According to Gregory calendar, on June 28, the day number in a year is 180 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 181. June 28 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 28 June in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1098The fighters of the First Crusade defeated Mosul's Karboga. Karboga was the first time during the crusade and was famous as a soldier. He was a Turk that credited his success for his military talent
1461Edward IV is crowned the king of England. Edward IV was the king of England until his death in 1483. He was the first Yorchist King of England. The first half of his rule was associated with violence associated with the wars of Roses, but he overcame the Lancaster's challenge to the throne in Tenkesbari in 1471 until he suddenly died.
1519Charles V has been elected the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Charles V was the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire since 1519 and as Charles I of the Spanish Empire since 1516, in favor of his younger brother Ferdinand I. The voluntary Roman emperor and his son Philip II till the voluntary stance in favor of his younger brother Ferdinand I. in the form of.
1651The battle of Beresko began between Poland and Ukraine. It was a Battle of a Kosec Rebellion in Ukraine after the end of the two-year tragedy in 1648–1657. The fight was fought for three days from 28 to 30 June 1651, in the south of the hill plain of the Stire River, in the province of Volhinia.
1651Khmelnytsky rebellion- Zaporozhian cossacks began to struggle to the forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the battle of Bestestechko in the Volhynia region of the current Ukraine.
1748More than 200 people died in the riots in Amsterdam against the public hanging of two people.
1776American revolutionary war-south Carolina Milicia tried to attack Charleston.
1776American Revolutionary War: South Carolina Milicia canceled the British attack on Charlston.
1795The French government announced that the heir to the French throne died of illness (many people doubt this statement)
1820Tomatoes proved to be non-toxic.
1820Tomato has been proven to be a non-poisonous vegetable.
1838Queen Victoria was crowned at Westminster Abbey, London.
1838Queen Victoria of Britain was crowned at Westminster Abbey in London.
1841Gisle, a ballet of French musician Adolf Adam, was ranked first in Paris Theater Day L 'Akademi Royale de Musk.
1846Belgian shehnai player Adolf Sachs found a patent for saxophone.
1880Police caught the Australian bank robber and cultural icon Nedkeli after a gun battle at Glenorovan, Victoria.
1882The Anglo-French convention of 1882 marks regional boundaries between Guinea and Sierra Leone. The treaty was confirmed by the treaty and the boundaries of the treaty between Guinea and Sierra Leone around Fetherown. However, it was never completely certified by the French Chamber of Deputy, although it was officially recognized by the British Foreign Office.
1883The first European central electric power station was inaugurated in Milan, Italy.
1884The Norwegian Association for the Rights of Women was established.
1895The United States Court of Private Land Claim ruled that James Revisis claimed 18,600 square miles (48,000 km2) in-day Erizona and New Mexico claimed that 'was completely imaginary and insidious'.
1895The Central American Union of El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua was formed.
1914The assassination of Austria's Archduk Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenburg, (a painting of Ferdinand -stained) was performed by the nationalist Gavarilo Principal of Yugoslav during Sarajevo, during the outbreak of World War I, during the Sarajevo.
1919The Treaty of Versay, which ends the war situation between Germany and the Allies, has been signed. The Treaty of Versay was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. This ended the battle situation between Germany and Germany. Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the murder of Arcadeuk Franz Ferdinand. Other central powers on the German side of the First World War were dealt with in different treaties.
1919The First World War ended with the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty.
1921The country's 9th Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao was born.
1922The Irish Civil War started with an attack on the Four Courts Building by the Irish Free State National Army, which was captured by the Anti-tree Irish Republican Army.
1926The Mercedes-Benz was formed by Gotlib Damler and Carl Benz combining two of their companies. Carl Frederick Benz was a German engine designer and engineer, usually considered the inventor of the first automobile operated by the internal combustion engine. Gotlib Wilhelme Daimler was an engineer, industrial designer and industrialist.
1926Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz combined companies to form Mercedes-Benz.
1942Second World War: Nazi Germany started its strategic summer invasion against the Soviet Union, named Case Blue. The Red Army seems to stop the invincible German army in the battle of unusually harsh winter aided Moscow. The battle of Stalingrad, which lasted from the end of 1942 to the early 1943, gave a serious blow to the Germans, causing them to never fully recover and became a significant turn in the war.
1942Second World War-German Vehramach launched the case blue, began aggressive summer to drive the Soviet Union out of Alwar.
1950Korean War: Sol was captured by North Korean soldiers. The Korean War in the North Korean War was the war between the North and South Korea, in which the United States led by the United States fought for the South, and China fought for the North, which was also supported by the Soviet Union. Was done
1952South Africa leader Nelson Mandela was jailed for the first time.
1956Workers seeking better situation staged a massive protest in Pona, Poland, but the next day 400 tanks and Polish People's Army and 000 soldiers of internal security core were violent suppression.
1965The first commercial satellite Early Bird Intelsat I) started a communication service.
1969In response to a police raid in Stonewell Inn in New York City, groups of gay and transgender people began rioting against police officers in New York City, which was a watershed incident for homosexuality movement worldwide.
1972US President Richard Nixon announced that no new format would be sent to Vietnam.
1976The first woman entered the US Air Force Academy.
1981Three prominent officials of the Islamic Republican Party of Iran were killed when the party's headquarters in Tehran was exploded.
1981China opened the road to Kailash and Mansarovar.
1989Serbia President Slobodan Milaoevich gave a speech in which he described the possibility of 'armed fight' in the future of national development of Serbia.
2004The coalition was dissolved after handing over the rule of Iraq to the Iraqi interim government.
2005In Afghanistan, the war-3 US Navy Navy Seal and 16 American Special Campaign forces soldiers were killed during a failed retaliation in Kunar province of Afghanistan.
2007Apple's first smartphone known as iPhone came on the market.
2009Honduran's President Manual Zelaya was removed by local military forces, so that he could serve a second term after his efforts to hold a referendum to change the Honduran constitution.
2012A series of bomb blasts in Iraq left 14 dead and 50 injured.

Important Historical Events of 28 June in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1838The coronation of the queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Victoria was the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland until his death. From 1 May 1876, she used the additional title of the Queen of India.

Famous People's Birthdays on 28 June 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1921P. V. Narasimha Rao / Politician / India
1921Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Rao / Politician / India
1961Raj Kanwar / Director / India
1990Jasmin Bhasin / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 28 june 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Wed 21 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  11461
  Post Category :  History of June