According to Gregory calendar, on September 26, the day number in a year is 269 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 270. September 26 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 26 September in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1087William II, the third son of William I, sat on the throne of England. He remained the emperor until 1100.
1087William II, William of the winner, was crowned the king of England.
1580British sailor Francis Drake traveled all over the world by sea and returned home to England.
1687Parthenon in Athens was partially destroyed during an armed conflict between Francesko Morosini and Venetian under Ottomanforce.
1733France, Spain and Sardinia signed anti-German agreements.
1772Passed the bill in New Jersey, which would require a license to practice medicine.
1786Eden Accord: A commercial treaty was signed between the states of Great Britain and France.
1815Russia, Prussia and Austria signed the Holy Alliance.
1872First temple built in New York City.
1872The first Shriners Temple called Mecca) established in New York City.
1874The first Grand International Rifle Match was held.
1901The body of Abraham Lincoln, the first president of America, was buried in concrete several feet thick.
1907New Zealand and Newfoundland became states.
1907New Zealand declared its independence.
1923Bollywood actor Devanand was born in Punjab, Pakistan).
1933Gangster machine Gun Kelly surrendered to the FBI, shouted hesitating, 'Don't shoot, G-Men (' government man ')! '), Who is a surname for FBI agents.
1936Japanese Marines are now under the control of Shanghai district of China. After this, 4 Japanese citizens died in Shanghai. Japan has said in a statement, 'We should protect our citizens. '
1942The official August Frank of Holocost-Nazi released a memorandum stating how the Jews should be pacified '.
1950Donesia took membership of the United Nations.
1953Sugar ration was abolished in Britain.
1959The most powerful storm in Japan's history, Ve 'Vera', killed 4580 people and left 1.6 million people homeless.
1959Japan was killed by Typhoon Vera, which was the strongest and fatal record of landslides on the country with a compensation of $ 600 million on the US and over 4,000 deaths.
1960The monarchical rule of northern Yemen ended. On this day, the army commander Abdullah Sallal brought an end to the monarchical governance by a military revolt, after which democracy was established.
1968The Beatles completed the recording of John Lennon's song 'Happiness Ice a Warm Gun' by the members of the band by the band members.
1973The Supersonic Concorde passenger airplane completed the Atlantic journey in a record time of just 3 hours 32 minutes.
1980The terrorist attack in the city of Octoburfest killed 13 people and injured 211.
1980Afghanistan's Marxist rule and its protector are improvement in security in Kabul. This is in response to a new wave of terrorist attacks led by the anti -Moslem communist tribe. The terrorist group also launched a successful attack on a power station by the rebels earlier this week.
1983John Bertrand's captaincy racing yacht is Australia II, US Cup, which is the end of the 132 -year Defense Trophy of New York Yacht Club.
1983The Soviet Lieutenant Colonel Stenislav Petrovuned by deliberately proved the worldwide nuclear war possible, otherwise the United States appeared as an adjacent attack as a false alarm by the United States.
1990The Italian novelist Alberto Moravia died. He was born in Rome, Italy, in the year 1907.
200762 workers died as a construction bridge collapsed in Vietnam's southern crest of Cannatho.
2007There has been an outbreak of cholera due to lack of chlorine for water hygiene in Iraq. This contagious disease has spread and has now reached Baghdad.
2008Swiss pilots and inventors Yavas became the first person of the wing run by Jet-Enginee of Rossi English Channel.
2009The Spanish government officially reveals the plan to liberate the country's law regarding abortion.
2010The US Defense Department confessed to buying about 10,000 copies of a memoir by the US Army Reserve Officer Anthony Shafar, later destroyed them in an attempt to destroy secret information.
2010Scotland aid worker Linda Norgrove and three Afghan colleagues were abducted by members of the Taliban in Kunar province of Afghanistan.
2011After gathering in the building of Auckland University, 300 students protested against increasing the student tuition fees.
2012Trade unions in Greece called for a general strike to protest against continuing penance measures.
2013An agreement has been signed between the US and Russia to prepare the United Nations Security Council proposal to eliminate chemical weapons in Syria.
2014As the Ebola epidemic spreads, the World Health Organization (WHO) has requested the Ebola vaccine dose from the glaxosomithkline (Glaxo); The company offered the vaccine to WHO in March, but the proposal was rejected as the human tests of the vaccine were not yet done.

Important Historical Events of 26 September in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1820The famous Indian social reformer, educationist and freedom fighter Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was born. He was one of the pillars of the Renaissance of Bengal. It was due to his high scholarly scholarship that he was given the title of Vidasagar.
1932Manmohan Singh, the 13th Prime Minister of the country, was born in a village in the Punjab province of undivided India.
1932Mahatma Gandhi admitted to breaking his fast after 6 days and 5 o'clock. It is after the British government approved the agreement plan on the privileges of Indian untouchables, "Shudras" in the legislative elections.

Important Days of 26 September National & International Days 🏁

World Silent Deaf DayInternational Day
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear WeaponsInternational Day
World Environmental Health DayInternational Day
International Day For The Complete Elimination Of Nuclear WeaponsInternational Day
International Red Panda DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 26 September 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1932Dr Manmohan Singh / Politician / India
1820Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar / Painter / India
1876Ghulam Bhik Nairang / Poet / India
1921Joginder Singh Sahnan / Soldier / India
1923Dev Anand / Actor / India
1931Vijay Manjrekar / Cricketer / India
1932Dr. Manmohan Singh / Economist / India
1932Manmohan Singh / Politician / India
1962Archana Puran Singh / Actress / India
1962Chunky Pandey / Actor / India
1987Anjali Patil / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 26 september 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Tue 13 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  21971
  Post Category :  History of September