According to Gregory calendar, on December 18, the day number in a year is 352 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 353. December 18 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 18 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1271The Mongol emperor Kublai Khan named his empire as Yuan. With this began the Yuan dynasty.
1777National Thanksgiving Day was celebrated for the first time in America.
1787New Jersey became the third state in America.
1799The body of the first President of the United States of America George Washington was buried at Mount Vernon.
1839First Astronomical Photo Moon by John Draper) Made in America.
1839John Draper of America first photographed a celestial body moon).
1849William Bond took the first photograph of the moon through the telescope.
1865The first US animal import law was passed.
1866Wooster's College established in Ohio.
1867In Angola in New York City, USA, the last coach of Railtrain derailed on the banks of a lake, fell 40 feet (12 meters), and caught fire, killing 49 people.
1892The first performance of the fairy-story Balle The Natackerwas was held at Maryinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia.
1899Field Marshal Lord Roberts was appointed the first British Supreme Commander in South Africa.
1902Italy's famous inventor Marconi created the first radio station.
1912Amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson declared the discovery that he is the first known as an unknown human, called the Peepaldown Man, who later became a deception.
1916The French defeated the German forces around the city of Vadun-Sur-MUus in northeast France, one of the longest fighting and the most floods in the First World War.
1923The International Area of ​​Tangier was established in Morocco.
1932Joseph Paul-Boncour became Prime Minister of France.
1935Edward Bains became the President of Czechoslovakia.
1945The South American country of Uruguay became a member of the United Nations.
1958The United States launched the world's first telecom satellite Score.
1958The United States launched SCORE, the world's first communications satellite.
1960The National Museum was inaugurated in the capital Delhi.
1966Epimithius, one of the Moon of Saturn, was ignored, but was wrong as a Janus. It took 12 years to determine that they have two different items sharing the same class.
1966One of the Moon of Saturn was discovered by Extius, but it was seen as a Janus. It took twelve years to determine that they are items sharing the same class.
1966Astronomer Richard Walker discovered Saturn's satellite Epimetheus.
1971For the second time in history, the value of the US dollar decreased.
1987Programmer Larry Wall released the first version of the programming language Pearl via Comp.Source.misc. Newsgroup.
1994Comedy Tonite opens in the Lunt-Fontan Theater New York City for 8 demonstrations.
1994Norman, couples and Azinger won the 3-tour golf challenge of LPGA Wendy.
19961 Test cricket match between Zimbabwe and England starts
1996The School Board of Okland, California officially passed a controversial to declare African American Vernacular English as an aseparete language or dialect.
2005The most recent Chadian civil war began when rebel groups, allegedly supported by neighbor Sudan, began attacking in Adre.
2006The elections were held for the first time in the United Arab Emirates.
200930,000 Philippine people live in temporary shelter as scientists estimate that Mount Maine volcano will burst in the coming weeks.
2009The Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change ended with the non -binding binding Copenhagen Agreement.
2010Venezuela President Hugo Chavez is provided temporary powers to pass the law by decree, neglecting any necessary reviews or support from the National Assembly.
2010The Tunisian revolution began, and initially a series of protests took place, with a set of demonstrations across the country, in which the rule of 23 years of rule of Zeen al Abdin Ben Ali's rule eventually stood at the top of 23 years of rule.
2011During the 40th anniversary of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, a bomb kills a person and there are clashes between security and opposition protesters.
2011US troops were removed from Iraq, formally ending the Iraq War.
2012Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is attending a meeting of the cabinet for the first time, which has received a gift in honor of her Diamond Jubilee; The British emperor attended the cabinet meeting for the first time after the reign of Rani Victoria.
2013It is believed that the U.S. In, two winners have won the Mega Millions Lottery; They will share a $ 636 million jackpot.
2014European Union. Oil and gas discovering, cruise ship ships restrictions and expanding sanctions against Russia by investing in Russia-Anexia Crimea, Annex is considered illegitimate by the EU.
2015Britain's coal mine Kellingley Callery was closed.

Important Historical Events of 18 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event

Important Days of 18 December National & International Days 🏁

International Minority Rights DayInternational Day
Guru Ghasidas Jayanti (Chhattisgarh)National Day
International Nomad DayNational Day
Madan Mohan Malviya JayantiNational Day
Prohibition DayNational Day
Arabic Language DayInternational Day
International Migrants DayInternational Day
World Minority Rights DayInternational Day
Qatar National DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 18 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1887Bhikhari Thakur / Actor / India
1924Engalaguppe Seetharamiah Venkata / Lawyer / India
1955Vijay Mallya / Politician / India
1971Barkha Dutt / Journalist / India
1977Shruti Seth / Actress / India
1986Richa Chadha / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 18 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  15031
  Post Category :  History of December