According to Gregory calendar, on November 29, the day number in a year is 333 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 334. November 29 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.
Important Historical Events of 29 November in the World ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1516 | France and Switzerland signed Freiburg's peace deal. |
1549 | After the death of Pope Paul III, a Pope Conclave with an unprecedented number of cardinal directors to determine the Phaseal successor. |
1745 | Bonnie Prince Charlie's army arrived in Manchester and captured Carlisle. |
1759 | Delhi's Emperor Alamgir II murdered |
1760 | French commandant Bellere surrendered Detroit to Major R. Rogers. |
1775 | Sir James J invented invisible ink. |
1776 | The American revolutionary war-british reinforcement brought a proposal for the Patriot attempt to capture Fort Cumbland in Nova Scotia. |
1777 | L. Pueblo de San Jose de Guadalupe, the first civil disposal, which was the Spanish colonial colonea of Alta California, was established as a farming community. |
1781 | The crew of crowded British slave ship Zong threw 133 African slaves into the sea to claim insurance. |
1782 | Britain recognized American independence. |
1807 | The Portuguese Queen María and Court are bound for Brazil on Lisbon, Rio de Janeiro became the Portuguese capital. |
1830 | November rebellion against Poland's rule started in Poland. |
1847 | About a dozen people were killed by the Oregon Missionaries Marcus and Narcisa Whitman by spewing the Cusecators and Umatla natives by American tribes. |
1854 | The Eureka Flag was hoisted for the first time during the EurkeastockD rebellion in Australia. |
1870 | Essential education came into force in Britain. |
1877 | The inventor Thomas Alva Edison exhibited his phonograph for the first time. |
1890 | Japan's diet (depicted in the session), German Requestag and the Britishwestminster system began a bilateral legislature, which was first met for the first time after the Meiji Constitution came under influence. |
1899 | FC Barcelona Football Club Association was established. |
1899 | FC Barcelona, is one of the most successful clubs of Spanishfootball, founded by Swiss football leading Zone Gamper. |
1899 | Spanish football club FC Barcelona was formed. |
1932 | The Soviet Union and France tried not to attack each other. |
1947 | The United Nations General Assembly voted for Palestine to resolve the Arab-Israeli struggle in the British mandate of Palestine for Palestine, to approve the plan to separate the Jews and Arab states. |
1949 | An explosion in a uranium mine in East Germany killed 3700 people. |
1963 | Five minutes after the takeoff from Montreal, the Trans-Canada airline flight 831 crashed, killing all 118 people. |
1963 | A Canadian jet crashed within minutes after taking off. All 118 people died in this plane crash. |
1972 | Attari released the pong (screenshot painted), which is one of the first UnderviO games to gain widespread popularity in Arcade and Homcon console markets. |
1972 | Attari released Pong, one of the first video games to gain popularity in Arcade and Home Console markets. |
1973 | 104 people were killed in a fire at a Taiyo department store in Kyushu, Kumamoto City, Japan. |
1977 | Pakistan batsman Younis Khan was born. He has 9666 runs in 111 Tests with 33 centuries. He scored 7249 runs in 265 ODIs. |
1987 | The Korean Air Flight 858 exploded over the Andaman Sea when two Korean agents left a time bomb in the overhead compartment, killing 115 people. |
1993 | Industrialist Jahangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata died. |
2005 | The new Croatian Communist Party was founded in Vukovar. |
2005 | The Lesotho government provides free HIV tests to all its citizens. With the aim of preventing and bringing back the spread of AIDS, it is considered the first program of its kind in the world. |
2006 | Last Saturday, in the first round of Bahrain's parliamentary elections, Islamists won a large number of seats, through rumors that Shia opposition party, al -Wafak leader, would join the government in the cabinet reshuffle. |
2007 | President George W. Bush welcomed Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, urged him to remove emergency rule. |
2007 | Philippine troops led by Senator Antonio Trillion for the 2003 Oakwood Mutin tested for testing Filippine Antonio Trillion seized a rebellion and temporarily secluded room at The Peninsula Manila Hotel. |
2008 | Hundreds of people were reported to have been killed in Central Nigeria city of Jose after a clash of Christians and Muslims on the result of a local election. |
2009 | Nepal announced that it would hold a cabinet meeting on Mount Everest to highlight the impact of global warming on the glacier. |
2010 | The Gay and Lesbian alliance of David Kuria of Kenya criticized Kenai Prime Minister Rela Oiding after announcing the adjacent arrest of the country's homosexuals. |
2011 | A new Russian anti-mesile pre-warning facility equipped with Voronish-DM radar opens in Kaliningrad Oblast. |
2012 | Train services in the channel tunnel are suspended after the French fire from the French side. All the people present in the train were evacuated safely, two hours later traffic was resumed. |
2012 | The United Nations General Assembly gave Palestine the status of non-member observer state. |
2013 | An unknown number of people have been killed as a result of a police helicopter crashed in a crowded pub on the northern bank of the Clide River in Glasgow, Scotland. |
2014 | For a popular movement, the Sangh chose former French President Nicolas Sarkozy as a party leader. |
Important Historical Events of 29 November in India ⚡
Event Year | Incident/Event |
1729 | Natched Indians suddenly revolted against the French colonists, who were near Natashez-Day in America's Mississippi, killing more than 240 people. |
1864 | American Indian Wars-700-Colorado Territory militia attacked a village in Cheyene and Arapaho, killing 133 Cheyen and Arafao men, women and children. |
1961 | Yuri Gagarin, the world's first astronaut, came to India. |
1970 | Haryana became the first Indian state to achieve hundred percent rural electrification. |
1989 | The then Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi resigned. |
Important Days of 29 November National & International Days 🏁
Day/Observance | Level |
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People | International Day |
International Jaguar Day | International Day |
Famous People's Birthdays on 29 November 😀
Birth Year | Name/Category/Country |
1935 | Gurbachan Singh Salaria / Soldier / India |
1963 | Lalit Modi / Business Man / India |
1989 | Chitrashi Rawat / Actress / India |
See full list of famous people born on 29 november 🔗
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