According to Gregory calendar, February 26 is the day number 57 in a given year. February 26 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 26 February in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1233Mongol–Jin War: The Mongols captured Kaifeng, the capital of the Jin dynasty, after besieging it for months.
1773Construction rights for Walnut St. Jail Philadelphia).
1815Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from Elba, an island off the coastof Italy where he had been exiled after the signing of the Treaty ofFontainebleau one year earlier.
1832The Constitution of Poland was removed.
18482 French republics were announced.
1863US President Lincoln signed the American Currency Act.
1863Abraham Lincoln signed the National Currency Act.
1866The New York Legislature created the Neek Metropolitan Board of Health.
1885In the final act of the Berlin Conference "The Struggle for Africa" ​​controlled European colonialism and trade.
1909The first films made with Kinemacolor, the earliest successful colour motion picture process, were shown to the British general public.
1910Austria - Hungary gave the United States the status of the most favored nation.
1917New Orleans' Original Dixieland Jass Band recorded 'LiveryStable Blues', the first jazz single ever released.
1925Jihad started against the Turkish government.
1935Adolf Hitler ordered the German air force Luftwaffe reinstated,violating the Treaty of Versailles signed at the end of the First WorldWar.
1935With the aid of a radio station in Daventry, England, and tworeceiving antennas, Scottish engineer and inventor Robert Watson-Wattfirst demonstrated the use of radar.
1936Over 1400 troops of the Imperial Japanese Army staged a coupd'etat in Japan, occupying Tokyo, and killing Finance Minister TakahashiKorekiyo and several other leading politicians.
1946Finnish observers reported the first sightings of unidentified flying objects known as 'ghost rockets', which have not yet been positively identified.
1952Vincent Massey was sworn in as the first Canadian-born GovernorGeneral of Canada.
1958The remains of an ancient civilization were found at the site of Kot Di Ji Sindh in Pakistan, which was about three hundred years older than the Mohenjodaro civilization.
1966Freedom fighter Vinayak Damadar Savarkar died.
1972President V.V. Giri dedicated the Vikram Earth satellite station located in Arvi near Wardha to the country.
1975The country's first kite museum 'Shankar Kendra' was established in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
1991British computer programmer Tim Berners-Lee introduced WorldWideWeb, the world's first web browser and WYSIWYG HTML editor.
1993Six people were killed and more than 100 injured in a bomb attack on New York's World Trade Center.
1995After losses in Singapore by trader Nick Leeson, London finance house of Barings collapse.
1995Barings Bank, the oldest merchant bank in London, collapsedafter its head derivatives trader in Singapore, Nick Leeson, lost £827million while making unauthorized speculative trades on futurescontracts.
1997Change the world Babyface, Beck and LeAnn Rumis wins the 39th Grammy Awards.
1998Sale of New York Islanders is completed by Stevena, M Gluekstern.
1998Venezuela – Pacific Ocean saw a full Solar eclipse (4m09).
1999Rap singer Lauryn Hill set a new record by winning five Grammy Awards.
2001Sir Don Bradman, cricket's greatest player, died.
2003London Congestion Charge Scheme launched.
2004Macedonia's President Berris Trej Kovski died in a plane crash.
2007It was announced by the Government of Nepal to nationalize the property of the King.
2008In the first significant cultural visit from the United States to North Korea since the Korean War, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra performed in East Pyongyang Grand Theatre.
2009During the Kosovo war, former Serbian President Milan Mulutinovic is acquitted of war crisis.
201017 people were killed in Kabul, Afghanistan due to number of attacks by suicide bombers.
2011Canadian politician Christy Clark, becomes the second woman to be Premier of British Columbia after winning a Liberal party of British Columbia ballot.
2012The “News of the World” which shut down due to phone hacking controversy is announced to be replaced by “The sun on Sunday” by new cooperation.
2013Iran officials along with representatives from US, China, Germany, France, Russia, UK discuss Iran’s nuclear program.
2014After the mass Vandalism incident earlier this month that destroyed hundreds of library system existing copies, over 300 books related to Anne Frank are donated to Tokyo libraries by the embassy of Israel. Police was still investing about it.
747According to Ptolemy, the reign of the Babylonian king Nabonassar began and with it, a new era characterized by the systematic maintenance of chronologically precise historical records.

Important Historical Events of 26 February in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
2008India successfully test-fired a ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

Important Days of 26 February National & International Days 🏁

Veer Savarkar Memorial DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 26 February 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1896Gopal Swarup Pathak / Politician / India
1908Leela Majumdar / Author / India
1922Manmohan Krishna / Actor / India

See full list of famous people born on 26 february 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 8 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  16819
  Post Category :  History of February