According to Gregory calendar, on August 30, the day number in a year is 242 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 243. August 30 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 30 August in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1569Sultan Salim Mirza alias Jahangir, the eldest son of Mughal emperor Akbar and heir to the throne was born.
1574Guru Ram Das became the fourth Guru of the Sikhs.
1659Dara Shikoh was hanged by Aurangzeb.
1721The North Sea War ended with Russian / Swedish peace.
1799The Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland-A squadron Ang-Batavian Republic surrendered to the royal navy without a fight near Wirringan.
1806New York City's second daily newspaper 'Daily Advertiser' was last published in America.
1813Creek War-e for the Force of Kreex, which belonged to the red stick, killed hundreds of shelters at Fort Mims in Alabama.
1835The city of Melbourne was found by European settlers landing on the northern bank of the Yar River in southern Australia.
1835Yaru Riverin landed the city of Melbourne (painted Parliamenthouse).
1836Real estate entrepreneurs John Kirby Ellen and Augustus Chapmanlain founded the city of Houston on the ground near the coast of Buffalo Bayo in the present Texas.
1836The city of Houston, Texas was founded.
1836The city of Melbourne was founded.
1856Battle of Osawatomy: ProSlavari forces defeated the Antislavery Force in Bleeding Kansas.
1861John Fremons proposed to free the slaves of the Missouri rebels.
1862Confederated forces won both in American citizen war-different works, the Battle of Richmond in Kentki and the second battle of Bull Run in Prince William County, Virginia.
1889The Royal Mail Mount Pleasant Shorting Office was officially inaugurated in London.
1895In Belgium, Roman Catholic education was compulsory.
1896In the Battle of the Philippine Revolution-San Juan del Monte, the actual battle of war, a Catipanon force temporarily captured the magazine before being beaten back by Spanish Garison.
1909American fossilist Charles Walcott discovered Bargessel, one of the world's most famous fossil regions (Marrala fossil) in Rockies, Canada in British Columbia.
1911Sir William Ramsay predicts that Britain's coal supply will end by 2086
1914First World War- Tennberg's battle resulted in almost incomplete destruction of the Russian II Army by German Eiiiarmy.
1918Fanny Coupon shot and injured Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, helping to spread red terror in the future Soviet Union, a repressive socialist-revolutionary party member and other political opponents.
1935An initiative of President Roosevelt, the Wealth Tax Act imposed more taxes on rich citizens and big businesses, reducing taxes on small businesses.
1936Freedom fighter Bhikaji Cama died.
1942The Second World War Irwin Romell began the final leading axis of the Western Desert Campaign, which attacks the position of the British eighth Army near El Alamin of Egypt.
1945At the end of the second world war, the Allied Military Control Council was established over Germany.
1959The title of Indonesia's national hero was first awarded to writer-cum-politics Abdul Muis.
1976More than two hundred policemen were injured in the rioting at Notting Hill Carnival.
1984Space Shuttle Discovery flew on his first trip.
1984The spacecraft 'Discovery' took off for the first time.
1995Bosnian war-drain started its bombing campaign against Armyoff Rape Sripaska in Bosnia and Herjegovina.
2001The new Euro currency is introduced in Frankfurt, Germany, before its formal start, which is to be next year.
2002Conoco Inc. and Philips Petroleum merged to form ConocoPhillips. It was the third largest integrated energy company in America and the second largest refining company.
2006The Mars Recinance Orbiter has effectively eliminated aero-breaking, and an Sun on Mars is getting ready to enter the synchronized science orbit.
2007Former Pakistan Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, claims that he will return from Pakistan after winning a case in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
2009Al Qaeda Saudi Rajkumar accepts responsibility for the attempt to kill Muhammad bin Nayaf.
2010Concern has been reported about 500 women who have disappeared on the disappearance of Canada on International Day.
2011Grouzney, the capital of the Republic of Russia, was killed and 20 injured in three suicide blasts.
2012The Oil Company owned by the state of Permex, Mexico, in the northern state of Tamulipas, finds a large crude oil accumulation; The deposit may include at least 250 - 400 million barrels of oil.
2013In Greenland, more than 800 km long valley is discovered up to 800 meters at different places under the snow sheet in the country; The valley is longer than Arizona's Grand Canian; It was carved by a river four million years ago.
2014Prime Minister Tom Thabane of the South African country of Lesotho fled to South Africa following alleged coup attempts by the military.

Important Historical Events of 30 August in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1928The Independence of India League was established in India.
2008An Indian Army boat, who came in 2008, killed less than 25 people.
2013India's first defense satellite GSAT-7 was launched from French Guiana in South America.

Important Days of 30 August National & International Days 🏁

International Small Industry DayInternational Day
International Day of the Victims of Enforced DisappearancesInternational Day
International Whale Shark DayInternational Day
National Small Industry DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 30 August 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1895Sardar Hukam Singh / Politician / India
1903Bhagwati Charan Verma / Author / India
1903Bhagwati Charan Verma / Writer / India
1916Shailendra / Writer / India
1918Binayak Acharya / Politician / India
1936Jamuna / Actor / India
1954Ravi Shankar Prasad / Politician / India
1976Chitrangada Singh / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 30 august 🔗

This day in other months 📅

  Last update :  Sun 11 Jun 2023
  Post Views :  15508
  Post Category :  History of August