According to Gregory calendar, on December 26, the day number in a year is 360 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 361. December 26 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 26 December in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1530The Mughal ruler Babur died in the Dholpur area near Agra.
1606Shakespeare first introduced his popular play King Lear to the court of King James I of England.
1666Sikhism Guru Govind Singh was born.
1736Andrew Michael Ramsay gave a speech in which he linked the legacy and internationalism of Freemasonry to the Crusade.
1748France and Austria signed the treaty about the southern Netherlands.
1773Tea vessels were expelled from Philadelphia.
1776George Washington defeated Hessian at the Battle of Trenton in the American Revolutionary War.
1805The peace of Pressburg was signed between France and Austria.
1805Austria and France signed the Pressburg Confederacy.
1806The war of the fourth alliance-French soldiers under Napoleon put the Russian forces in the battle of both Pultk and Golimin.
1806The Battle of Golimein underwent a successful retaliatory battle against the French army under General Golitsin under Russian Army Marshal Murat.
1809A British invasion lent the city of Vallasingen.
1825Imperial Russian Army officials led around 3,000 soldiers against Nicholas I handling the throne, as his elder brother Constantine removed himself from the succession line.
1854Wood-pulp paper exhibited for the first time.
1871The first Comic Opera, Gaity Theater, London, UK by Thesis, Gilbert and Sulivan was first built.
1890King Mwanga of Uganda signed a contract with the East Africa Company.
1893The founder and president of the Communist Party, Mao Xe Tung, was born in China.
1898At the French Science Academy, physicists Pierre and Mary Curie (picture) announced the discovery of a new element, naming radium.
1900A relief team arrived at the lighting on the Flonan Islands in Scotland and it was found that the previous crew had disappeared without anyone.
1904The country's first cross country motorcar rally was inaugurated between Delhi and Mumbai.
1906The world's first feature film, The Story of the Cali Gang, was released.
1919American baseball player Babe Ruth was sold by Boston Redsox to his rivals, New York Yencis at the beginning of the 84 -year -long curse of Bombino.
1933US engineer Howard Armstrong obtained a patent for FM radio.
1968The Communist Party of the Philippines, which is fighting the war, was founded by Jose Maria Sicon.
1979The Red Army of the former Soviet Union took control of Afghanistan and began its longest action against an independent country.
1982The Time Magazine Award, Man of the Year was awarded for the first time to non-humans, computers.
1982Time magazine declared the computer to be the "Man of the Year".
1991The highest Soviet officially dissolved itself, fulfilling the thedissolution of the Soviet Union.
1996Six -year -old American beauty queen Johnbenet Ramsi Colorado was hijacked and strangled to the basement of his family's house in Colorado's boulder, a murder that caused extensive coverage from Americanmadia.
1996The union of the Korean trade unions called for its 1.2 million members to walk from their jobs, which started the country's largest organized sector,
1996The biggest strike in South Korea's history began.
2006Australia's great leg-spinner Shane Warne made history by taking 700 wickets in international Test cricket.
2010Former South African President Nelson Mandela will have a road named after him in Cape Town.
2011Brazil overtook the United Kingdom as the sixth largest economy in the world.
2011Drew Tree, Quarterback for New Orleans Saints, creates a new National Football League record for yards passing into a session.
2012A law that prohibits Americans from adopting Russian children is approved by the Parliament of Russia; This action is the response of the Sergei Magnitski Rules Act Accountability Act of America Act.
2012Christmas season U.S. Texas, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana have more than 30 tornadoes reported.
2012The world's longest High Speed ​​Railroad, built from China's capital Beijing to Guangzhou City, was opened.
2013The Prime Minister of Shinzo Abe Japan traveled to the Yasukuni pilgrimage located in Chidoda, Tokyo; The pilgrims remember those who died in the service of the Japanese Empire during the Restoration of Miji, who stored the royal rule over Japan in 1868.
2013A winter storm in the southern Ontario, Main, Michigan and Vermont runs without lightning; The bottom temperature sent several shelters for the heat.
2014Ukraine exchanges 222 rebel prisoners for 150 Ukrainian soldiers organized by separatist forces; For security reasons, the nation has also blocked Crimea, by stopping the region from Russia, from the region and bus and train service.
2014Zakaria Ahmed Ismail Hirsi, a prominent member of the military hand of al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda, surrendered to the police; The group wants to capture the UN-conquered Somali government.

Important Historical Events of 26 December in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1978Former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi was released from prison.
2004Earthquake, the largest in 40 years, attacks the Pacific Ocean near Sumatra, triggering a large -scale Indian Ocean tsunami, killing 266,000 people in the coastal areas of Asia and Africa.
2004A tsunami caused by a 9.3 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale caused widespread devastation in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Maldives and surrounding areas, killing 2,30,000 people.
2006The Hengchun Earthquake came to Taiwan on the south-west coast of the continental earthquakes and the regions of southeastern Iran in the coastal communities of South-East Asia and South Asia in the 2004 Indian Ocean.

Important Days of 26 December National & International Days 🏁

Veer Baal DiwasNational Day
Slovenia Independence and Unity DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 26 December 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1899Udham Singh / Freedom Fighter / India
1876Sir Osborne Arkell Smith / Banker / India
1899Udham Singh / Freedom Fighter / India
1914Baba Amte / Social Worker / India

See full list of famous people born on 26 december 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
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  Post Category :  History of December