India

See full list of famous people born on 15 october 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 15 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  11088
  Post Category :  History of October