According to Gregory calendar, on September 18, the day number in a year is 261 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 262. September 18 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 18 September in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1180Philip Augustus became King of France.
14One of Rome's greatest generals, Tiberius successor his half -father Augustus as Roman Emperor.
1717The first known Druid revival ceremony was held by John Toland in London, at the Equinox of Autumn, at Pratheros Hill.
1769John Harris of Boston, Massachusetts created the first spinet piano.
1809The second theater of the Royal Opera House in London destroyed the original theater a year ago.
1810Chile declared independence from Spain.
1812The fire in Moscow burned 75 percent of the city, killing 12,000 people.
1821Amherst College established in Massachusetts.
1842The first edition of the Pittsburgh Post-Gadget was published.
1851The largest metropolitan newspaper was established in the New York Times, innitid states.
1851The New York Times newspaper began publication.
1873Terror of 1873- American bank J. Cook & Co. declared Bankbank, announcing a chain reaction to bank failures.
1879In the English seaside city Blackpool, Blackpool Illumination, which was presented as the 'biggest free light show' on Earth, was first performed.
1889The Hall House, the United States' most influential house, was opened in Chicago.
1895Daniel David Palmer gave the first chiropractic adjustment to Todifted Chowkidar Harvey Lillard.
1910The city of Chile, after its independence from Spain, celebrated its centenary of independence.
1918First World War- The defeat of Central Powers in the Battle of Dobro Pols played a role in Bulgarian return from the war and opened the way for the later liberation of Vardar Macedonia.
1919Women gained the right to vote in Holland.
1922Hungary joins League of Nations.
1926A cyclonic storm killed 250 people in Miami, USA.
1939Nazi Publicity Radio Program began broadcast for audiences in The Kingdom and United States with the Nazi Publicity Radio Program, Germany Calling, Ekhost Nickname-Hawa '.
1942The US submarines are winning the battle of supremacy in the Pacific Ocean. Yesterday he drowned 4 more Japanese ships and damaged another 4 Japanese ships,
1947The National Security Act came into force, the United States Air Force was established as a separate branch of the US Army, as well as as a central intelligence agency.
1947National Security Act passed.
1950Actress Shabana Azmi was born in Hyderabad.
1955The United Kingdom formally united the uninhabited island of Rockall.
1961The route to interact on the ceasefire between Katanga soldiers and United Nations forces crashed under mysterious circumstances near Nidra Rhodsodia carrying the aircraft carrying UN Secretary -General Dagahmarskzold, killing him and the other 15 people.
1961The then Soviet Union conducted a nuclear test at Novaya Gemalya.
1967Nagaland adopted English as the official language.
1973Future President Jimmy Carter filed a report with the National Investigation Committee on Ariel Fenomena (NICAP). He claimed that he had seen an unknown flying object (UFO) in October.
1974Hurricane Fifi attacked Honduras, destroying 182 towns in the first 24 hours, and eventually built over 8,000 areas.
1986For the first time female drivers from Mumbai flew a jet plane between Bombay and Goa.
1988Burma repealed its constitution.
1997The United States conducted an underground nuclear test called 'holog'.
1998The Internet Corporation for Asind Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization that manages the domain name and assignment of IP addresses in the Internet.
2003Bus service started between Dhaka-Agartala.
2005Vice Admiral Taad Alan warned that New Orleans tap water is still unfit for drinking. He warned that the encouragement of residents outside the French quarters to return to Mayor Ray Naagin is currently 'extremely problematic'.
2007Hundreds of villagers are still falling ill for unknown reasons due to the effect of an alleged meteorite in Peru.
2008The pirates kidnap a Greek bulk carrier with 25 crew along the coast of Somalia.
2009The manufacture of a methane gas explodes more than one kilometer in the Wuzek-Slask coal mine in Poland. The explosion killed twelve miners, while another injured.
2010A large storm in New Zealand leaves 100,000 people without electricity. It also takes a roof from Southland on a large scale stadium in Inverterkil on the South Island.
2011In golf, Lexi Thompson of the United States becomes the youngest player to win the LPGA classic winning LPGA event at the age of 16.
2013Apple announced iOS 7; The seventh edition of the company's mobile operating system. This includes noteable user interface changes and upgrade.
2014Ultra compact dwarf galaxy M60-un-un-un-un-un-un-un-known galaxy consists of a super huge black hole at its center.
324Constantine the Great decisively defeated lysenius in batlof chrysopolis, established the only control of Constantine on the Romanmipire and ended Tetracky.

Important Historical Events of 18 September in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1891Riete Maxwell said the first white woman became an Indian chief.

Important Days of 18 September National & International Days 🏁

International Equal Pay DayInternational Day
World Water Monitoring DayInternational Day
World Bamboo DayInternational Day
Chile Independence Day (part of Fiestas Patrias)National Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 18 September 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1883Madan Lal Dhingra / Revolutionary / India
1883Madan Lal Dhingra / Freedom Fighter / India
1906Kaka Hathrasi / Poet / India
1947Ravi S. Naik / Politician / India
1950Vishnuvardhan / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 18 september 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 13 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  15655
  Post Category :  History of September