According to Gregory calendar, on August 17, the day number in a year is 229 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 230. August 17 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 17 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1560The Scottish Parliament adopted a Protestant confession to start Catholicism in the form of Scottish reforms and national religion.
1563King Charles Navam of France was declared an adult at the age of 13.
1676The Halmusted battle was fought in Felbrobi and the last time in Holland between Denmark and Sweden.
1807The North River Steamboat, Robert Fulton's first American steamboat, was abandoned in New York City, Albany on the Hudson River, inaugurating the first commercial steamboat boat service in the world.
1807The world's first commercially successful paddle steamer Robert Fulton's North River Steamboat went to the service of the Hudson River in New York.
1832China ended production of iron shuriken.
1836Registrations relating to birth, marriage and death were accepted in the UK Parliament.
1858First bank opened in the American province of Hawaiian Islands.
1859The letters were sent for the first time through a hot air balloon. '
1869The first international ferry race took place at the River Thames in London, in which Oxford defeated Harvard.
1870Mrs. Esther Morris became the first US Women's Magistrate (South Pass, Wyoming).
1903Joseph Pulitzer donated one million dollars to Columbia University. Pulitzer Prize was instituted in his name.
1904Chris Watson resigned as Prime Minister of Australia and George Reid succeeded him
1908Fantamagori made Emily Kohl the first fully animated film.
1915American Jewish Leo Frank was appreciated by a crowd of famous people in Georitea, Georgia, for the alleged murder of a 13 -year -old girl.
1926In Jamaica, the Producers Association was rewarded by 1,250 pounds from a special fund of 1 million pounds nominated. Britain thought of increasing the construction of fruits from its empire, and traded between the mother country and the colonies.
1943The Second World War-Royal Air Force launched a strategic bombing campaign by attacking the Peenmunde Army Research Center against the Nazi Germany's V-Hathiyar program.
1945Animal Farm, the sarcastic metaphor of the British writer George Orwell, was published, published Soviet Totalism.
1945Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta announced the independence of Indonesia, which ignored the Indonesian National Revolution against the Dutch Empire.
1950The Korean War-A North Korean Army Unit massacred 42 American prisoners of the war so that they do not slow down North Korean.
1956Germany banned the Communist Party.
1959The Blue of Kind by Miles Davis was one of the best -selling jazz recording by the best -selling and most critics.
1970The United States dumped 418 containers of neural gas in the Gulf Stream near the Bahamas.
1977Soviet Icebreaker NS Arktika became the first surface ship to reach the North Pole.
1978For the first time, three Americans successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean via balloon.
1980The two -month -old Australian Azaria Chamberlane was taken from his family's camp by a dingo from Ularu, for which his mother would be convicted of murder.
1982First compact disc CD) production started in Germany.
1982The first CD compact disc in Germany) was made available to the public.
1984Peru became the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
1988Pakistan's President Zia-ul-Haq and US Ambassador Arnold Raphael died in an air crash.
1990170 South African were killed due to tribal disputes that lasted 5 days. The police stopped Zulas who were showing axes and spears. Zulus was fighting with Xhosases, whose leader Nelson was Mandela.
1993For the first time, people were allowed inside London's Buckingham Palace
1998US President Bill Clinton admitted in testified testimony that there is an improper physical relationship with the Intern Monicavelvsky of the White House.
1998The merger of Nations Bank and Bank of America led to the founding of America's largest bank.
1999The 7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes the city of North-Western Turkey, one of the most populous areas in the country, killing more than 17,000 people and hundreds of thousands of people have been injured or homeless. It is the worst earthquake that has affected Turkey, and even the city of Istanbul which was more than 50 miles.
1999A 7.5 MW earthquake occurred in the northwest Turkey (damaging), killing more than 17,000 people and about half of Amilians became homeless.
1999An earthquake in Turkey killed about 45000 people.
2005Zotob Computer Worm is the reason behind various computer crash around the world. The worm only affects the PC using the early versions of Windows 2000 and Windows XP, causing them to close and reboot repeatedly.
2006An active volcano in the ecuador explodes of the flowing flow of Pyrocklastic, which removes the harmful ash about six kilometers in the air, and removes thousands of people.
2008Iran sends a rocket into the classroom that is capable of successfully delivering a satellite. The launch harassed the international community as Iran was thought to work on the nuclear program for arms purposes, and the success of the launch could be a sign of Iran's ability to launch nuclear weapons.
2008America's greatest swimmer became the first player to win eight gold medals during an Olympic sport.
2009A turbine violently broke the power station at the Sayano-Shushesia dam in Khakaasia, Russia, flooding the power station, causing widespread power failure and 75 people killed.
2010In Afghanistan, archaeologists get ancient objects of a Buddhist site to the south of the capital Kabul.
2011The Roman Catholic archives have been accused of involvement in 3 sexual harassment cases, for which 3 cases have been filed.
2012A rare spider was found in 2010, and it is considered completely different category, trogloreporide. Neel Returnington, a deputy sheriff, amateur biologist and local cave explorer would be the name of the single species Togloreporting, which found the species for the first time.
2014Pickers Liberians rob a Ebola quarantine center in the capital Monroovia, which flee 17 patients, and the theft of hemorrhagic beds and medical equipment.
986The Byzantine-Bulgaryian wars-Bulgarians defeated the Byzantine forces at the gate of the trains near the present Ihtiman, as well as the Byzantine Emperor Basil second.

Important Historical Events of 17 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1947After the independence of India, the first contingent of the British army went home.
1947A commission led by Cyril Red CLIF established the border Redcliff Line between India and Pakistan after the partition of India.

Important Days of 17 August National & International Days 🏁

Madan Lal Dhingra Memorial DayNational Day
Finland Independence DayNational Day
Indonesia Independence Day (Hari Kemerdekaan)National Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 17 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1916Amritlal Nagar / Writer / India
1941Dr. Bimal Jalan / Economist / India
1941Dr. Y V Reddy / Civil servant / India
1967Supriya Pilgaonkar / Actress / India
1978Disha Vakani / Actress / India
1984Vasuki Sunkavalli / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 17 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sat 10 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  13281
  Post Category :  History of August