According to Gregory calendar, on December 19, the day number in a year is 353 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 354. December 19 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 19 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1154Henry II was crowned the King of England in Westminster Abbey, London.
1154King Henry II was enthroned as Emperor of England at the age of 21.
1821South Orkney Islands were discovered by George Powell and Nathaniel Palmer.
1823Georgia implemented the first US state birth registration law in the United States.
1828Nulli Fication Crispation State Vice President of America Johnasi. Calhon wrote South Carolina Exposition and Protest to oppose the 1828 tariff.
1843A Christmas Carol, novel Abenezer screws and Norbby three Christmas ghosts were published by Charles Dickens.
1889Bishop Museum was established in Hawaii.
1907A Pennsylvania coal mine explosion killed 239 people.
1907The explosion in the coal mine at Jacobs Creek in the US state of Pennsylvania killed 239 workers.
1927The great freedom fighters Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaq Ulla Khan and Roshan Singh were hanged by the British.
1931Joseph A. Lyons became Prime Minister of Australia.
1932The BBC started its world service, now the world's largest broadcaster is the BBC Empire Service.
1932The BBC started its international services to Australia.
1950Jane Isenhower became commander of the Northern Atlatink Alliance.
1956Irish -born British physician John Bodkin Adams was arrested for indifference with suspicious deaths of his more than 160 patients, although he was only convicted on minor allegations.
1964The ruling Republic of Vietnam Republic, led by Guyen Khan, took initiative to dissolve and arrest a coup of the Civil National Advisory Body, High National Council.
1966Asian Development Bank was started.
1974Former Australia captain Ricky Potting was born. In his career, he has scored 13378 runs in 168 Tests and 13704 runs in 375 ODIs.
1981Sixteen people lost their lives when a penli lifeboat went away from the southwest region of England to help the helpless Coastar Union Star in a heavy sea.
1985The Yakutsk United Air Group Flight 101/435 was abducted by a co-pilot and launched in China, where he was caught, while the Chinese passenger returned home with a gift.
1986After six years of internal exile in Gorky, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev released disgruntled Andreiskharov.
1989Workers went on strike in Romanian cities to protest against Communist rule.
1991Bob Hawke was sworn in as Prime Minister of Australia by Paul Keating.
1991Christmas Carol opens in Eugene O "Neil Theater New York City for 14 demonstrations.
1993After 5 demonstrations, Gorswin Theater closed "Red Shoes" in New York City.
1996Once Upon A Mattress, 187 opens in Broadharst New York City for performance.
1997The Silkier Flight 185, which crashed into the Mushi River in Indonesia, was set for murder-suicide by the captain.
1998The House of Representatives approved two articles of impeachment, accused Clinton of charging the federal grand jury and obstructing justice.
1998The US House of Representatives attacked President Bilklinton after the Lewinsky scam.
2007Time magazine honored Russian President Vladimir Putin with the title of Person of the Year.
2010Dubai holds the closing ceremony for its 7th International Film Festival.
2011Kim Jong-Il, the supreme leader of North Korea, passed away; Kim Jong-un has been declared as the successor of his father.
2012UBS becomes a second bank after Barclays, which is fined for an attempt to manipulate the Labor Interbank borrowing rate; The company has been fined $ 1.5 billion.
2012Park Gyun Hee became the first female president of South Korea.
2013A data violation at the target corporation used 40 million credit and security of debit cards used at targeted shops.
2014Office supply company Staples announced that in October, data could be affected from breech to 1.16 million cards; The company is providing free identity protection for shopkeepers at affected shops and advises all customers to monitor their credit records.

Important Historical Events of 19 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1860Lord Dalhousie, who was the Governor General of India from 1848 to 1856, died in Britain.
1934The 12th President of India, Pratibha Patil was born in Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
1961Goa gained independence from slavery in Portugal. Indian troops entered the border of Goa under Operation Vijay.
1998Amartya Sen was awarded the honorary citizenship by Bangladesh, Sheel Kumar India) in the World Disabled Skiing held at Denver (USA).

Important Days of 19 December National & International Days 🏁

Goa Liberation DayNational Day
Good Governance Week (19 to 25 Dec)National Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 19 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1934Pratibha Patil / Politician / India
1919Om Prakash / Actor / India
1934Pratibha Devi Singh Patil / Politician / India
1934Pratibha Patil / Politician / India
1937Gopal Ballav Pattanaik / Lawyer / India
1952N. Lamsaden / Hockey Player / India
1966Rajesh Chauhan / Cricketer / India
1969Nayan Mongia / Cricketer / India
1984Ankita Lokhande / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 19 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  12332
  Post Category :  History of December