According to Gregory calendar, on November 24, the day number in a year is 328 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 329. November 24 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 24 November in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1227Poland's High Duke Leszek The White was murdered during the hunting of Pest Duke.
1434The water of the Thames River in London froze in Ketudco form.
1542Anglo-Scotish Wars-England caught around 1200 Scottish prisoners with their victory in the Solve Moss battle.
1642A Dutch campaign led by Abel Tasman reached the present Tasmania, Australia.
1744John Carteret resigned as British Secretary of the Northern Department.
1759The volcano erupted on the Visuvius mountain peak in Italy.
1827The election for France's 430 member Chamber of Deputies went to the polls. The supporters of King Charles X, the lavaturist, lost by a majority of 233 seats and received 180 seats.
1831British physicist Michael Ferrede discovered electricity.
1832South Carolina passed notification ordinance
1859The first published by British naturalist Charles Darwinwas on the origin of the species, and its initial print run was sold on the first day.
1863During the American Civil War-War, as part of the Tenasi, Tennessi, Tenciano campaign, central forces captured the lookout mountain to help break the city's confederate siege.
1871The National Rifle Association was organized.
1877Anna Sewal's influential animal welfare novel Black Beauty, which was one of the best -selling books ever, was published for the first time.
1877The first Hindustani Kawasaji Jamsetji Patigra to become deputy commissioner was born.
1903Clyde Coleman patented automobile electric starter.
1904The first successful caterpillar track was produced.
1906A local newspaper accused two teams of deliberately losing the game, the first major scam in American football.
1914Benito Mussolini was ejected from the Italian Socialist Party.
1922Irish civilian war writer and Irish nationalist Robert Erskinechilders were executed by the Irish Free State for illegally carrying asmi-automated pistols.
1926Eminent philosopher Sri Aurobindo attained complete accomplishment.
1950Prior to the Northeast, a large maritime cyclone 'Storm of the Century' hit on the east coast of the United States.
1950Known as the Great Storm of the Appalachian', the cyclone brought strong winds of 250 kmph.
1961World Food Program (WFP) was included in the UN's temporary program.
1962An important element of the British satirical boom was The Week The Week Week Thaatus, Firstbraudcast.
1963Businessman Jack Ruby shot and injured Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged killer of US President John F. Kennedy, during the living television broadcast and airing the principles of conspiracy on the case.
1966The first TV station opened in Kinsasa, the capital of Congo.
1969Apollo 12 spacecraft returns to Earth, which falls into the Pacific Ocean.
1971A man kidnapped a 727 aircraft, until he received $ 200,000 and four parachutes, threatened to blow up the jet. It is believed that the kidnapper, which D.B. Cooper, Washington jumped from the plane somewhere over the state and neither got the money again.
1974An international team of scientists working in the Northeast Ethiopia has found a partial skeleton of a three -million -year -old homeinid that it claims that it is the most complete human discovery ever in Africa, the skeleton is better known to the skeleton and It is known as Lucy.
1974A group of peliynthropologists discovered the 3.2-Million year old skeleton of an Australopithecus Affrences in Afar depression Ethethopia, named it 'Lucy ' (reconstruction picture).
1976Oladiran-Muraadi earthquake in eastern Turkey killed at least 4,000 people.
1986Legislators were expelled from the House together for the first time in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly.
1988The popular American cult television comedy Mystery Science Theater made its debut at 3000 KTMA.
1988For the first time, Lok Sabha MP Lalduhoma was disqualified under the anti-defection law.
1999Dasun catches fire during a severe thunderstorm at a ghat going to Dalian from Yalian, the port city of Shangdong province, China, and drowns in Yellow C from the coast of China, causing most passengers and people of the crew kill people. Went. It is believed to be more than 350 in total.
2003Uma Devi Khatri, who created comedy in Hindi films, died.
2005Two people were injured after an accident at Messi's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, in which the M&M balloon got entangled in a light pole and fell near Times Square.
2006The European Union (EU) hosts the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a conference. Poland has launched the European Union-Russia Partnership Dialogue.
2007Typhoon Mitag remains stable on the Philippine Sea but changes the curriculum, and due to very slow and unusual motion, landslides are expected to occur in the Arora-Isabella provinces of the Philippines on Monday.
2007Former Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrived home after eight years of exile.
2008United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown plans to raise income tax rate for the first time since 1975.
2009Iran, one of its best -selling newspapers, has banned the hostage, a day later, a ban on publishing a picture of the banned Bahi Aastha temple was banned.
2010The Brazilian police shot and killed at least thirteen people in Rio de Janeiro following a wave of violence by suspected drug smugglers.
2012At least 117 people died in a fire in a cloth factory in Sulia district on Toutsirling Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Important Historical Events of 24 November in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1944Famous Indian film actor and film director Amol Palekar was born.

Important Days of 24 November National & International Days 🏁

Martyrdom Day Of Guru Tegh BahadurNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 24 November 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1961Arundhati Roy / Author / India
1877Kavasji Jamshedji Petigara / Police Officer / India
1880Pattabhi Sitaramaiah / Politician / India
1899Hira Lal Shastri / Politician / India
1936Syeda Anwara Taimur / Politician / India
1943Montek Singh Ahluwalia / Economist / India
1961Arundhati Roy / Author / India
1961Arundhati Roy / Writer / India
1981Celina Jaitley / Actress / India
1982Mary Kom / Player / India
1983Nikita Anand / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 24 november 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 18 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of November