According to Gregory calendar, on December 17, the day number in a year is 351 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 352. December 17 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 17 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1398The Mongol emperor Timurlang captured Delhi. Delhi plundered by looting and slaughtering.
1583Under the Ernest of Bavaria, the Cologne War-forces defeated the soldiers' Gaburd Trusches von Waldberg on the siege of Godsburg.
1645Nur Jahan Begum, wife of the Mughal emperor Jahangir, died.
1718The Empire of the Roman Empire, Great Britain and the Dutch Republic France formally joined France in declaring Spain's war, triggering a quadruple coalition war.
1777France recognized the independence of the British colonies in America.
1790Aztec calendar stone, which is now a symbol of modern music culture, was excavated in the main part of Zalco, Mexico City.
1790The Aztec calendar stone, which is now a modern symbol of mexicosyncalcrat, was excavated in Zloco, the main square in Mexico City.
1797Napoleon made a successful French charge against Fort l 'aiguillet to secure Tallon.
1819The Gran Republic of Colombia was established in South America, with the first president of Simone Bolvar.
1891Drexel University in Philadelphia was inaugurated as the Drexel Institute of Arts, Sciences and Industry.
1903In Kitty Hawk, Wilber Wright in North Carolina, Ovil and Wright Flyer conducted the first successful flight of a pucca fixed wing aircraft.
1903The Wright brothers first flew an aircraft called 'The Flyer'. This 12-second flight revolutionized the world.
1907Ugyen Wangchuk became the first hereditary king of Bhutan.
1918Around 1,000 protesters marched in Government House Indrwin, Australia, where they burnt effigies of Administrator Johngilartha and demanded their resignation.
1926A coup by the Lithuanian army changed thedeemocratically elected President Qazi Grinius with Antena Smetona.
1928To avenge the murder of Lala Lajpat Rai, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev killed British police officer John Sanders, who charged him with sticks.
1938German chemist Otto Han discovered nuclear fission of uranium.
1940Mahatma Gandhi postponed the individual Satyagraha movement.
1944Under the Jochim Piper, Nazi soldiers killed unarmed prisoners of Alwar, who were captured during the battle of Belg, which was with a machine gun near Belgium.
1949Burma now Myanmar) recognized communist China.
1951Civil Rights Congress, an American Civil Rights Group, presented a document for the United Nations Massacre Convention that charge the United States government with a massacre against African Americans.
1960Due to the contamination of fuel, the US Air Force agreement crashed in the downtown Munich shortly after the C -131 Samaritan, killing all 20 people and injured 32 more on the ground.
1970The soldiers opened fire on the laborers (memorial portraits) working in the memorial, which was starting the anti -government protests across the country.
1981The Emergency Mobilization Board was established in the United States by order of President Reagan.
1987Mega Man was released in Japan.
1989Simpassons, currently the longest running American prime timetensship series, made her debut with 'Simpasson Rosting on a Open Fire' on Fox television network.
1992General Suva found the teeth of 4.4 million years old Australopithecus Ramidas.
1993Kevin Scott Skates World Record 1000 m (1: 12.54).
1993Tennis star Boris Baker (26) surpassed Barbara Feltus (27).
1994The last DC-10 of KLM falls out of service.
1996National Football League was launched.
1998American and British bomb years heavily bombed Iraq under 'Operation Desert Fox'.
2004The President Bush signs the 2004 intelligence reform and terrorism Act that reorganizes intelligence agencies and leads to the National Security Director.
2005King Jig Sigme Wanchuk of Bhutan was removed from power.
2009The sinking of the cargo ship MV Danny F2 off the coast of Lebanon killed 40 people and over 28,000 animals.
2010HIV infection has been announced for the first time in Cook Island.
2010Tunisian road seller Mohammad Buzi set himself on fire for police harassment, triggering the Tunisian revolution.
2011In the Philippines, at least 400 people died due to floods from Tropical Storm Vashi, and more disappeared.
2012The outgoing American senator Jim Dimint has been replaced by GOP Congress Tim Scott, the first black Senator of the south since 1881.
2013It has been announced that Linda Rontadt, Peter Gabriel, Hall and Oats, Nirvana, Kissing and Kat Stevens will be included in Fame's Rock and Roll Hall in 2014.
2013The Istanbul security directory detained 47 people members of the ruling justice and development party on charges of corruption.
2013Angela Merkel was elected to the post of Chancellor of Germany for the third time.
2014The American will re -establish diplomatic relations with its 1960s and Cuba; The agreement was reached after the exchange of three detensies of Cuba for the assistance Alan Gross and an anonymous American spy.
2014America and Cuba restored diplomatic relations again after 55 years.
497The temple of Roman god Shani was dedicated to Romanforam; Its anniversary was celebrated as Saturalia.
546After nearly a year of siege, Ostogoths led the Totila Sacredrome.
942Normandy's William Eye Longswaard was assassinated and murdered by supporters of Arnon I, Count of Flanders, while the two were at a peace conference to resolve their differences.

Important Historical Events of 17 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1971The third war between India and Pakistan ended after Bangladesh came into existence as a result of the partition of Pakistan.

Important Days of 17 December National & International Days 🏁

Bhutan National DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 17 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1556Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khana / Poet / India
1905Mohammad Hidayatullah / Lawyer / India
1905Mohammad Hidayatullah / Politician / India
1905Mohd. Hidayatullah / Politician / India
1905Muhammad Hidayatullah / Politician / India
1914Mushtaq Ali / Cricketer / India
1921Hari Dev Joshi / Politician / India
1955Jagadish Shettar / Politician / India
1978Riteish Deshmukh / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 17 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 20 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  12126
  Post Category :  History of December