According to Gregory calendar, on March 26, the day number in a year is 85 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 86. March 26 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 26 March in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1169Saladin (depicted on the coin) was inaugurated as Emir of Egypt.
1344Reconquista: The Muslim city of Algeciras surrenders after a 21-month siege and is incorporated into the Kingdom of Castile.
1351The Breton Succession of France and England—the War of the Thirty Knights—fought to determine who would rule the Duchy of Brittany, was later celebrated as a great display of the ideals of chivalry.
1484William Caxton publishes the first English translation of Aesop's Fables.
1552Guru Amardas became the third Guru of the Sikhs.
1770English explorer Captain James Cook and HMS Endeavor his crew completed the circumnavigation of New Zealand.
1780British newspapers Brit Gadget and Sunday Monitor were first published on Sunday.
1812The Boston Gazette printed a political cartoon endorsing the allegation that Governor Elbridge Gerry had created oddly shaped electoral districts in which Tohl incumbents won reelection.
1812A massive earthquake in Venezuela's largest city of Caracas destroyed 90 percent of the city and killed about 20,000 people.
1830The Book of Mormon, the defining sacred text of the Latter Descent movement, was published for the first time.
1830The Book of Mormon, Palmara, was published in New York.
1845Adhesive medicated plaster granted patent.
1885Realizing that Canada had failed to address the protection of Tire rights, the Métis people, led by Lewis Riel, began the North-Westbrillian.
190480,000 protesters protested against the import of Chinese workers into Hyde Park, London.
1907Famous Hindi poetess Mahadevi Varma was born in Farukhabad.
1913First Balkan War - After a five-month siege, Bulgarian forces capture the Ottoman city of Adrianople.
1917World War I - Attempting to advance into Palestine, the British were defeated by Ottoman troops in the First Battle of Gaza.
1943Elsie S. Ott received the US Air Force Medal and became the first woman to receive this medal.
1953Jonas Salk announces successful testing of his polio vaccine on a small group of adults and children.
1953Dr. Jonas Salk announced new vaccines to protect against polio.
1971Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared East Pakistan as Bangladesh as an independent country. Bangladesh celebrates Independence Day on 26 March.
1973The first episode of The Young and the Restless aired, which eventually became the most watched daytime drama on American television since 1988.
1973The women were recruited for the first time, breaking the 200-year-old history on the London Stock Exchange.
1978Four days before the scheduled opening of Japan's Narita International Airport, a group of protesters destroyed much of the equipment in the control tower with Molotov cocktails.
1979By signing the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty, Egypt became the first Arab country to officially recognize Israel.
1979Israel and Egypt join hands on peace deal for 30-year-long ceasefire. This agreement was made by the US.
1983The US conducted a nuclear test in Nawada.
1992Heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment on rape charges.
1995The Helen Hayes Theater protecting the Ances Caves opens in New York City with 671 performances.
1997Police in Rancho Santa Fe, California, discovered the bodies of 39 members of Heaven's Gate who died in an apparent cult suicide.
1999Jack-Kevorian, an American attorney and practitioner of physician-assisted suicide, was found guilty of manslaughter in the death of a terminally ill patient.
2000Vladimir Putin was elected President of Russia.
2000Bill Crystal hosted the 72nd Academy Awards Oscar ceremony. American Beauty won Best Picture, with Kevin Spacey and Hilary Swank taking home the lead acting awards.
2006The 18th Commonwealth Games kick off in Melbourne, Australia.
2006Smoking is banned in bars and restaurants in Scotland.
2010In response to Israel's plan to annex East Jerusalem, Iran has called on Muslims around the world to take action in protest.
2011Tokyo reports that radiation levels in its water supply have returned to normal.
2011Hundreds march in Trafalgar Square to protest government budget cuts in London.
2012Campbell Newman has been sworn in as the new Premier of Queensland after a landslide victory.
2013David Miliband announced plans to resign as UK Foreign Secretary and move to the US state of New York to lead the International Rescue Committee.
2014Tavi Roivas became the Prime Minister of Estonia.
2014Beijing issues air pollution warnings that specifically limit outdoor activity as the concentration (PM 2.5) measures 309 times 12 times the World Health Organization standard.
2014A second dwarf planet has been discovered between the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt, a region previously thought to be no man's land. The planet 2012 VP-113, about 280 miles across by 600 miles across Sedna, was previously discovered in 2003.
590The Byzantine Emperor Maurice proclaimed his son Theodosius as Hisco-Emperor.

Important Historical Events of 26 March in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1974A group of peasant women in Chipko district, Uttarakhand, India used their bodies to encircle trees to stop loggers, giving rise to the Chipko movement.

Important Days of 26 March National & International Days 🏁

Bangladesh National DayNational Day
Bangladesh Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 26 March 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1940Nancy Pelosi / Politician / United States of america
1907Mahadevi Varma / Poet / India
1907Mahadevi Verma / Author / India
1912Saraswati Devi / Music Director / India
1933Acharya Kuber Nath Rai / Writer / India

See full list of famous people born on 26 march 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Thu 12 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  13179
  Post Category :  History of March