According to Gregory calendar, on April 28, the day number in a year is 118 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 119. April 28 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 28 April in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1253A Japanese monk, Nikiran, first exposed the name Mioho Rageko and declared it the essence of Buddhism, being the origin of Buddhism.
1253Nikinon, a Japanese monk Nikinon? Range Q for the first time and declared it as the essence of Buddhism, in influence Nicaren found Buddhism.
1611One of the oldest universities in Santo Tomas, Asia in Manila and one of the largest Catholic communities in the world was established in terms of enrollment.
1740Maratha ruler Peshwa Bajirao I passed away.
1788Mary Land became the seventh state to ratify the US Constitution.
1788Maryland ratified the United States Constitution and the seventh U.S. The state was created.
1789About 1,300 miles west of Tahiti, Fletcher Christian, the mastermate's partner at the Royal Navy ship HMAV Bounty, led the rebellion against Theceip Commander William Bleig.
1847George b Vation became the first black citizen to go to New York court in the United States.
1851Santa Clara College was founded in Santa Clara, California.
1855The first Veterinary College in the US was incorporated in Boston.
1883The first seven tournaments were played at Melrose RFC, Scotland.
1887A week after the Prussia Secret Police was arrested, the Alsatian Police Inspector Guelume Shanbele was released on the orders of German Emperor William I, postponing a possible war.
1910In England, a pilot named Claude Graham White flew the aircraft for the first time at night.
1910French man Louis Pahan won the air race from London to Manchester in the first long -range airplane race in England.
1914In the US, a coal mine accident in the Essels area of ​​West Virginia killed 181 people.
1923London's Vambali Stadium, then known as the Empire Stadium, was first closed to the public and held a 1923 FA Cup Finalbatten Bolton Wanderers and West Ham United Football Clubs.
1932It was announced to develop yellow fever vaccine for humans.
1935The underground metro train started in Russia's capital Moscow.
1944During World War II, exercise tiger, large-scale rehearsal for Normandi's invasion, German S-boats attacked a convoy of friendly countries, killing 946 US troops.
1949The former first woman from the Philippines, Arora Cuzon, her grandson, and ten bistanders were assassinated by the Filipin Communist Party military team.
1952The Republic of Japan and the Republic of China signed the Treaty of Taipes immediately to end the Second China-Japanese War, seven years after fighting, the struggle ended due to World War II.
1952Japan and China signed the Treaty of Taipei to officially eliminate the Second China-Japanese War, seven years after fighting that struggle due to World War II.
1965Four days after the Dominican civil war began, the United States attacked the country, which was aimed at aimed at the possible second cubic revolution by Lindon Johnson.
1975Cao Van Vioak, head of South Vietnamese army, escaped due to the shutdown of North Vietnamese at Sigon.
1992Birth of Kannada language litterateur Vinayak Krishna Gokak awarded with Jnanpith Award.
1993Carlo Champion forms the Italian government with former communists.
1993The Zambian aircraft crashes at Lambville, Gabon, 30 football players die.
1994Former CIA intelligence officer and analyst Aldrichames convicted the Soviet Union and later Russia for telling American mystery.
1994Former CIA counterpart officer and analyst Aldrich AIMSLED convicted the Soviet Union and later Russia for calling them American mystery.
1995103 people killed due to gas explosion in metro in South Keria.
1995Gas explosion in South Korean Metro, 103 killed
1995Crashed in BAE748 Paleli, Sri Lanka, 52 killed
2001American businessman Dennis Anthony became the first space tourist.
2001Dennis Tito became the world's first fee to be a space tourist to pay the Russian Soyuz TM -32 spacecraft in the International Spacecraft.
2002The Booker Prize was renamed the Man Prize for Fiction.
2003Employee Safety and Health Day was observed all over the world, the same day workers who were killed during work are also remembered.
2007Australia became the world champions for the fourth time after defeating Sri Lanka.
2012In the recognition of democratic reforms, the European Union opens an office in Burma.
2012Syria accused United Nations Secretary Ban Qin-Moon of 'encouraging attack on the government'.
2013The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China is called after a floral of Chinese ships near the disputed Senkaku islands by the Japanese government.
2014Microsoft identifies a safety issue in the Internet Explorer that may allow hackers to take control of individual computers using a browser; The blame affects 6 to 11 versions of the software.
2014Dubai International Airport defeated London Heathro Airport as the world's busiest international airport in the first quarter of this year; Dubai Airport is expected to maintain this situation after the completion of a series of expansion projects.
2014Facebook announced the first quarter profits of $ 642 million, a factor of more than 3 profits in the first quarter in 2013, resulting in an earning of 17 cents per share per share by Wall Street.

Important Historical Events of 28 April in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
2008The Indian Space Research Organization created a new history with PSLV-C9.

Important Days of 28 April National & International Days 🏁

International Girls in ICT Day [ITU]International Day
World Day for Safety and Health at WorkInternational Day
International Girls in ICT DayInternational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 28 April 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1929Bhanu Athaiya / Director / India
1928Krishnaswamy Sundarji / Soldier / India
1929Bhanu Athaiya / Director / India
1929Bhanu Athaiya / Fashion Designer / India

See full list of famous people born on 28 april 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 15 Jan 2023
  Post Views :  11399
  Post Category :  History of April