According to Gregory calendar, on December 23, the day number in a year is 357 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 358. December 23 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 23 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1672Astronomer Giovanni Cassini discovered Saturn's satellite 'Rhea'.
1690The philosopher John Flemsteed saw the planet Uranus and considered it a star and named it '34 Tory'.
1728The Treaty of Berlin was signed by the Persian Emperor Karel Saha.
1793The French Revolution-Religious Army was deliberately defeated in the war of Savannah, although later faced a battle in the War in Wendy.
1797Scotland geologist Charles Lyle was born. He was the first to lay the foundation of the scientific principles of geology.
1823A journey from St. Nicholas, also known as The Night Bifiritakas, was first published anonymously. Later Clement Clarke Moore was given authentication.
1824Chief Pushmatama of the Chikkatu nation died in Washington.
1834Joseph Hansum patented the passenger horse carriage 'Safety Cab'.
1841First Anglo-Afghan War: In a meeting with Afghan General Akbar Khan, British diplomat Sir William Hay McNaughton was shot dead.
1844American presidential election 1844: James K. Polk defeated Henry Clay.
1876The first constitution of Turkey was declared.
1876The Great Powers called the Constantinopal conference with the majority of Bulgarian population in Bosnia and Ottoman regions for political reforms in both countries.
1888During a battle of mental illness, Dutch painter Vincent van Gogastock hit his friend French painter Paul Gowgin with a razor, and then cut the lower part of his left ear and aprostrate him.
1913US President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, which establishes a central banking system in the United States.
1916The First World War-Mitra Army won a strategic victory in the Magadha war in the Sinai Peninsula.
1921Visva-Bharati University was inaugurated.
1922BBC Radio daily newspaper started.
1926Arya Samaj campaigner and scholar Swami Shraddhanand was killed.
1932Artificial rubber was first created by an English scientist named Mill.
1936The Inter-American Conference ended in order to maintain peace.
1938A fisherman from South Africa discovered the first living sample of Ona Kolakanth, which has been considered extinct for a long time.
1947The transistor was first performed at Bell Laboratories.
1954The first successful kidney transplant occurred between two survivors in Boston.
1954DRS. Joseph died and J. Heartwell Harrison first performed a kidney transplant.
1957Ian Craig of Australia became the youngest Test cricket captain.
1958The Tokyo Tower, 332.5 meters (1,091 ft), opened the largest heroic steelstructure in the world.
1968The first rocket of the meteorological country, Maneka, was successfully launched.
1972The two-hour earthquake in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, devastated life and killed about ten thousand people.
1972One of the most famous plays in the history of Americanfootball, Pittsburgh Steelers made a nearby Ineclate reception near a playoff game by Quarterback Terry Bradshow, leaving behind Franco Harris.
1987Lynet ”escaped from Alderson Jail by serving life imprisonment for attempting to kill President Garald R Ford.
1990After 284 demonstrations, Barimore Theater closed "Latis and Laver" in New York City.
1990About 88% of the population in Slovenia voted for secondary from Yugoslavia's Socialist Federal Republic.
2000Calcutta, the capital of West Bengal, was officially renamed Kolkata.
2008Noted storyteller Govind Mishra was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award 2008 in Hindi for the incarceration of his novel Fog.
2010A male Algerian was fined by a court in Nice for insulting the French national flag; This was the first punishment that was administered.
2010A monsoon trough brought torrential rains to Queensland, flooding largely, killing 38 people and loss of $ 2.38 billion.
2011Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip enters the hospital to treat a blocked coronary artery.
2011The state of North Korea will accept all South Korean delegations who want to pay their honors to the late leader Kim Jong-Il.
2012In Chile and Argentina, alerts of volcanic activity are issued in areas near the Kopahe volcanoes, after which the ashes began to be spewed.
2012The launch of a space satellite in space by North Korea is disputed by the Ministry of South Korean Defense, which claims that it was a pregnant test of a 10,000 -km range missile.
2013Mikhail Kalashnikov, who is the designer of the AK -47 Assault Rifle, who named her name, dies at her home in the city of Izvsk at the age of 94.
2014Sony Pictures released his controversial comedy film 'The Interview' about the attempt to assassinate North Korea leader Kim Jong-un; The film was canceled after hacking attacks and threats, but Soni now looks for a comprehensive audience for the film.
2014Dow Jones Industrial Average set a record at 18,024.17; Dow has taken less than six months to climb from the price of 17,000 marks.
962Under the Damantin-Arab Wars-future emperor Niprasorus Fokas, the city of Alero attacked the city of Alero.

Important Historical Events of 23 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1902Chaudhary Charan Singh, the 5th Prime Minister of India, was born in Noorpur Uttar Pradesh.
20049th Prime Minister of India Narasimha Rao passed away.

Important Days of 23 December National & International Days 🏁

National Farmers DayNational Day
Swami Shraddhanand Sacrifice DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 23 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1690Pamheiba / Emperor / India
1845Dr. Rash Behari Ghosh / Lawyer / India
1889Mehr Chand Mahajan / Lawyer / India
1889Mehr Chand Mahajan / Politician / India
1902Charan Singh / Politician / India
1952Prafulla Kumar Mahant / Politician / India

See full list of famous people born on 23 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  14262
  Post Category :  History of December