According to Gregory calendar, on June 30, the day number in a year is 181 and if it is a leap year then the day number is 182. June 30 has a special significance in India and world history, because many such incidents have occurred on this day which have been recorded forever in the pages of history. Let's know some such important events which will increase your general knowledge. The facts collected will be as follows: People born on this day, demise of famous people, war treaty, freedom of any country, invention of new technologies, change of power, important National and International Day etc.

Important Historical Events of 30 June in the World ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1559During a evicted match, Gabriel Montgomery of Garde Acossaise injured King Henry II of France, piercing him with his lance.
1651Khmelnytsky rebellion-Ukrainian cossacks and their crimeantatar colleagues were destroyed by the Battle of Bereschko by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Army, perhaps the largest land fight in the 17th century.
1700Started the Gregorian calendar in Gelderland.
1737Russo-Turkish War, 1735–1739: According to Field Marshal Munich the Russian army sacked the Ottoman stronghold of Okkov and 4,000 Turks were imprisoned.
1755The Philippines closed all non-Catholic Chinese restaurants.
1758The Domstatal War of the Seven Years War began.
1853Georges-Eugène Haasman was chosen as the priority of the Sen. department) to initiate the rebirth of Paris.
1855The Santhals of Rajmahal Hills, Santhal-Pargana, Bihar started their agitation against the sick behavior by the British, Revenue officials, police, landlords and moneylenders under the leadership of Indus and Kanhu in the Bhorenheji of Bengali.
1859The French Acrobat Charles Blondin crossed the Niagara Gorge on Atragropay, turning one of the world's most famous criteria.
1859Comstock silver laud was discovered in Nevada.
1860Seven months after Charles Darwin's publication of the on Origin of Species, several major British scientists and philosophers participated in a development debate at Oxford University Museum Oxford, England.
1860A historical debate about development was held at the Oxford University Museum.
1870Ada became the first woman to pass her graduation exam from Capele Law College.
1876Serbia declared war with Turkey.
1882US President's assassin Charles J. Guiteu was hanged in Washington DC.
1886Royal Holloway College for Women was established by Queen Victoria in England near London.
1894The Tower Bridge in London, a joint basecoal and the Assession Bridge, were opened above the Tems River.
1894The Tower Bridge in London, a joint basecoal and suspension bridge over themes, opened.
1905Albert Einstein published his article "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" and he revealed his theory of specific relativity.
1908A major explosion occurred near Podkameneya Tunguskakar in Krasnoysk Cry, Russia, knocking over 80 million trees (sample images) over 2,150 square kilometers (830 square mi).
1921Death penalty was abolished in Sweden.
1922The United States and the Republic of Dominican signed disagreement, which ended the subsequent two -year -old occupation.
193350 thousand people demonstrated in Antwerp against fascism.
1934Adolf Hitler violently purified the Sturmbetillung, its leader Ernst Roham, and other political rivals The Long Knight, killing at least 85 people.
1934The Christian dictator, Adolf Hitler, defeated opponents in his National Socialist Party.
1938The children's favorite cartoon Superman first appeared in the Comics DC Comics Action Series Part-1).
1960The US decided to stop importing sugar from Cuba.
1962 The National Organization for Women, the United States' largest feminist organization, is founded.
1962The last soldier of the French Foreign Legion left Algeria.
1963A car bomb, intended for mafia boss Salvatore Greek, killed Satpulis and military officials near Palermo.
1971The Soviet Soyuz 11 spacecraft faced an uncontrolled encroachment during preparations to protect the universe, causing cosmonots Vladislav Volkov, Georgian Dobrovolski and Victor Patsev - the sole inhuman death in space.
1972The first leap second is added to the UTC time system. A leap second is a second adjustment that is sometimes applied to coordinated universal time (UTC) so that its day's time remains close to average solar time or UT1. Without such improvement, the time of the Earth's rotation is considered because the atom goes away from time to time due to irregularities in the rate of rotation of the Earth.
1972The International Time Bureau added the first jump to the second scholar universal time.
1974In Baltimore, Maryland, municipal employees went on strike demanding high wages and better circumstances.
1984John Turner becomes the 17th Prime Minister of Canada
1987The Royal Canadian mint introduced the Canadian one-dollar currency, usually known as Luni.
1990East Germany and West Germany merged their economies. The German revaluation was the 1990 process in which the German Democratic Republic joined the Federal Republic of Germany to re -form the United Nations of Germany, and when Berlin re -joined the same city. The end of the integration process is officially known as German unity.
1990East and West Germany merged their economies.
1997British rule ended in Hong Kong.
2000US President Bill Clinton legalized digital signatures in the US.
2005Spain legalized gay marriage.
2005Gay marriage was legalized in Spain.
2007In an attempt to attack a terrorist, a car -laden car entered the terminal of the Glasgion International Airport in Scotland and set it on fire.
2012Mohammed Mursi became the President of Egypt.

Important Historical Events of 30 June in India ⚡

Event YearIncident/Event
1914Mahatma Gandhi arrested for the first time during the promotion of rights in South Africa. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a prominent leader of the Indian independence movement in British -ruled India. While working as a non -violent citizen disobedience, Gandhi inspired India to freedom and inspired the movements for civil rights and freedom around the world.
1914Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, was arrested for the first time while agitating for the rights of Indians in South Africa.
1917Dadabhai Naoroji, great Indian, patriot and one of the founders of Indian National Congress, politicians and businessmen, died at the age of 92. Dadabhai Naoroji is known as India's Grand Old Man, he was a full intellectual, teacher, cotton. Businessman, and an early Indian political and social leader. He was a member of the Parliament (MP) at the United Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895, and was the first Asian to become a British MP.
1947After the declaration of the partition of India, the members of the Boundary Commission for the partition of Bengal and Punjab were announced.
1965The ceasefire was agreed between India and Pakistan under the aegis of the United Nations, who signed the treaty to stop the war in the battle of Kutch. The United States and the Soviet Union used important diplomatic means to prevent any further growth in the conflict between two South Asian countries. The Soviet Union led by Premier Alexi Koshyin hosted a ceasefire talks in Tashkent (now in Uzbekistan), where Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistani President Ayub Khan signed the Tashkent Agreement.
1968Famous journalist and litterateur Makhanlal Chaturvedi passed away. Pandit Makhanlal Chaturvedi, also known as Panditji, was an Indian poet, writer, essayist, playwright and a journalist who especially in India's national struggle for freedom and his participation in the national struggle of India and the neo-romantism movement of Hindi literature in Chhawad Remember for contribution. In 1955, he was awarded the first Sahitya Akademi Award in Hindi for Tarini for his work.
1981President's rule imposed in Assam. President's rule refers to Article 356 of the Constitution of India which relates to the failure of the constitutional machinery of an Indian state. In the event that the government in a state is not able to function according to the constitution, the state comes under the direct control of the Central Government, instead of the Executive Authority, it is used through the Governor instead of the Council of Ministers headed by an elected Chief Minister. For the State Legislature.
1986Mizoram became the state of India. Mizoram is one of the states of North Eastern India, which is in the form of Aizol, the capital. The name is derived from Mi (people), ZO (relationship with the people of Mizoram / Lushai Hills) and Ram (land), and thus Mizoram means "the land of the hill".
2000The Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council adopts a resolution for separation from Jammu and Kashmir. The Council was formed under the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council Act 1995, after the demand to make Leh district a new Indian union territory due to religious and cultural differences with the rest of Jammu and Kashmir.
2009Schoolgirl Bahia goat was the only survivor when Yemenia Flight 626 crashed in the Indian Ocean in which 152 people were killed.

Important Days of 30 June National & International Days 🏁

Hool Revolution DayNational Day
International Asteroid DayInternational Day
International Day of ParliamentarismInternational Day
Congo Democratic Republic of the Independence DayNational Day

Famous People's Birthdays on 30 June 😀

Birth YearName/Category/Country
1934C. N. R. Rao / Scientist / India
1943Saeed Akhtar Mirza / Writer / India
1969Afzal Guru / Terrorist / India
1997Avika Gor / Actress / India

See full list of famous people born on 30 june 🔗

This day in other months 📅

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  Post Category :  History of June