According to Gregory calendar, on September 22, the day number in a year is 265 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 266. September 22 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 22 September in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1539The first Guru of the Sikh sect, Guru Nanak Dev, died at Kartapur. It was he who started the practice of 'langar'.
1586Eighty-year war-spanish forces were made victorious against the Angbied Anglo-Dach army in the battle of Zufen.
1711French troops captured Rio de Janeiro.
1735Robert Walpole became the first British "Prime Minister" (actually Lord of the Treasury) to live at 10 Downing Street.
1756Nassau Hall opened at Princeton University.
1761King George III and Queen Charlotte of the United Kingdom were crowned.
1776Captain Nathan Hell, who was a detective of the revolutionaries of the US Army, was hanged by the British Army.
1784Russia established a colony in Kodiak, Alaska.
1792The era of the historic French Republican calendar began.
1792The establishment of the Republic of France was announced.
1792The French first Republic came into existence after finishing the monarchy a day after the French Revolution-National Convention.
1827Joseph Smith claimed in 1838 that on this day he had taken golden plates from the place where he had been stored and that he had started writing the Book of Mormon from him the following December.
1832After Sultan Mahmud II rejected Muhammad Said Agha, Qasim al Ahmad was appointed as the new Ottoman governor of Jerusalem Qudus).
1862US President Abraham Lincoln released the liberation announcement, announcing the freedom of all slaves at the Confederateteratory till January 1, 1863.
1862President Lincoln ordered on January 1 to free slaves from all states.
1903The American citizen Italo Marchioni was granted a patent for an ice cream cone.
1914The German warship Imden bombed the port of Madras.
1914The First World War-German naval forces bombed the papaya in French Polynesia.
1922After nine days, Smirna's great fire was extinguished, causing thousands of deaths.
1934One of Britain's worst mining accidents killed 266 people at Annexplosian in Greshford Colliery, Wales.
1949The Soviet Union successfully tested the first atomic bomb.
1949The Soviet Union exploded. This is the first atomic bomb, it is 4 years later.
1955Commercialization of television began in Britain. In this, the advertisement was allowed to be broadcast for only six minutes every hour and it was not allowed to run on Sunday morning.
1955ITV was first established as a commercial television network in the United Kingdom.
1957François 'Papa Doctor ' Duvallier was elected as Haiti's populist president before the integration of power and ruled as a dictator for his life.
1966The American vehicle 'Savorier-2' hit the lunar surface.
1979Maulana Abdul Ali Maududi, founder of Jamiat-e-Islam, passed away.
1980The ongoing border conflict between Iran and Iraq transformed into a war.
1994The Nordhard Land Bridge, which crosses the Sulhasufordin between Clownweight and Flato in Hoardland, and the second longest bridge in Norway, was officially opened.
2005Australia agrees to fund Indonesia's response to avian influenza by providing anti-viral drugs to save health workers in the event of an epidemic. A team of the World Health Organization is being sent to Jakarta.
2006The Atlantis Special Craft, which went on a construction mission of the International Space Station, landed safely at the Kennedy Space Center in the United States.
2006According to reports, the number of people falling ill after consuming tainted spinach in 25 American states has reached 166.
2007NASA's Air Craft detected seven caves-like shapes on Mars.
2007Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babakan condemned the American support of the PKK terrorist group, which is responsible for attacks on Turkish forces.
2009Security has been increased throughout Germany after the al-Qaeda video threatening to attack on the withdrawal of soldiers from Afghanistan.
2010U.N. According to the Security Council proposal 1929, Russia has banned the sale of weapons and ammunition to Iran.
2012The Roman Catholic Church in the Australian state of Victoria has embarrassed that more than 600 children were sexually abused by priests since the 1930s.
2013Two suicidal attackers attacked a church in Pakistani city Peshawar. He killed at least 78 people.
2014The protesters block Wall Street as they demand action on climate change that is a UN climate change platform that is going to happen tomorrow.
904After snatching the control of the royal government, Emperor Zhu Quanjong killed the Tang dynasty Emperor Emperor Jhaozong of China.

Important Historical Events of 22 September in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1965A ceasefire took place on the initiative of the United Nations on this day in the battle between India and Pakistan.
1965The ceasefire between India and Pakistan is declared a ceasefire over the situation of Kashmir occupation.
2011Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, former captain of the Indian cricket team and Nawab of Pataudi, died on this day.

Important Days of 22 September National & International Days 🏁

Guru Nanak Dev Death DayNational Day
Rose Day (Welfare Of Cancer Patients)National Day
World Rhino DayInternational Day
Bulgaria Independence DayNational Day
Mali Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 22 September 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1887Bhaurao Patil / Activist / India
1930P. B. Sreenivas / Singer / India
1950Pawan Kumar Chamling / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 22 september 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 13 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  20855
  Post Category :  History of September